Branded Petrol


At a well attended Press Conference held in Shell-Mex House on September 1st the Managing Director of Shell, Mr. C. N. Rignoles, made the following observations on the above subject:—

Shell had been the forerunner in pressing the case for the return of branded petrol. The Government have so far been unco-operative— their only defence being the nation’s financial position must come first. Shell have spent a considerable sum of money in preparing their plant for branded petrol. If branded petrol came back it would probably cost the consumer about 3d more than the ordinary petrol. It is reckoned by Shell that if branded petrol came back about 30 per cent. of the motoring public would use it.

Branded petrol would certainly save the high maintenance cost, which the motorist has to bear today. If the branded petrol is agreed to by the Government it could be on the market by the spring of next year.

Shell-Mex and B.P. are definitely of the opinion that the majority of people wish to see branded petrol back again.—J. C. M.