” We revert to a much earlier topic . .. the immeasurable debt that the whole vintage and veteran movement Owes to . . Dunlops. On two occasions in the last three years this writer has met some senior executives of Dunlops and has made sure they know that this deht is acknowledged and that wherever possible modern Dunlop covers are fitted to the Editor’s hack transport. This Editor was cheered beyond measure the other day, when having a business lunch with another tyre manufacturer, to be told that this man has tried to get one of Our Section members to fit his tyres to a firm’s fleet and a modern car, only to be told that without Dunlops he would have no hobby and as far as he is concerned, it is Dunlops all the time.”—Extract from an Editorial in the Chain Gong Gazette, whereby the Frazer Nash Section of the V.S.C.-C. pays tribute to Dunlop’s interest in making tyres of obsolete sizes.

” It is reported that, the two Railtons advertised in were in a very sorry state. The saloon was expensive at £85, whilst the TR tourer at 1:400 was a mass of corrosion, with parts missing, instruments broken, etc. The enquirer was informed that it would be worth A;2,000(!) when restored.”—The Railton O.C. taking its stand, in the August issue of its 5fonthly Bulletin against the absurd prices so Often quoted for old cars.