
VETERAN EDWARDIAN VINTAGE A Section Devoted to Old-Car Matters

GRAND FINALE AT CASTLE COMBE TO 1967 V.S.C.C. RACING SEASON C. T. Rogers (1(67o A.G. Special) Wins MOTOR SPORT Brooklands Memorial Trophy

PERFECT weather, splendid racing, made the Castle Combe Meeting on September 16th memorable. Kain (Type 35B Bugatti) had the lead beforehand in the MOTOR SpoRT Brooklands Memorial Trophy Contest but lost it during the afternoon by 3 points to Rogers. To win the Trophy he had to finish at least as high as third place in the last race, B 5-lap Handicap. From scratch Kain mopped up the field, lapping at 84.27 m.p.h., but he failed by half-a-length (officially 0.2 sec.) to catch St. John’s Type 35B Bugatti (25 sec. start) for third place. The race was won by Marsh’s E.R.A. (x5 sec. start), from Barr’s 4.3 Alvis (30 sec. start), who was lucky not to be re-handicapped. So Rogers took the Trophy and ,C75 prize with 55 points, his 16/70 A.C. Special evolved from a burnt-out standard 1938 model running up to 6,000 r.p.m.; it was on Regent petrol and uses Duckhams oil.

The Trophy was presented by Mrs. W. noddy, who afterwards went for a lap of the course in the A.C. Kain was second with 52 points (E50 prize), his Bugatti on Dunlops at the front, 6.70 x16 Avon Turbospeed Mk. 3 tyres on its back wheels. Harold Barr’s /937 4.3-litre Alvis Special was third, with 49 points (L25 prize). The Contest made a most exciting finish to the 1967 V.S.C.C. racing season. • • • The rz-lap Allcomers’ Scratch Race suffered from non-runners, Spero’s Maserati engine being still in Italy, Bergel’s having piston trouble, while Brewer’s 0.1′. Aston Martin, his second, bronze-hued car, had dropped a valve insert, and Millais’ Type 59 Bugatti had brake and clutch troubles, etc. Le Sage’s 1958 Lotus led all the way, to an easy victory, so a new era of historic racing has arrived. Lindsay started badly in his black 2501″ Maserati and retired on lap .5 with minimal performance. Balmer’s Cooper-Bristol was second for five laps, then 130orer’s Lotus passed. That held to the finish. with Pilkington’s Cooper-Bristol fourth and Morris leading the pre-war ears

in the E.R.A. ” Ilanornan II.” Wilk’ inevitable had luck persisted, his lap-2 retirement being due to a broken crown wheel on the Lotus.

In the absence of Moores, whose Austin had thrown a rod, Clarke ran away with the 8-lap Spero and Voiturette Trophies Race, in his very quick Ulster-bodied Austin 7. The placemen were Sutton (Austin) and Ely ‘Riley). Charmian May drove thc Phoenix-G.N. very competently. It was towed home behind the 1926 Frazer Nash. The other races were 5-lap Handicaps. Elliot-Pyles T.T. I lyper Lea-Francis, sounding very fit, won the first comfortably from Mrs. Chcrrett’s 1750 Alfa Romeo and Flitcroft’s Riley, blown cars in the first two places, the Alfa making fastest lap, — — — -—

