CLUB AFFAIRS, October 1951



The Thames Estuary A.C. is tiiuv well under way and has held several events. Its club nights will be held twice a month as from Oetober 8th, at the Queen’s Hotel. NA’esteliiI, on the second Monday, and at t I le Shepherd and Dog, Canowdon, cm the third Wednesday. Details from : S. L. Offord, 08, Exford Avenue, Westeliffon-Sea, or R. J. Rayner, 45, Alexandra Street, Southend. .* • *

MORGAN 44 TESTS (Oct. 7th) “

‘ili, 3hraicc” 4!4 ” Club will hold drivingtests: at Queensford Aerodrome, Oxon., at 3 p.m. Oil Oetolwr 7111. Entries eloSe Oetober Mb. Details from Whet tori, RYkneld Way, Littleover. Derby. Fce * *


(Sept. 14th. 15th)

This was very well supported (137 entries, 30 teams) and admirably organised.

WICK Ounti.tohult Taorint : 1. Appleyard (Jaguar), no marks lost.

Non’wksrkit 1.111ALLENGE TROPHY 0. Whitehall and (4, Wilkins (Bentley), 8 Marks lost.

lilEHRERS’ Timmy/ : J. D. Leave-sky and -S. A. Perris (Hillman Minx). 46 marks lost.

Novices’ Tammy : di. It. Le Greys and C. Toomer (Morris Minor), 52 uutrke lost.

Clado3 TROPHIES : S. 1). Radbourne and J. M. Pope (M.0,), 157 marks -lost. P. C. E. Harper and It. F. Saunders (Hillman Mink), 12 marks lost. A. NV. Richards 03.M.W.), 27 marks lost. J. 11,’. Bassett and Mrs. Bassett (Javelin), 44 marks lost.

Tinsnum : II-litre M.G.s (Shard and Sidwortln. “