

Mr. Crossley’s article on the above car contains one or two technical inaccuracies and inconsistencies which it seems desirable to put right.

The second paragraph refers to the rear suspension as being by ” normal I-ellipties ” but the table of data on page 462 says that “1-elliptic springs ” are used. The latter statement is quite incorrect and the former is not strictly correct. The current Type (or Tipo as you prefer to call it) 212 has ri single 1-elliptic rear spring and two radius rods at each side. Earlier examples use two such springs on either side without radius rods. My own Type 212 is of the earlier pattern.

The engine is not provided with twin camshafts above each bank of cylinders. There is one camshaft, and rockers, per hank. Your contributor seems to have been led astray by the not very clear instruction book of the maker. Incidentally, I was interested to learn that choke is not required when starting, even in winter. This has not been my experience in this country, although the car is a good starter provided everything is as it should be.

The table to which I have referred quotes a brake-horsepower figure of 120 at 6,500 r.p.m. This should read 170. One has not to be a Pomeroy to know that 120/125 m.p.h. could not be reached by such a car on 120 b.h.p. In any case the latter figure could hardly be attained on the valve timing you quote immediately below the b.h.p. figure. Admittedly, these data are taken from Ferrari’s handbook but I am surprised that you have not noticed their obvious incorrectness. The inlet valve closes 55 deg. after bottom (not top) dead centre and the inlet valve 60 deg. before bottom (not top) dead centre. The other two figures you quote are correct. The valves. in other words, are open for 255 deg. and not 75 deg., as your figures state.

On the interesting matter of performance, the figures you quote are the maker’s ones for the higher 9/42 axle ratio. With the 8/40 ratio they are : 34, 55, 76, 106 and 116 m.p.h. at 6,500 r.p.m. in the respective gears. The gear ratios you quote do not convey the full story without giving the axle ratio.

I am, Yours„ etc.’


London. S.W.