at 67.18 m.p.h. The Light Car section went to Bell’s 10/23 Talbot. Blight’s Talbat 105 (GO 52) came snakily through from the 30-see. mark to clinch the next race, with Rogers second, both arms raised in jubilation as he crossed the line with extra Brooklands Trophy points. Hill’s 1930 Silver Eagle Alvis was a convincing third. Cobb lost the 2nd-speed chain from his Frazer Nash before the start and soon retired. A good entry of Edwardians joined in the next racz, Barker starting his 1908 Napier by first kicking it and then Switching on. Samuelson started backwards in the T.T. Sunbeam! The 21-litre Metallurgique had a tricky clutch. Cole’s beautiful s.v. Aston-Martin looked like winning until swamped on the final lap, the 1912/13 13rixia Zust, back from an Italian tour, with a credit lap start, Joseland’s 0.14.-F.N. and Boyce’s Frazer Nash finishing t, 2, 3. The Metallurgique was fastest Edwardian, averaging 63.99 m.p.h., Milner’s 30/98 Vauxhall retired, Moss’ original 2-litre Aston Martin was very slow, perhaps because it had been rebuilt only 700 miles earlier, and an interesting car Was Mather’s [934/6 Frazer Nash. thought to have been raced prewar. which has a K3 M.G. frame with 1-elliptic rear springs, RN, chain transmission, and now has a standard A.C. Six engine. Barr’s Alvis caught Quartermaine’s 30/98 Vauxhall and McEwen’s Riley half-a-lap from home to win the fifth race. Kain, who lapped at 83.22 m.p.h., finishing fifth, close behind St. John’s Bugatti, cured of recent Magneto trouble. Hush—thz Talbot had to be towed in. . . . The next 5-lapper saw Clutton’s Type 43 Bugatti catch Dick Smith’s Frazer Nash, on the run home, Gilbert’s

Smith’s Frazer Nash, on the run home, Gilbert’s Type 37 Bugatti being third ancl Edwards winning a wheel-to-wheel, race-long duel with Giles’ Frazer Nash. The eighth race was as badly handicapped as most had been excellent, Ryan’s I ,agonda Rapier romping in 25.2 sec. ahead of Linsdell’s three-carburetter 0.M., which Bell’s nicelydrifting 1924 12;50 duck’s back Alvis had tailed very closely until its gear lever broke. Ely’s scratch Riley was almost lapped by the winner. Battles between Frazer Washes and Alfa Romeos characterised the ninth race but it was Dodds’ Brooklands-model Riley 9 which won, followed by Mather’s Frazer Nash, Cherrett’s Alfa Romeo and Stirling’s Frazer Nash in a tight bunch. And, finally, that very exciting last Handicap, to conclude a fine afternoon’s sport. Fun, Castle Combe in the sun!—W. 13.


A READER, Mr, C. D. Reynolds, of Sale, who says he is carrying on his grandfather’s 3-wheeler tradition by running a 1932 Morgan, has sent us some interesting documents and comments on the little-known Make of Eagle. A 1904. catalogue issued by the Eagle Engineering & Motor Co., Ltd. of Oaktield Road, Altrincham stated that they had, in the past year, made alterations and extensions to the works, so that “although there

may be larger motor workshops in the U.K., there is none better fitted for turning out work of a satisfying and perfect character.” Consequently they did not deign to quote a price for their chassis, which, before being painted. Was tested for hill climbing and braking on gradients from 1. in 12 to i in 5. The Eagle Tandem is teen to be a tubular-frame, wheel-steered tricar, with single chain-driven back wheel. The driver sat inn substantial seat, the passenger in a forecar. The Eagle Racer was a very 10w-built edition, the seat level with the top of the wheels, the single-cylinder engine and its radiator replacing the forecar. Of 9 h.p., it was said to have “made itself famous” in the Speed Trials of 1902 and was claimed to be ” the fastest officiallytimed 3-wheeled track racer.” Quite which speed trials were referred to is not apparent: The Eagle Racer, although “built to the order of a customer as a touring car,” was “a trieed machine and Can do over 80 m.p.h.” It

was a fearsome device, apparently using a V4 water-cooled engine. Then there was the Eagle Carrier, equipped with wicker baskets. and used by the G.P.O., and the Eagle Runabout, which was a singleseater version of the Tandem. In addition there were 9 h.p., x6 h.p. and 24 h.p, light cars, respectively of one, two and four cylinders, and Eagle Tonneau Cart, of the same power. Prices of complete vehicles ranged from 4150 for the 4& h.p. Tandem to 5io gns. for the 24 h.p. Tonneau. The 24 h.p. engine was a T-hcad with its four cylinders in two pairs, the valve springs exposed and the timing gears merely encased in shields. All the cars had the Eagle Patent Change Speed, which was an epicyclic transmission, while the runabouts had a 2-speed cogged friction drive

