

Sir, It might be of interest for you to know that I have recently come across two

extremely fine examples of vintage RollsRoyce in Russia. I saw them in the garage attached to Lenin’s country house at Gorki, near Moscow (now a museum).

One was a summer voitUre de grand touritnne, delivered before the Revolution of 1913 vintage. It has a yellow body and an inverted V-shaped cockpit. Though unable to examine it closely I was told it had a six-cylinder engine and was in p:erfect running order.

The second one was a black coupe and looked of a much earlier date. The rear wheels had been removed and caterpillar tracks fitted, with skis over the front wheels.. Evidently a winter vehicle.

Both ears have a large metal star soldered over the radiators. These cars were apparently used by Lenin till his death in 1926. I am, Yours, etc., ilayniond Kelly. London, W. L * .* *