The "Model Engineer" Exhibition


The “Model Engineer” Exhibition

• • • MODEL ears were a prominent feature of this year’s Model Engineer Exhibition. II. C. 13aigent’s G.P.-circuit-racing was demonstrated, c.i.powered replicas of Alfa-Romeo, Ferrari, Lago-Talbot and B.R.M., etc., racing three at once over an exciting course embracing left and right-hand turns,

uphill and downhill sections. We noticed a footbridge most dangerously Situated on one of the turns, and as the drivers took the bends at a scale speed of 160 m.p.h. we were no.t surprised that one was thrown out ! On August 27th Stirling Moss, Reg. Parnell and Bob Gerard, with Joan Gerard, attended and ” had a go ” at this circuit racing—it isn’t truly realistic yet but most of us can hope to live to see radio-controlled models running over similar circuits, and that should satisfy the very critical.

Of the static models, P. Bennett showed a 6C Maserati with 6-c.c. engine, D. H. Coombes an E.R.A. based On the commercial ” 1,066 ” chassis, L. A. Hancox his clever in. = 1 ft. scale, c.i.-powered ” Tc ” M.G. Midget, R. H. Shillito semi-scale freelance model rather like an NE.120, and H. A. Williams a very wellmade freelance model of a 14-litre sprint chassis, the B.A.W. Special, with ingenious steering linkage, independent suspension and a beautifully-constructed multi-cylinder engine.

Of the non-working models, 0. B. Darling’s tiny ” solid ” B.R.M. caught the eye as splendidly finished and detailed, H. Jackson put in a 1/20-in. Healey saloon made from scrap, and L. R. W.

Dagnall and S. E. Hamilton a j-in. 1 ft.. scale model of the Rolls-Royce touring limousine, its radiator and lamps very realistic and the doors opening to reveal details such as arm-rests, ash-trays and the correct leather upholstery at the front and those enormous cloth-upholstered seats at the back. R. J. Wallace contributed a 1 in. = 1 ft. Jeep, valued at :£150 ; he made the tools before commencing on the model ! S. J. Funnell’s 1 in. = 1 ft. Leyland Tiger motor coach particularly appealed to us by reason of its completeness and realism. T. Owen exhibited the Smallest radio-controlled model, in the form of a I ill. 1 ft. 1949 Buick convertible, :utd K. 11. Pritchard a detailed 4:-scale model of a ‘1:111/01 ‘ 90 ” (11:/SSIA with a 5-c.e. Kestrel petrol cOOl (C IlS Maire-power—he ‘Moak to show the finished car next year. P. W, Waterson’s six-cylinder, twin o.h.e., petrol engine with magneto

18 destintal for a model boat but pointed the POSsible trend of model car power units. Amongst the trade stands we notieed Exide hat writ,: tirelessly powering. a model tug, the 30Sell Major engine and a very clever four-cylinder ignition distributor, snitable for (Itf 1110IIPIS, 1411 ItW of Craftsmanship Ntodels, ltd., driving tests in progress on J. 1.y004• stand. model rodin; CartI 011 1(14.11 molt Developments •Oond, 4oel 7.,N. Motors’ wide row, Of parts for 111011c1 Cacilw got the only truly realists’ ronueereial 4 )WA, ,..eilood to 1,0 1-114.1 M0fliS miniature’ NntlleSt Industries:” frieitig slomil by Vi-for) Inilnstrics eitirreyb LW.. who also scofmed Earls. t’ourt eight weeks by. exhibiting their 5..aieditoilid of the 1953 Vauxhalf Velox This. lihe the Mini,r, is electrically driven and will he ;maw,

from Vauxhall DIstributta’s. pray Is, till., iIlell1Sire of 011rch:o4/ tax. They raw had a tlordieT-16.(l. 01011(1 (11) show and will soon introduce a”Tli” mOdel— eaterprisp we admire.—.W.