itself with them



For very many years now I Dave been a follower of Mama SPORT and a regular reader of motor journals, among which Moron SPORT itself ranks supreme. From time to time we read letters containing arguments regarding the qualities of one car compared with another,

ete., and there is no doubt whatever that many of the contributions are most interesting, but some are a mere advertisement of the ignorance of the writers and would be better off in the waste paper basket, and among these I class the letter published in your August issue over the name of Mr. clerk.

Why, indeed, has there never been a Fraser Nash in the Alpine Trial ? Why is the cost of a Fraser Nash so much more than that of a Jaguar, and what of the remark that a Fraser Nash only figures in class results ? What does Mr. Clerk require from 2 litres (actually 1,971 c.c.)the world’s land speed record ?

It is a pity to take up valuable space but I would inform Mr. Clerk that, if he will get in touch with me, I believe that I could arrange for him to see, if not ride in, the actual Fraser Nash which equalled in every way the Jaguar’s performance in winning an Alpine Cup. Of course, being so out of date, it may be on the scrap heap by the time this is in print.

I have looked quite carefully into the list of gentlemen who compete regularly in events at the wheel of a Fraser Nash and I am perfectly sure that (a) they are in a position to obtain Jaguars should they wish to do so, since they are practically all very qualified engineers with businesses of their own, and that (3) not the slightest bit of persuasion was brought to bear upon them to spend so much more for their cars than Mr. Clerk deems necessary.

Poor Mr. Aldington must not write in Moron SPORT because it is interpreted as advertising, but Mr. Clerk, I presume, is at liberty to sell Jaguars through your columns. I am, Yours, etc.,

S. R. CURTIS; Tolworth. (We assume Mr. Curtis refers to the FraZer-Nash. Mr. Al ington hasn’t written his promised letter, and this correspondence is now closed.—En.) * * *