Club News, October 1950


Club News


Another I 5.9-h.p. is in use in the Itirmitighant-Coventry area as a greengrocer’s light. -truck. Can any one run it to earth forii s? David S. Boston has acquired the t,X** White Mouse, ex-ProtIteroe singh-seat1’1′ Austin-Seven, A reader luts discovered a Calthorpc tourer with four good tyres in a Bromley garage mill is busy getting it on the road. Cecil Clarion lias replaced his Type 49llugat.t I with a new sixcylinder front-drive Citroen. Some rare cars are reported for sale at various sources in the Sheffield .area, including a six-cylinder 1927-98 Chau.): saloon, a ” 14;40 ” Dumber limousine and a 1909 NVolselty-Siddeley. Edward Pyildokt, w.ho was a C. N. fanatic about. th ic tiine when Jolin Bolster began to lay-out his first ” Bloody Mary,now motors in a 1919 touring Crossley. In view of Scot t Monerieff’s rect nt. reference to the Graf and Stilt. it is interesting that a reader recently encountered one or I hese vast ears at a deserted part or the Lincoln

shire coast . ‘Heiden’ ally, if bore a three-letter Bolton. Lanes., registration. In New Zealand Cpl. .1. ‘1’. Moran has unearthed a 1995-26 tilt.. IthOde twoseater and IlaS cviii hi Witted a sieve engine for it. IL It. Thompson is going to the th•partment of Geography, University of Illinois, Urbana. Illinois, for several years and would like to get in touch with fellow readers of Motou Scout in that part of U.S.A. Arto.h.v. ‘ha-twin Matchless light. car tuts been found in Diirkam, its specification embracing four-speed gearbox. live bach axle, four-wheel brakes

and anot her interest Mg survivor of the light-car era is saved. Geoffrey Frank pliantly announces that he has renounced modern cars and has been doing all his motoring in Edwardians. his 1914 ‘Sunbeam, 1912 Daimler, 1911 Rolls-linyec and fantastic 1905 Panhar(Lcvassor servicing admirably for this purpose. The 1912 I )aitider recently tO11111 Inane a bmken-down 1959 Morris, -which must have been quite a moment. Frank is restoring further ears for this deligl it purpose-a 1009 Mitudslcy and a 1910 Bolls-Royce. Two “102:1”

‘rattails were encountered recently, one with an odd coupe-top to its two-seater body. the other a tourer. Crampton is gradually completing a very thorough rebuild of his beautiful ” 2.9 ” straighteight supercharged road-equipped G.P. Maserati. A reader tells us he once owned a car the make of which we have never heard previously. It was a 0-lilt. Stack, niadc by G. F’. Stack ,Kr, Co., of Croydon. It had a 69 by 109.5 mm., 80′ ti-twin fixed-head air-Cooled s.v. engine, friction drive, and Dunlop 700 by AO tyres. Speed was

48-50 III. hi. undo, goal itlittilil ii iris, fuel t’oliSillOptiOn it genuine 45 m.p.g., with a tvviiseater and vast dickey seat. whicte often held Illyee persons. An early notable run was from Essex to Cornwall, start ing at 1.30 a. iii. and arriving for an early tea, an average or 23 m.p.h in spite or fog and poor lights.

” Hotrods •• are used in the States liy bootleggers. according to an article in Argosy. Apparently the roost favoured car is a 1989 or 1940 Ford coupe, at one time hot t (skip by raising the compressionrat io, using dual-plug igm ition. twincarburct tors, a special exhaust system and Lovejoy shoek-absorbers, fait in these enlightened days by installing an Offenhatiser engine. We are told t led. 900 miles hetween dusk and ilawn is the usual run for these cars, fiat-out all the way and that they are serVieed with_ the care hestinVed in raeitig cars ! A Mots and Berks MX. meniber ItaS net .111e sayagl., pet rid tax It installing it Nippy engine and gearbox in an early Chummy Austin Seven and is reputed to get a regular fuel consumption hi 1!XCOSS of 00 in.p.g A 1920 Type SW 25-h.p. (‘lement-Talbot chassis is for disposal in I )erbysitire, in somewhat rusty order. Seen at Prescott•—a VOW

fine ” dock’s-back.'” ” 12150 ” Aids and a ” 10/15 ” PEAT tourer.

Two of the rare ” 24:00 Sunbeams are for sale, a nicely-preserved 1993 example ill Devon and a 1921 -sports-bodied version in Norfolk.


