
If the Monza G.P. held the chief end-of-season excitement, we must not overlook those curtain-raisers at Pescara and Bari. At Pescara on August 15th Gonzales, continuing his Silverstone form, won for Ferrari, covering the 192 miles in 2 hr. 14 min. 59.8 sec., a speed of 85 1/2 m.p.h. Ascari’s Ferrari retired with back-axle trouble on the first lap, Villoresi’s on lap 4 with a burst tyre when Ascari had resumed in it after losing his own car. Alfa-Romeo had not put in an entry, so Rosiers Talbot was second, 7 min. 20.8 sce. behind Gonzales. The Talbots of Etancelin and Chinni were third and fourth, Whitehead’s Ferrari was fifth and Murray’s Ferrari eighth.

At Bari on September 2nd Alfa Romeo decided at the last minute that this had gone far enough, and put in Fangio and Farina and fortunately for the Milan firm Fangio proved master of the situation from the start. In spite of losing all gears except top after two-thirds of the race of 215 miles had been run, he averaged 83.92 m.p.h. (2 hr. 39 min. 55.6 sec.). Gonzales, for Ferrari, did his best, but he was two laps behind. Taruffi’s 4.1-litre Ferrari was third, Rosier’s Talbot fourth and hard-trier Peter Whitehead in his 1 1/2 litre Ferrari fifth. Ascari’s Ferrari lasted only six of the 65 laps, when it spun round and retired.

Before this, however, Alberto had made fastest lap at 87.89 m.p.h. Villoresi’s Ferrari fell out after 30 laps and Farina’s Alfa Romeo with engine trouble ten laps earlier. No wonder they awaited the Italian G. P. with such awe! Alas. Moss didn’t get his hoped-for drive in a Ferrari at Bari.


Warm congratulations to Cortese on winning this classic race in Lurani’s Frazei–Nash, over one of the most difficult circuits in the world. Results :

Results :

1st. Cortese (Frazer-Nash), 47.57 mph.

2nd; Bracco 2.6 litre Ferrari)

3rd; Bernardi (2-litre Maserati)