

It was, I suppose, fitting that rain should fall on the ” lost causes ” as they arrived at Beaulieu on September 17th, for there is a dismal ring about the demise of so many famous makes. Certainly I arrived wet through in the Editorial Calthorpe, which, although resplendent in a new coat of red Valspar and with a new head gasket by James Walker of Woking, is for the moment devoid of its hood and had its screen open so that I could see… ,

However, this was a rally, based on Lord Montagu’s book of that name, not to be missed, for fst ears, all of defunct makes,. were entered for such fascinating classes as” Three As of Scotland,” ” Wolverhampton.” ” Jam Factory.” etc. Not all were present on the day, perhaps due to the miserable weather conditions, hut over 60 ” lost causes ” were on view. Although Crossley, InvicutfRailton. Jowett, Lanchester, Lea-Francis, Napier and Trojan had their own classes, greatest one-make support came from B.S.A., amongst ” Birmingham Lost Causes,” of which a dozen were entered, including a 4-cylinder 3-wheeler. Ten LeaFrancis were present. It was impressive that of the eligible makes only A.J.S., Arrol-Aster, Arrol-Johnston, Aster, Briton, Burney, Enlield-Allday, Eric Campbell, Guy, Imperia, Leyland, Marseal and Turner were unrepresented—perhaps if Lord Montagu does it again next year some of’ these will turn out—and to make up for this the Miscellaneous class had entries of Hampton, Raymond ,Mays, Swift, Bean, British Salmson, and Hands, although some defaulted, which was disappointing for the damp spectators. Of the cars that had braved the elements and made the display field, Goatinued on page 859 -eont

quite the best in the opinion of the Judges (who included the Editor of Mcirog SPORT) was Allaway’s 1926 1440 Swift tourer, although Leschallas’ 1937 20/90 British Salmson saloon ran it extremely close and might have gained highest marks but for a notice on its facia -saying ” Don’t Use Full Right Lock.”

Only Scottish car was FarringtOn’s well-known yellow f.w.b. 25150 Argyll from Widnes. Rogers’ 1923 Calthorpe light car won warns approval and made mine look like a bag-of-nails, the Montagu Museum entries of 1924 Rhode and Warne’s 5930 Swift Ten saloon were judged to be decently original, and many fine 41-litre Invidas, backed up by Aliens’s very nice 3-litre, were noticed. The last-named was too modest to go in for the beautyshow and one Crossley saloon even stayed out in the public carpark. Jowett was represented by 7-11.p, and javelin models, Farr had a very presentable 1926 12-11.11. Clyne, Fisher his painstakingly rebuilt 1921/2 Star ” Scorpio,” Marendaz were represented by sporting 13/70, 15(90 and 17/97 models, Napier by Capt. Axford’s lone 40150, and there were Trojans aplenty, generally very tidy, one immaculate.

Strictly Armstrong Siddeley was not eligible, not being defunct when ” Lost Causes” was written, but a post-war 234 saloon was let in. It really was the greatest fun, if a little sad, and now even the ” lost causes ” cannot complain of neglect.

Lord Montagu presented the prize of his book or a voucher for his gift shop and everyone received a special ash-tray.—W. B. Results :

Classes 1, III, VI andX. combined : T. J. I). Farrington (1913 25150 Argyll Idtiter/.

BirIllinglIAM 1.0Si S. 1:0i;cri; (192) 1220 Calthorpc 2-scatcr).

Invicta and Railton (.■ ;10:t0 lOw-chassis Ineicta). Len-Francis : A. J. Jeffries I 5 1,c31,1■ Wolverhampton Lost Causes:1 l’ I Star” Scorpio” 2-seater) Trojan : Retina:it e1024 :;turv,7, MIEWViiiirICOUS : 3. It. Allaway in.t(, i4:40 Stsift Highly commended included I); W (iough’s 191; II. Nunn’s 1935 Itailton, W. Carpcnter-Jacobs’ 1240 Lea-Francis. N. A. l’arr’s 1921″

Clyno and I. Fl. P. Lcschalla,” tor init)o IttniAt-Salmson.