on the cOuntershafts driving to similar cog wheels on the back hub. Eventually the single-seater runabout was sold for Lunt). It had a wheelbase of 6 ft. a in., 800 Sc tyres, Renold’s chains, and was

finished in engineer’s grey, lined to match the upholstery, with tank, hubs, etc., of phosphor bronze. The carburetter was a de Dion, so the 5 h.p. engine was probably of this make. A pump merely supplemented the Cooling water in the tank, but did not circulate water through it, so this was total-loss cooling. Enough oil for about 356 miles was carried, and hills of i in 5 in low gear, i in 14 in high -par were possible, with average speeds of 27 m.p.h. on give-and-take roads, according to a brochure. The designer was Ralph Jackson, who was also responsible for the epicyclic gearbox. The Company floundered in 1907 and was wound up in 1910. Mr. Jeckson then started a garage with Mr. Reynolds’ grandfather, Mr. P. Edwards, in Broadheath, and went on making Cart, now known at New Eagle cars. The Eagle Runabout was made up 10 1919. In 1913, in an attempt to make a more saleable 4-wheeler, Jackson designed a little car with mitt:slung chapmel-section frame, using a verticaltwin two-stroke water-cooled engine, the alloy base chamber of which had integral transfer port cast into it. A plain copper-tube radiator, Senspray carburetter and chain-driven Bosch magneto were used and there was force-fed lubrication at about 30113./sq. in. pressure. A cockph-operated chain-and-yoke starter, a single-piece hinged body and both brakes located, not on the back wheels, but within the

differential box, were unique aspects of this Jackson, which had the designer’s 3-speed and reverse epicyclic gearbox in unit with the engine, and shaft drive to a worm-driven back-axle. A prototype was completed but the outbreak of war killed this proiect.

Our correspondent says that Mr. Jackson died many years ago, but that his grandfather, now So years of age, still drives every day to the garage in Broadheath where the New Eagle cars were made.

wonder if any reader owned an Eagle Tandem and its derivatives, which with tubular frame, 2-speed gear, etc., pointed the way to the later Morgan 3-wheeler ?—W. 13.

V-E-V Odds and Ends.—Frau Clara Unger, a daughter of Karl Benz, celebrated her .90th birthday in her father’s house at Ladenburg last August. At the age of 15 she was permitted to drive a horseless carriage in Mannheim and the vicinity by herself, so she has a firm claim to the title a oldest woman driver in the world. The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. of Akron has issued a colour reproduction of one of their advertisements, depicting 56 American cars from 1915 Buick to 1966 Mustang which use Goodyear tyres, inserts showing the.Goodyear All-Weather tyre of 1915 on a detachable rim and today’s Goodyear Speedway Wide-Tread tyre. Wales has yielded news of a Volseley stationary engine and a four-wheel-drive Latil tractor, in obscure sheds In Warwickshire a bull-nose Morris Oxford took a bride and bridegroom from their wedding to the reception. An Irish reader who is rebuilding a 1933 Rolls-Royce 20/25, Reg. No. AMG 144, requires information about the type of Park Ward limousine body fitted originally, as the chassis now carries a hearse body; some parts are also needed. S. C. H. Davis has sold his well-known 1897 LeonBollee, which he bought originally for 300 francs, to America, Where it will be preserved in the Indianapolis Museum.