It is common knowledge that. British and Continental SpOttii cars are very well received in America, and this fact, is obviously appreciated by I:en Brooks, Article Edit Or or the American monthly r1tp8././. Last month’s issue featured an article entitled ” Those Were tin. Ralph Stein, that illustrations being (rather elongated) colour photographs of Henry Austin Clark’s 1910 Chain-del VA! SifilideX, a low ithaiNIS 111.1).1t. I livid i coupe (said to tail-slide easily due to its low build Clark’s tni I Timid Nteteer, cot. Penton’s nuoetnised ” mtns ” ‘’.:LnxIot11, Clark’s 1919 T-head Stutz ” Bear Cat,” John Paid Stack’s 1920 3-litre Bentley. cartoonist Ululates Addams’ 1998 “381250” SSI:: Mercedes.Ileitz, Waller Stoekliit’s 1938 57SC lIngatti, I). („:ameron Peek’s 1935 V19 Dispano-Sui7,a. and a 1,750-c.c. Alfa-Romeo. Stein, whose technical references in text and caption to these and other ears is. in general, notably acciirate, remarks that the sun had almost set on the American sports car by the early twenties and so it is unfair to compare them-.Mercer. Stutz. Simplex, cl_-wit Ii the cream of European cars of some twenty years later, but they are Intl in as reminders of what America once made. 1k’ explains Bugatti, Alla-tioutco, Bentley. ” att,i98 “

hall, Hispano-Suiza and the like very neatly for his readers and the only grumbles we have are that he makes his SS and SSK Mercedes engines a shade oversize, couples 13irkin with these ears (probably because he drove a 2-litre straight-eight at Brooklands), and gives the fuel consumption of the ” 38/250,” with blower engaged, as 4 m.p.g., which is a thought exaggerated. Argosy’s article is very opportune and Stein says one day some smart. manufacturer in the States will realise the huge-potential market which exists for a good sports car and go right in and produce one. Meanwhile, the author is warm in his priase of the Healey Silverstone, CadillacAllard, XK 120 Jaguar, Aston-Martin and Jupiter.


The Bentley Drivers’ Club (-inainues to enjoy frequent ” Natters and Noggins,” to issue its ” Review,” one of the most. ambitious of club journals, quarterly, to enrol new itsembers. The lastI lit [lied is truly remarkable, because seemingly every old-school Bentley is in the Club, yet every month more owners enrol. The list published in the September ” Review ” anT1011110eli 59 new members, owning between them 34 3-litres, nine 44-litres (one ” blower “), two 6i-litres. two 8-litres, seven 44-litre and three 3.-Iltre ears. %Ve really cannot conceive that any more Bentley owners exist, but if they do, they are advised to join this very staunch brotherhood without

delay. Secretary : Lt.-Col. C. II. I).

Berthon, ” Mailges,” I.,ong Crouton, Aylesbury, Bucks.

The Veteran Car Club, which eaters primarily for pre-1905 ears, has established various regional sections, as follows : North Eastern Section Hon.-Sec. :

D. Robinson, 359, Willerby Road, 1lull.

North Western Section : Hon. See. : G. Frank, 1,itt Ic Wenlock, Shropshire. South Eastern Section :I lou. Sec. : Mrs. R. C. Green, ” Cabrai,” Billet. Hill, near

? Vrotham, Kent.

South Western Section : I ton. See. : IL Ilarton, 2, Waliner, Marl liaittenti, Plymouth.

The Club continues to publish its quarterly ” Gazette ” and its next big event is the one-and-only 1.1righton Run, with the co-operation of the R.A.C., which this year is to be held on November 12th. Full details from : Miss Ruxton. 46, North Row, Oxford Street, London, W.I. (Mayfair 6749).


The following statement. was issued on September 7th by the British Racing Motor Association -” The British Motor Racing Research Trust wishes to state that no proprietary parts or assemblies were involved in the mechanical failure which prevented the BALM. from racing in the Daily Express Trophy Race at. Silverstone on August 26th last.”


Members of the CitroOs Car Club enjoyed is very pleasant social event on September 3rd, when a representative gathering of Citroen car owners assembled at the Talbot Hotel, Ripley, Surrey, to join in a Treasure fluid over the Sussex and Surrey Byways to the finishing point at the Middie House Hotel, Mayfield.

