Precott International Hill-Climb (Sept. 11TH)

September 11th was another memorable day at Prescott, where the most interesting entry list showed a fair cross-section of most types of sports and racing cars.

Towards the end of the first runs rain began to fall and the course became slippery, Winby’s Austin-Healey, Welton’s Cooper and Berry’s Bugatti grazing banks and suchlike. D. V. Parsons in his Frazer-Nash “Otozell” shed a chain at Pardon but pressed on regardless. W. D. Knight broadsided his Cooper near this spot and had to descend and Peter Stubberfield, normally a very polished driver, also came unstuck at Orchard but had his money’s worth by making a rapid trip back to the paddock.

Interesting racing cars present were Mike Christie’s Connaught making the excellent time of 45.76 sec., the ex-Parnell 4CLT Maserati driven by R. Patrick, the ex-Gerard E.R.A. driven by J. Stuart, who did some nice tail-slides, and Broad’s E.R.A. “Remus.” Fastest time of the day was made by Boshier Jones whose time was 44.45 sec. and contrary to expectations Tony Marsh failed to gain a place in the first ten best times and with 29 points is equal with Ken Wharton who also has 29. The final decision regarding the Hill-Climb Championship now rests with the R.A.C.

Don Parker in a Kieft and C. P. Tooley in the Steyr-Allard Made fast runs (45.88 sec.) and Ivor Bueb, later seen wearing a chequered deerstalker, in a Cooper 500 went up in 43.38 sec., also making an ascent of honour in a D-type Jaguar as a tribute to his performance at Le Mans as co-driver to Mike Hawthorn. — I. G.