K - Kars


The Austin Motor Company Ltd., has appointed a woman advisor to give the feminine touch to the new colour schemes for their 1953 cars in the A30, A40 and A70 ranges. She is Mrs. Kay Petre, who is Motoring Consultant to Sidney-Barton Ltd.

Mrs. Petre, who drove Austin cars in many races before the war, recently visited the U.S.A. to study the methods used by the big American car firms in Detroit on body styling and found that they customarily retain women colour-stylists as the American manufacturers realise that a woman so often has the final say in the choice of the new car for the family.

On her return to this country, Mrs. Petre approached Austins with the suggestion that they should retain her in a similar capacity and it is now announced that they have agreed to do so. So its K for Kolour now, at Longbridge, and the girls can look forward to a special treat in store for them at the Austin Stand at Earls Court. We hope their remarks will be complimentary and not katty, Kay. And that mere man, who usually pays the bill, will approve!