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Oldsmobile Latest F.W.D Exponents
F.W.D. is popularly looked upon as something we inherited from the Continent, like road signs and Moussee. A less likely producer of F.W.D. cars than General Motors one cannot imagine, and yet this is what has been announced by Oldsmobile.

The low-slung, rather clean-lined car is to be called the Toronado, not to be confused with Tornado, and has a 7-litre V8 power unit bringing forth 385 b.h.p. The engine is longitudinally mounted, offset to allow the automatic transmission unit to come in alongside.

Behind the engine is a torque converter from which the drive is taken through a link-chain assembly (rubber dampened), via a 3-speed unit to the differential, from which it divides into the drive shafts to the front wheels.

The 2-door body is 17 ft. 7 in. long, and provides comfortable seating for six passengers. Independently suspended all round (torsion bar front and beam axle and leaf-spring rear), the car boast’s no less than four shock-absorbers in the tail. Another is mounted on the front cross-member to dampen the steering, which is power assisted and uses 3.5 turns of the wheel from lock to lock. Eleven-inch diameter drum brakes are fitted front and rear.

The headlamps can be retracted for daytime use.—G. P.

New Rambler for UK
The Rambler Classic 770 appeared in convertible form last May, but could only be offered in the U.K. to special order. Coincidental with the Earls Court Motor Show, however, it becomes one of Rambler’s generally available U.K. range. The electrically operated hood can now be stowed without the need to unzip the plastic rear window, which has been replaced by a panel of flexible glass impervious to scratching or creasing.

Length of the car is 16 ft. 3 in., as are all Classic 770 models. U.K. price will be £2,080 with automatic transmission.

The Ramblers now come with power-assisted Bendix front disc brakes, and will have seat belts (not just anchors) and padded sun visors.

This car now brings the Rambler range for Britain up to a 4-door saloon, station wagon, 2-door coupe and a 2-door convertible. All will have 6-cylinder 3.8-litre power units which develop 145 b.h.p., although a V8 engine is available if required. – G.P

Two More 1100s From B.M.C
A long time ago, when the car manufacturers began the process of integration into a relatively small number of mighty empires, it became difficult to distinguish the various marques by body lines alone. A consolation for the purists was the retention of traditional items such as grilles and badges to announce at least which part of a manufacturing organisation contained the origins of a car.

B.M.C. is no exception, and the newly announced Wolseley and Riley variants of the 1100 breed are unmistakably descendants of their respective forebears, at least at their front ends. Both the Wolseley 1100 and the Riley Kestrel, as they are called, conform to the 1100 design launched in 1963, and are powered by the 1,098-c.c. unit as used in the M.G. version. The twin type HS2 S.U. carburetters are fed electrically from an 8-gallon tank, and a c.r. of 8.9 to 1 brings about a b.h.p. figure of 55 at 5,500 r.p.m., with maximum torque of 61 lb. ft. at 2,750 r.p.m.

A rev.-counter is fitted to the Kestrel only, which also proudly possesses circular instruments. Alas, the Wolseley has a strip speedometer.

Both cars have Lockheed braking systems-8-in, discs at the front and 8-in, drums at the rear. Valves are incorporated as anti-lock devices.

Safety-belt anchor points, soon to be statutorily compulsory, are built into both cars, and child-proof safety locks are fitted to all doors. Padding is incorporated into the facia top and tray edge, which are finished in matt black to prevent glare.

New From Volkswagenwerk
At the London Motor Show will be seen the 10,000,000th vehicle to come off the Volkswagen production lines, a figure which includes commercials and the special-bodied Kharmann Ghias.

It happens to be one of the new “Super Beetles,” the 1300 saloon, which will market in this country at £649 16s. 8d., inclusive of purchase tax, the same price as the former 1200 Beetle.

Also new from the West German firm is the 1600 TL “Fastback,” which sports a new bodyline and the biggest engine yet fitted to a car by VW. This replaces the 1500 S, and will sell, in this country, at £998 8s. 9d., only £20 more than its forerunner. It is claimed to have the most luxurious interior styling ever built into a Volkswagen.—G. P.