


was interested to note the references in your September issue to the Palladium although your correspondent’s revolleetions do not quite tally with inv own. Carsbuilt before the 1914-38 war may have had Clutpuis Dornier engines the air-cooled fiat-twin with the frictilm drive which appeared at he 1919 show (liti not go into serious production, and I think that most of lit ears turned out during the 1920-192.; period were titled with Dorman engines, as also were the lorries. The four-seater sports model to which your correspondent particularly refers was certainly handsome even if the performance was not exceptional ; tIni.s model almost certainly bad a Dorman 69 by 100-mm. engine (type 451V ?), with inverted cone clutch and Dux four-speed gearbox having a vertical gate. It was usually turned out in it smart two-colour finish and the make performed quite well in trials, one Of them being driven by a Mn’. A. E. Smallwood, who is now I believe connected with Domains. At one time the old works in Felsham Road, Putney, were oecupied by Andre (Components), Ltd., and may still be.

Regarding the Rolland-Pilain cars entered for the 1923 Grand Prix, also mentioned in your September issue : can any of pair readers el:thin-ate on these ? believe they were originally designed with it posit iL:( valve-closing mechanism using involute CalT1S-known by some

weird name like ” desmodromique “-which had to be hastily scrapped and substituted by sometlang more orthodox for the race, in which none of the .cars finished although Albert Guyot got the farthest of the team. I am. Yours, etc.,

crawley Down. G. ARNOW. DeS1noiirontitina. valve gear was once featured on the Itignan. The Palladium used to boast, four of’ everything–cylinders. spetals, brakes, ibuirs and passengers ill M.C.C. trhints,-. Eo.1 * * *