Wokingham Carnival


The gay Carnival at Wokingham, Berks, on August 27th. in aid of the Lynton Distress Fund, had a class for veteran cars. It was well supported by Goodey’s Lutzmann (first prize), a 1910 F.N. (second prize), a 1911 Swift (third prize), a 1902 Panhard (highly commended), a 1909 Renault, 1904 Peugeot and 1913 Rover coupe. The Editor’s Delaunay-Bellaville stood down on account of the children’s bedtime and because, in spite of its age being 26, it is 22 years too young to qualify as a veteran, which makes you think. The Lutzmann became temperamental after receiving its prize, but soon restarted, to follow the Beauty Queen – and some charming, real live bathing beauties on the “Ovaltine” lorry—perhaps we had better get a real veteran car after all!