

My husband is an ardent reader of MOTOR SPORT, and many other motor papers and we lose many hours of beauty sleep over these, but his real interest is in what I call old crocks. He has a 1146 A.C. and lately bought a 1926 Hupmobile Eight which after a little hard work has -taken us on a long tour down South Somerset and Devon without one spot of bother, registration No. VI’ 2671. Everywhere we went people were most curious not to say ” nosey ‘ as to what it was.

Heads would pop Out of passing ears to see the front and we had no end of fun watching people when we were parked. Now, Mr. Editor, could you spare space to mention that this was seen either on the front at Minehead or Seaton. and I’m sure my husband would take at least one size larger in hats, and I should enjoy the fun too, As he did say perhaps someone will write to MOTOR SPORT about it. It may get to the Monte Carlo .Rally next year, who knows ‘? I am, Yours, etc.,

Mold, M. C. CLARK (MHO [We hope that now Mrs. Clark no longer refers to the Himmobile and A.C. as “Old Crocks l “—End.