The Motor Vehicle Dismantlers Association issues a booklet, ” Spares Market,” listing the addresses of their members, from whom spares are readily obtainable. It costs is. 6d. post free from 969, Stockport Road, Manchester, r9. Practically all the spares advertised arc now for post-war ears but we did notice a 1932 AlVis Firefly and a 440 149 Ford of the same year, also Austin 7 and Big-7 parts. Commenting on our recent article on the Ruston-Hornsby car, the Chairman of this Company is anxious to find a serpent’s head horn for the recently restored car at the works. Another Ruston-Hornsby has turned up privately in Somerset, in poor condition. It may be rebuilt, however. In reporting the very exciting V.S.C.C. Boulogne Trophy race last month we did Kain an iniustice, by saying that Burton’s Sunbeam washed Out the Bugatti’s initial advantage of having started from the front row of the grid; in fact, both cars started from the front row, so Kain’s victory was even more convincing. J. D. Abson’s Lagonda Rapier won the 1, 1,500 c.c. Sports Car Class at V.S,C.C. Prescott, in 5t.39 sec., not Motrates Bugatti as we stated. A reader asks for any information relating to the ” Double Twelve ” M.G. Midgets, in particular anything that is known about SC 9559. In Kent a garage clearing Out old material has unearthed an ancient air-cooled De Dion • Bouton engine which was taken out of a triear in 192r and was later used to drive the garage air-compressor, until it was replaced by a new Ingersol7 Rand pump. Since then, this engine, of 3-5 h.p. and perhaps of 003-5 vintage, has been unused. It is now for sale. The Leyland Car Club have taken oyer a solid-tyiod 1924 ‘Iroian formerly in the Leyland Museum and hope to run it in future rallies. Readers inform us that in Herts. a Vauxhall which may be a Vintage or earlier model has ben converted into a caravan, that an old single-decker coach,

possibly a 1926 Tilling Stevens, stands in a yard in Suffolk, that some old vehicles, including a .Sunbeam with a hearse body, has been seen in Bucks., and that a pre-war Opel with rare bodywork is for disposal in Sussex. Letters can be forwarded.

The Pirelli and General Cable Works house magazine recently contained an illustrated article about a rare Ford commercial vehicle used in the Eastleigh works from 1937, but never registered for road use. This was a Fordson Tug, with small front wheel, very prone to wobble, a Model-Y S h.p. engine, 4-speed gearbox with additional reduction gearing giving a top speed of less than 20 m.p.h. and a cab like that of a Ford Eight van of the period. Apparently about a dozen of these cnicer vehicles were made for railway station use about 1935/36 but the railways decided not to use them, ordering Scammel Horses instead, so these 3-wheeled Fordsons had no future, although instruction books and sales brochures had been printed. It seems that the steering and suspension had been hurriedly designed and that if failures occurred, as they frequently did, the little front wheel would swing round through 180″, disconcerting even at the customary top speed of 3 m.p.h. The version used by Pirelli got through three engines and had been equipped with a small platform behind the cab before being laid up. It was taken over by an enthusiast who owns a 5925 Bugatti, three Model-T Fords and a 1926 Aero Morgan, then went down to Kent and was sold to someone in Austria. Do any others still exist ?

V-E-V Miscellany.—A circa 1921 Morris-Oxford, found on an Essex farm where it had been in service until 1929, is being restored. Utilitarian old cars encountered recently include a brisk Model-B Ford saloon, a very sedate Austin 16 saloon and a vintage Austin 12/4 two-seater leaving Cbertsey very briskly. lanes Ireland turned up at the B.D.C. Silverstone Meeting in an immaculate 3-litre Bentley Vanden Plas tourer which he had just bought in Somerset.


TO keep the record straight, let us look at historic car racing at other than V.S.C.C. Meetings. At Shelsley Walsh in August, Ian Sieywright broke the record for cars of this kind in his Ferrari 625, clocking ,37.77 sec. F. E. Wall’s Type 35B Bugatti won the Vintage and P.V.T. class, in 41.47 sec.

On September 9th the B.A.R.C. Crystal Palace Meeting, sponsored by Holts, was quite an historic car occasion, because apart from the so-lap Historic Car Race for the Croydon Midweek Trophy, the B.A.R.C. had arranged a Cavalcade of Speed. The latter was led by the Montagu Motor Museum’s Coupe de l’Auto Sunbeam and included most of the race competitors, plus Sir Ralph Millais’ Sunbeam ” Tiger,” B.M.C.’s Brooklands Morris Oxford, Lake’s ex-Woolf Barnato 3-litre Bentley with diminutive driver’s headrest on its Jarvis body, Edinondson’s Lagonda, Russ-Turner’s Birkin Bentley, Townsend’s ex-Kerr-Bate Riley-Amilcar and a sports A.C., etc. Agg’s Derby-Maserati had a dragging clutch and failed to run.

