

Sir, I feel it may be of interest to readers of your excellent journal to hear about a very good specimen of a 1922 ” Bullnose ” Morris Cowley tourer which my brot her and I were fortunate to obtain

sliort while ago.

The car is in good mechanical order and possessis mn Ilotelikiss engine ; 30-35 m.p.h. is :LI LainCd with ease and the car is capable or nearly GO m.p.h.., although of course, we keep it at, a steady thirty.

The body is in :t sound condition and the seats, although slightly worn, are well set up ;n al comfortable. Extra comfort_ is obtained through the rear springs which are in themselves a form of sliock-absorlier.

The excellent. vision from the driver’s seat makes it a pleasure to drive this wonderful and reliable old car, with its smooth gears. The rear wheel brakes are very (Ancient. The speedometer is driven off one 1)f OW front, WheCiS.

The carburetter is in Zenith but we do not know if this type was the original make as fitted. Many appreciative types have stopped to admire the car and have been _surprised to learn that it is a 1922 model, as they have guessed it 1LS IL 1925 or later

NVe have been endeavouring to obtain an instruction book for this car but so far without success. If any readers can assist in this direction, we should be very grateful.

We are still keeping our 1931 Cowley saloon ati 011C beet/MC:4 att./Wiled to these good ohl-t inters wtnicin keep going strong and will st ill be giving good service when the modern tin-ware has rusted away. I am, Yours, etc.,

W. Worthing, D. Sets:sus:.