Alfa Romeo enthusiasm



I was very pleased to read last month’s letters from readers on the pleasures of Alfa Romeo motoring, particularly in the earlier models. The Giulietta was introduced in 1954 and yet still makes British production sports cars seem the fancy-dress versions of dull family saloons which most of them are. I hope more Alfa owners will be writing about the satisfaction these cars give when properly driven and maintained, and I would like to make all Alfa-owning Motor Sport readers aware of the existence of the Alfa Romeo Owners’ Club which has hundreds of members owning and enjoying Alfas old and new. The suggestion that owners of new Alfas are too snobbish to exchange a flash of headlights with the earlier models is largely unfounded. More often the closing speed of around 300 k.p.h. does not allow time for the exchange of greetings! Meetings of the AROC provide excellent opportunities to compare and contrast the wide range of models which Alfa Romeo have produced and there is no lack of interest in the earlier cars among owners of the latest models. Details of the Club are obtainable from the Secretary, 27 Goffs Park Road, Crawley, Sussex.

G. L. SWEETEN, Alfa Romeo OC. – Coventry