The race was a scratch affair, which was hard on the pre-war cars. The lion. Patrick Lindsay, on the front row of the grid in company with Bill Morris’ E.R.A. ” Hanuman si ” and Bertie Brown’s C-type E.R.A., made no mistakes and pulled out a useful lead in his E.R.A. ” Remus,” although Morris had led on initial acceleration. Soon Lindsay was comfortably ahead, followed by Brown, with the irrepressible Bernard Kain third in his 1926 Bugatti—rather as at Silverstone. The two E.R.A.s pulled away after three laps, Rain remaining unchallenged in third place. Then came Morris’, followed by Marsh’s E.R.A., Beer’s K3 M.G. and Freeman’s Spa Aston Martin. Corner’s Bugatti was next, until it stopped with suspected magneto trouble on lap 4, resuming three laps later, eventually to retire, misfiring. The order continued unchanged, until Freeman passed Beer on lap 5 Playford, in Richards’ Type 51 Bugatti, was out on his own in Mercedes overalls and 8th place, for much of the race, until tailed by Gahagan, in an E.R.A. very well known at this circuit before the war,

except that it was then white and had a engine, closed up, who was duelling with Bergel’s Type 351′ Bugatti. That’s how they finished, Brown acknowledging the chequered-flag by taking both hands off the wheel. Arriold-Forster’s Delage ii” The ‘forpedo ” had stopped after a lap with fuel starvation and Bradley’s I.Hitre G.P. Delage came in a lap from the finish, as did Marsh’s E.R.A., the Delage having impeded 13ergel and Gahagan and also Moores’ S/C S.V. Austin 7. Moores in the little Austin was lapped by the leading E.R.A.s three laps from the end, and Coles’ J4 M.G. and the Semmence were very slow.

Lindsay had driven faultlessly, to win at 73.18 m.p.h., making fastest lap at 75.14 m.p.h. He led Brown home by nine seconds, received a garland, a silver tray and a kiss from Mrs. ‘noddle, wife of the Editor of Croydon Midweek, and was soon on his way home in his Monza Alfa Romeo. His fastest lap was 5.33 m.p.h. quicker than the new Formula V lap-record set up in the very next race. It was intriguing to be at the Crystal Palace again—the only surviving English pre-war circuit. Most of the old landmarks have gone, including the Palace itself, and the 1.39-mile oval in the Greater London Council Recreation Centre is not quite like the sinuous old 2-mile one, with Leslie Brooke diving into the lake at Fisherman’s Bend ! But it was exciting to hear the noise of racing exhausts in London again last month. I remember that before the war I could get to the Palace from my lodgings by No. 49 ‘bus, which never seemed quite right, this going to motor racing by public transport. I did not always do this, however, because I recall holding everyone up when my Austin 7 Mulliner coupe failed to climb the bridge that then existed over the circuit—it was driven home in disgrace and promptly fitted with a 4-speed gearbox. (Today’s circuit, alas, lacks a bridge or tunnel.)

In those days Prince I3ira won the Crystal Palace G.P. in 1937 and 1938 in his E.R.A. and in the three years of the Crystal Palace Cup race it was won by Hadley (Austin), AbecaSsis (Alta) and Mays (ERA.). It all seems very nostalgic now, with memories of Dick Seaman arriving to demonstrate a G.P. Mercedes-Benz there in 5937, the sight of his Mercedes 230 saloon in the streets of Sydenham some days beforehand enlivening this sedate suburb for at least one onlooker. And there was the moment when the cars were practising and one of the old towers of the Crystal Palace fell down, just as if the shattering noise had caused it to crumble, to those of us who did not know that it was being felled because it was unsafe. . . . It is nice to know that this venue is still used for motor racing, if only on three occasions a year. Incidentally, both Roland King-Farlow, and his assistant, Bo!) Barber, who timed all the pre-war meetings there with Leroy-Brillie electrical apparatus, were doing the timing on Sept. 9th.—W. B.


