


Your recent correspondence on our Police Porte has prompted me to relate an incident which not only shows that some members are human, but that they even read. MOTOR SPORT!

Whilst driving home through the London evening rush-hour –” Grand Prix,’ I was waiting to make a right turn at a busy crossroads, When a constable who was helping to keep things moving beckoned Me up to form a second lane.

“That’s a very fine’ tool,” he commented.. ” It is an iSn’t it ? “

” Yes,” I replied, ” with the Bristol engine.”

” I see they’re Using the Zephyr engine now, with triple carbs.,” he went on.

” Yes, it works out a bit cheaper,” I said.

“And a bit slower, I expect” he added.

At this moment the traffic lights changed, and I left him standing there, a puff a burnt rubber smoke at his feet, and the crescendo of 125 screaming horses in his ears.

Chearn, G. P. How/tan. *•

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