A Four-Cylinder 500-c.c. Engine


We are informed that Turner Sports Cars of Wolverhampton have built a 496-c.c. four-cylinder-in-line engine intended for 500-c.c racing cars, but it will also be developed as a sports-car unit.

We understand that the prototype engine may be raced next month in a special chassis. It has air-cooled cylinder barrels topped by a water-cooled twin o.h.c. head, a Lucas magneto being driven from the front of the near-side camshaft. The crankshaft runs in roller-bearings and roller-bearing big-ends are used. There is dry-sump lubrication and the plugs are centrally disposed in the head, carburation being by four Amal carburetters on the off-side, fed from a float chamber at each end. We understand that this promising engine has been extensively bench-tested and we await details of power output and, particularly, weight with great interest. The makers, who contemplate a Formula II car next year, operate from the little village of Seisdon, Staffs.