Readers' Letters, October 1952, October 1952




I have been shown the September issue of Motor Sport containing the letter by J. C. Erskine Hill under the heading “Comment.” describing the Morgan Plus Four as an undistinguished car.

As a Morgan Plus Four owner I am sorry I have missed the previous correspondence referred to, but I am sure I am not alone in condemning such letters as the one under review, unaccompanied as it is by any evidence.

May I support my claim to be disgusted with the letter by the statement that in addition to the Morgan Plus Four I own and drive a Silver Wraith Rolls-Royce and also a Mk. VI Bentley and have been driving for over forty years and at present average about 30,000 miles per year.

I was attracted to the Morgan Plus Four by the speed and manoeuvrability on the road and was I considered fortunate in being able to come by a new one, and the experience so far is that in its class it will stand comparison with Britain’s best.

I am looking forward to many happy hours with the Morgan Plus Four, essentially a British sporting car, economical to run, speedy and safe.

It may be that I have misunderstood the letter; your correspondent may still be on the waiting list, or is it that he has been passed by the Morgan Plus Four so often and so quickly that he has not had time to examine its distinguishing features? Without some more evidence, may we dismiss the letter ?

I am, Yours, etc., Poole-in-Wharfedale. William Whiteley. [We may.-Ed.] 


I much enjoyed the well organised Prescott hill-climb on Sunday, September 14th; full marks to the Bugatti Owners’ Club on a magnificent show.

It was marred by only one thing, namely, the inane witticisms of some of the commentators on their inter-com system.

I am, Yours, etc., Aberdeen. J. Smith