THERE are now so many Club race meetings that we have ceased to report them individually, but the B.D.C. Silverstone races had to be seen, because at this extended meeting, by grace of generous S.T.P. sponsorship, two vintage handicaps and a to-lap handicap for historic sports and racing cars were included in the programme, while Lindsay demonstrated the 24-litre Napier-Railton, reaching about 155 m.p.h. down the straight on the Club circuit.

On a day which opened with rain for the first two events, and at which a record entry for this type of meeting had been obtained, the only casualty was a Morgan, which locked its wheels at Woodcote and hit the barrier, to the detriment of its nts front suspension.

The Historic Race for the fine S.T.P. Challenge Trophy was not, as we expected, contested by cars like 250F Maseratis. Indeed, it included a special-bodied M.G.-II coupe driven very determinedly with wild verve by M. Lewis, two Morgan Plus Emirs, one with a Daimler 250SP engine, and a pseudo-racer made out of a luckless Mk. VI Bentley. It was all very confusing, especially as, after driving a very steady and polished race in his monoposto Alfa Romeo, and being awarded the Trophy by Mrs. Sedgwick, Bill Summers had it taken away from him and given to Syd Beer, whose effective M.G. K3 Magnette was by then judged to have won ! The M.G. had previously won the All-Comers’ to-lap Handicap, lapping at 69.58 m.p.h.

The first vintage handicap produced a splendidly close finish, as Weston’s 4k-litre Bentley just pipped Melville-Smith’s blower-4i Bentley to the finish, winning at 67.16 m.p.h. Russ-Turner’s ex-Birkin blower-4 / was third, not far ahead of 1-line’s L045 Lagonda and St. John’s Type 3511 Bugatti made fastest lap, at 74.22 m.p.h.

So Bentleys upheld the honour of the organising Club in this vintage race. But in the next of these handicap races, which produced another fine finish, Edwards’ Ulster Aston Martin won, at 62.76 m.p.h., from Langton’s Nurburg Frazer Nash. Lord Dunleeth had the FitzPatriek 21-litre Metallurgique well up for most of the distance but MacDonald’s L.G45 Lagorida took it On the inside as they same round Woodcote for the last time, to get third place. Bradley’s straight-eight 0.1′. Delage, looking very ” period ” except for its i.f.s,, went well in its first race but non-started in the second All-Corners’ to-lap Handicap, which Glydon won in the DI33S Aston Martin (which won the Aston Martin race at 79.82 m.p.h.) from the flying Corner in the scratch Jaguar 1)-type. There was a Morgan

Handicap, which we had hopefully thought to be for 3-wheelers but which turned out to be for assorted 4/4s and Plus-Fours, and two Bentley races. In the first of these, a Handicap, Goo-da’s S3 saloon, probably with the heater on and the radio playing, showed up all the pre-war stuff, winning at 62.8i m.p.h. from Hine’s 3/61-litre and Weston’s 41-l1tre. But in the Scratch Race over twice the distance the proper Bentleys came into their own, although the winner was Bradley’s Mk. V1/S1 Special, from Llewellyn’s 3/61-litre and McCosh’s 3i4litre, which was a length ahead of Shoosmith’s Mk. VI Special. A vintage 2-litre Lagonda looked to have won the Lagonda and M.G. Handicap, the commentator saying he could recognise it coming down to the finishing line ” as nothing else could go so slowly,” but credit laps had confused him and it gave best to three M.G..-Bs.—W. B.

