BOOK REVIEWS, October 1961, October 1961


“Floyd Clymer’s 196o Indianapolis soo-Mile Race Yearbook. 136 pp,. 11 in. 8i in. (Floyd Clymer, 1268 S. Alvarado Street, Los Angeles, 6, California. 2 dollars.)

Here is another of Clymet’s soft-cover photo-litho publications, this one packed full of data on last year’s Indianapolis 5oo. Many of us like to file these fantastically complete dossiers, packed with illustrations, so that there is a full history of the 500 in the library. I would dearly like to see the Indianapolis coo-Mile Race and hope to do so when my paper can send me but meanwhile this big volume is the next best thing. But stay, would I find Indianapolis overpowering ? Perhaps. I might find the driver’s names, like Bud, Shorty, Chuck, Troy, Eddie and Al a bit surprising, and I should dislike raeina cars called Travelon and King o’Lawn. And what would Phil Hill say if Ferrari showed him a sign before the last lap of a race he was winning reading : 1.0V • ? But x x x I feel he might not object to a kiss front beauty qUeen Gertrude Stein in ” Victory Lane,” and I would have liked very much to

have witnessed the battle between Rathman and Ward. There is just about everything you could want to know about the race in this book, which contains a double-spread lap-chart and masses of pictures. The 1961 race edition, when Jack Brabham was racing, will be especially interesting.—W. B.