Ken Wharton Lowers Prescott Course Record to 43.81 sec. with Blown Cooper 1,000


Ken Wharton Lowers Prescott Course Record to 43.81 sec. with Blown Cooper 1,000


THE Bugatti 0.C., at its so-called International Prescott Meeting on September 9th, made a determined bid to prove that a speed hill-climb can be as pOpIllar as circuit racing. Innovations included re-arrangement. of the racing-car classes, three in place of two runs for racing ears, a cavalcade of Bugattis and a special Festival programme. We are glad to report that this succeeded, securing the biggest crowd yet, the car-parks filled to capacity, with consequent much-needed financial recuperation. Congratulations to L. .1. by Taylor, E. .1. Newton, the council members and those officials who worked to achieve this Success.

The racing merited their efforts. In a tough fight Ken Wharton, with that very potent. blown V-twin Cooper 1,000, shattered the conrse-record with a vengeance, leaving it at 43.81 see., after an earlier 44.10 see., bettering by 0.45 see. Allard’s previous best with the SteyrAllard. Sidney couldn’t, manage lower than 44.74 ace, wit h his four-wheel-drivein-bottom-gear car, although bringing his time down on each suecessive run, while Butterworth, a truly sensation:II first run spoilt when he hit the barrier at 0rehard Corner butt miraculumsly regaining control, had to be content with 47.45 nee. Slutwo-Taylor clocked a very splendili 45.92 sec., just touching the bank, in the E.R.A. The finest, sight of all was Dennis Poore, who threw his big AlfaRomeo at. the hill in his eharacteristieally fearless style and. tyres smoking between the corners, clocked 44.21 see. Remarking that he didn’t think he could ever get up faster, he then did a sttmendons 43.98 see. When Wharton’s little car clipped 0.17 see.

off that the hillside rang with well-earned applause.

Threfall’s Lester-M.G. beat, Hero’s blown Amilcar Six to win the 1 a-litre sports-car class with the Lotus-Austin a very gallant third. Tyrer, who brought his two 13.31.W.s in a ‘hues towing a trailer, broke his own 14-3-litre sportsear record in the ” Mille Miglia ” car by 0.45 sec., Pitt, in Newton’s Frazer-Nash being 1.26 see, slower than the older car. Rose’s smart Turner-I.,eaf was third. Allard’s Cadillac-.12 won the big sports-car class but was 0.20 sec. outside his record, Parker’s astonishing Jagnette arid Warburton’s Allard vatuluishing a dozen XN.120s, etc., to fill second and third places. Tyrer’s racing B.M.W. won Class 5 from Richard’s twin-rear-tyre Riley Special. The Formula III cars had a great tussle and C. A N Maydrove extremely well in his Cooper-LA.1). to clock 46.70 sec., aN did NVIrart on, to record 46.76 sec. in Moss’ Kieft-Norton. But this was to no avail, for the inimitalde (live Lones had put his Iota Tiger Kitten up in 4:5.66 sec. on his first •ascent. This beats his obi record by no less than 1.37 see. and is likely to stand as the Prescott Formula 1 1 I record for a long time-or is it, Stirling ? .Lones’ further runs took 47.33 111111 47.37 see., rcsileetively. lIngers ((‘ooper Mk. V) was good here, in 47.03 see.. and Betty I (nip, after going throogh. the hedge, heat four men in this class. Hay ran his new lota, in which Donald Monro looked supremely unhappy, being 5.3 sec. slower than in his sports invieta. We were glad to see l’eter Walker about again but he hadn’t the E.R.A. with him, so could tin

nothing when Poore broke his record for the big racing cars class by 1.35 See.

The hill was in ” fast ” condition and amid the astral Prescott garden party atmosphere the crowd saw many fine aseents, the merit of which you must seek in the results. Highest honour, and rightly, went to Ken Wharton, back by air from Ireland, for his very great ascent in the record time of 43.81 sec.-he. also broke Moss’ old ” twin-cylinder ” record by 0.98 see. Let us, however, salute all those who clocked under 47 sec., first remarking that the only accident befell Pritchard’s sports H.R.G., which hit the outer bank entering the Eases and shot across the course into a tree (driver happily unhurt), while Sparrowe’s Morgan caught fire in the Paddock, to the detriment of its h.t. leads. t’usafat 47 SEcoNna ; K.Wtuurton (c0,-,1„,,.1.00(i.J.A.f..,,te.)… 43,81 sec. It. 1). Poore (” 5,5″ Alfa. Romeo. sec.) … 43.98 S. It Allard (” 4.5 ” SteyrAllard) 44.71 1,011 (407.e.e. TiL3T K )(i.ii) … 45.66 11. Sirtwe-Taylor (” 1.3” s’e.) … 45.02 4. 1). Barker (CoOper 46.36 C. AN. May (Cooner-.).A.1′.) 46.741 K.. Wharton Norton) ..: 46.74 For Results, sec mIge 478