Moyslip advertising


Our attention has been drawn, through readers of another publication, to an apparent conflict between the graph and the quoted figures in a recent Molyslip advertisement.

Since this advertisement also appeared in Motor Sport, and in case any of your readers should be puzzled, we are writing to let you know the following facts:

1. Both the graph and the figures are from a test report prepared on behalf of our client by the Loughborough College of Technology.

2. Owing to reproduction difficulties it was necessary to have the graph re-drawn.

3. In re-drawing it, the artist has made use by necessity of far broader lines than the original, which makes accurate reading virtually impossible. Furthermore, he has apparently slightly transposed the lines—an error which frankly was not apparent to us.

4. I attach to this letter a photostat of the graph prepared by Loughborough College, which was submitted to our client with the report. You will see this bears out the figures quoted for the Mini-Minor’s increase in power.

5. The other figures quoted are derived from other sections of the Test Report, and, like the figure for power, were agreed with Loughborough College before publication of this advertisement.

6. The tests conducted by Loughborough College, as part of a wider programme, on behalf of our clients, have now been successfully completed. It is not proposed to conduct any further tests.

Finally, I should like to inform you that we are withdrawing this advertisement, owing to this unfortunate inaccuracy, and shall be replacing it with an alternative advertisement in the very near future.

Duncan Christie,

Account Supervisor, Smith-Warden Ltd.

London, W.C.1.