


As a very enthusiastic and satisfied Frazer-Nash owner I should like to reply to Mr. Alan K. Clerk, and point out a few facts which he has apparently overlooked—judging from his scathing letter in the August Moron. SPORT.

Regarding the engine, I think it performs remarkably well for a 2-litre, a good example of this being D. C. Pitts’ 120 m.p.h. at Dundrod in June, which I notice was considerably faster than the 84-litres, which were of course privatelyowned cars. All the major successes achieved by these 34-litre cars have been taken by ” works ” cars ; the amount of money lavished on them during their preparation would no doubt surprise many. Everyone will agree that considering the ‘Nash gives away 14 litres to the aforementioned motors, it is even more credit to it for its successes.

In the Empire Trophy, I had the misfortune to be involved in the five-car “pile tip” and I am convinced that had it not been a ‘Nash that I was driving I should not be writing this now, because any less strongly-built car would have collapsed when the other one alighted on me. The I.O.M. course is a typical road circuit, yet no other car could get within five seconds of the Frazer-Nash lap times in practice, the 34-litre cars being conspicuous by their absence.

I could point out many other FrazerNash performances, such as Cortese’s fine efforts in the Targa Florio and Mille Miglia, and, of course, the last “Alpine,” which is fresh in all our minds, but I do not think it is necessary.

Lastly, is not any car a grotesquely high price these days ? I think that all credit is due to the Aldingtons, who have achieved so much in these difficult times without having a large works to back them. I am, Yours, etc.,

DAVID A. CLARKE. Ulverseroft.