V.S.C.C. AT MADRESFIELD (September loth)

OVER that same stretch of narrow road in Madresfield Park where the Worcester Motor Club held speed trials in the early ‘twenties, the Midland Region of the V.S.C.C. once again held their annual Driving

Tests and Concours this year—a very popular institution, originally founded in 1947. The Concours was divided into Elegance and Etat, and amongst the non-winners the two cars which particularly caught the eye of this reporter were the black 1932Frazer Nash of N.H.Z. Watts and the red 1930 International Aston Martin of D. F. Heath. 0. L. Franklin’s smart 19.29 10;25 Rover tourer, which seldom leaves a

Driving Test without winning an award, is reputed to have been supplied with a strange braking system whereby the left hand brakes Can be applied when turning to the left, and the right hand when turning to the right ” to assist cornering.” Is this the secret of Franklin’s success ? Chris Southall had a fabric 1930 30 h.p. Lanchester straight-8 limousine, with a single overhead camshaft, dual ingition, three inlet manifolds and ten main bearings. It was the last true Lanehesier model beforc the B.S.A. take-over, and about 12.0 or 130 were built. It has that unique circular window in the top of the radiator to allow the owner to check the water level without looking inside. George Bernard Shaw used to own a straight-8 Lanchester, so he was obviously thinking of the water level in the radiators of Other makes when he wrote his play ” You Never Can Tell.”

It is not easy to organise varied driving tests on a straight stretch of road, hut after 20 years’ experience the Midland Region now know all about it, and the tests took in acceleration, braking, manoeuvring, slow running and pit-stopping, an unusual sight at one point was that of the Chief Magistrate of the Fiii Islands sitting in his V-twin M.A.G.engined 1914 racing cyclecar ” El Pamper() ” with his competition number attachedto the .side of his head, tucked in behind the nearside trailing arm of his spectacles. The number of four-wheel braked cars which locked their back wheels when pulling up showed that there may still be a certain amount of doubt as to whether braking on the front wheels really is safe.

In the 200-yard acceleration test, after which competitors had 6o yards in which to pull up, the best times were as follows : David Black (1931 Monza Alfa Romeo) 8.6 sec., Jack McEwen (r937 Riley Sprite) and Keith Hill (1930 Silver Eagle Alvis) 9.6 sec., Mrs. Trisha Pilkington (1931 I750 Alfa Romeo), ‘famish Moffatt (1923 Brescia Bugatti) and Russell Fuller (1937 41. Bentley) 9.8 see., Geoffrey St. John (1932 Type 55 Bugittti), Brian Sismey (1934 Speed 20 Alvis) and Derrick Edwards (1935 Ulster Aston Martin) 50.4 See.

Keith Hill’s ex-Russell Noble Silver Eagle Alvis tourer is said at one time to have been used as a laundry van in Birmingham, where its speedy deliveries must have been much appreciated, particularly by those customers with only one set of underwear.

The following results were produced with commendable speed after the meeting.—P. H. Results: Touring Cars First Class Awards : D. 1.. Franklin (1929 Rover). Mn. K. M. Hill (1930

AT S.). Second Class Award : D. MacMillan ,.1928 Rolls-Royce). Third Class Award : J. M. Walker •1931 Rolls-Royce), Standard Sports Cars

First Class Awards : J. Meiswen (193.7 Riley), 15. B. D. Kain (Iwo Bugatti. IS. Sistney (1934

Second Class Awards : fl. .Molfatt (1923 Bugatti), R. A. Pilkington 0931 Alfa Romeo(. N. K. 131wkle 19289 Lancia).

Third Class Awards : W. M. G. Marshall (1930 M.G.), J. II. Leigh (./934 Frazer Nash). D. Edwards (ro35 Aston Martin). Modified Sports Cars

First Class Award K. M. Hill 0930 Alvis).

Second Class Award : R. Fuller (1937 Bentley”.

Concours D’Elegance : R. D. Barnard (1924 Rolls-Royce) and M. Jones (1933 Riley.

Concours D’Etat : W. F. Taylor (1929 Bentley) and G. B. Shcrratt (1925 Riley). Ladies’ Award : Mrs. R. A. Pilkington (1931 Alla Romeo).

Rolls-Royce Award : MacMillan (20 11.p. ,1928).