Esso Party


Esser House, near Abingdon, Berks, where petrol station attendants are Esso trained, is an excellent venue for a rally with driving tests. The Veteran C.C. paved the way for such, and on August 24th the Bentley D.C. held its inter-team competition there. The bar is opened on these occasions, Esso generously provide lunch free for up to 300 officials and competitors in the dining hall, which was formerly the garage of this once-famous country house, and later show Esso films in the old riding school, whose still-thatched roof is one of the largest of its kind.

On the Bentley oecasion, when 36 Bentleys divided into nine regional teams competed, tests occupied the morning, with three more after lunch, with the following results

1st: Midland A Team (Day, Pitts, Baker, and Showell).

2nd: Midwest A Team (Burton, Godsal, Hart and Mountfort).

3rd : Northwest A Team (Firth, Berry, Grant and Armitage)