New Look For National Benzole


“Mr. Mercury,” who for forty years has been the National Benzole symbol, now appears in a “New Look,” in conjunction with restyled solos National Benzole petrol stations. A new yellow, white and blue colour scheme has been adopted for these stations and for easy identification of Power, Derv, National Benzole and Super National pumps the diamond-shaped pump globes have been redesigned.

As appreciable users of and believers in National Benzole petrol in the past we are glad to learn of these steps which have been taken to open new, and newly-styled, National Benzole petrol stations.

The new “Mr. Mercury” has been designed by Reginald Mount and his head tops a pole tested by the National Physics Laboratory to withstand 100 m.p.h. winds. Sir Hugh Casson acted as consultant for the new colour scheme, which replaces the former chrome and black and introduces a gayer aspect into the town and countryside scene. A good example of one of the new National Benzole stations is the Pavillion Service Station in Clapham High Street, London, S.W.4. — W.B.