Reader's Letter - Point of View



With interest I read of the “Gestapo like” methods employed by he Austin Motor Co. in tracking-down over-driving of their products. Really, sir, this is going too far when one realises how easy it is to send in a fictitious report about excessive speeds; all one needs is the “trade plate” number of one’s particular enemy employed on delivery. Simple, isn’t it?

I wonder if these “un-British” snoopers realise the serious consequences of a driver being reported for over-driving. Instant dismissal without a hearing, whether guilty or not guilty, and blacklisted from other delivery companies. Come, come, Mr. Lord, is this British justice? A man’s living gone regardless of years of good service.

I would hasten to assure you that I have no personal axe to grind, but do feel strongly at the one-sided treatment of these poor unfortunates.

In my capacity as road tester for a small firm producing high-performance sports and saloon cars, I do feel that a new car can he driven at speed providing one uses just a little bit of grey-matter and not solely the feet. My high-speed road tests are indeed far less damaging than the dear old lady I see daily religiously running-in her new A.40 at 30 m.p.h. up my favourite steepish hill, still in top gear !!

I am, Yours. etc.. Coventry. Raymond D. Willday.