Despite the cryptic wording of the clues indicating the intervening control points, 90 per cent, of the competitors arrived at the finish well witlsin the time limit, having collected all the clues en route. At a given signal all the entrants started to search for the Treasures in the grounds of the MAO. Mr. Edmunds, after scrambling amid the undergrowth, discosvred the gentleman’s Treasure and duly received his award in the shape of a Defroster. Similarly, Mrs. Chown, as though aided by sixth sense, achieved the ronarkable feat of discovering the

Lady’s prize and received a handsome hand-painted scarf.

The task of selecting the best. maintained car from a goodly collection of highly polished Cit mons was undertaken by Mr. ‘I’. N. Kendall, formerly the Service Manager of Cotroen Cars, Ltd., who gave the verdict to Mr. G. I. Gale for Isis 1936 12-11.p. saloon, amid wlio received a chromium spot lamp. ()titer presentat ions were made to Mr I A Starnes, magnetic inspection lamp, who evidently must I iavc” trod on the gas ” to arrive first, and to Major Lawrence a consolation prize (tyre gauge).

The Treasure limit was preceded by a Rally which was woo by Colonel Bontor, who started front Cheltenham, the second Prize going to Mr. Austin, starting from Harnble. The prizes consisted or an electric clock and an inspeethin lamp.

The day was iilliShed off with a very pleasant get-together party. Judging by the friendly and hat ?py atmosphere which ruled throughout, the event, it can be said that the first C.C.C. outdoor event, was a big success.

The next C.C.C. event will Lake the form of a Rally and Night-time Trial and will be held on November 4th.

This !sleeting will be open to members of the Citroen Car Club and Citroen owners who are not members.


The North Midland and Sheffield and Hallamshire Motor Clubs held a Social Conqx3ition Event for the Over Revvers Trophy on September 31’d.

It took Use form of climbing a steep gradient with a loose surface and two sharp hairpin bends as noir to a set standard time of 28 see.

In view of the weather conditions, the fastest time of the day made by Mr. Malcolm Bateman, driving his V8 Special (:1t1.7 see.), was a brilliant effort. The North Midland Motor Club took the honour of holding the Trophy for the

coming year.

There were 20 entrants front each club and the six best times from each team were counted in deciding the final result. The aggregate times were :-•North Midland Motor Club, 195.3 see. ; Sheffield and Hallamshire Motor Club, 206.4 sec.


This was rather dull this year due to paucity of entries. Dennis Poore was the virtual winner before the last event had been contested. Ile will be a very popular holder, for his modest, fearless and polished handling of a car difficult to drive on restricted sprint courses-the 3.8-litre twin-Wade-blown AlfaRomeo—is a quite outstanding speetaele in British Itaeing. Tlw final placings are : lit fi, Poore, 38 marks; 2ttd : S. ii. Allard and K. Wharton, 35 marks (lull. lIlt : R. Mllyit, 27 marks,

:ittri: Rutterworth, I:3 marks.


About this time of’ the year it is opportune to write about. the fun that, is to be had from trials, the season for which is about to commence. Primarily, of eourse, you should be a competitor. But if you haven’t, motor car suitable for ascending the slippery places, much enjoyment is to be had from marshalling or spectating. The former is unselfish, because it must be done conscientiously. The organisers will dispatch y011. WO your party to an observed section or special test, to mark the competitors through it, after instructing them what to do, ;old help them out if they stick. You will II-aVe In wait until e very car has been through, WI deli may be a mat ter of an hour or a day ! Then the ” In-oils.” if any, must lie collected, marker cards along yrarr part of OW Narte removed, and tiascore cards I aken WI/nip/1y to officials at. the finish. You can seldom mitnage to call in at: the lunch-cheek or see any of the other hills. But you haYe the satisfaction of a job tvell done, el tat with till Minpetitors, and a day spent in it littlefrequented part of the emmtry. It’ you feel like doing a job of this kind properly, organisers will usually be glad to wi’lconte you. Your need not neccessarily

their club although if there is social or associate membership this should be considered. Your party of brothers, sisters, mot tiers, wives, girl-friends and boy-friends will not be expected to join. Phut the Secretary of your loud trials-organising club and ask if’ you can help. This club will probably help other cluIrs to marshal their trials when nothing is happening locally, so plenty of amusing and stimulating Saturdays and Sundays can be expected. To spectate is fun, too, and costs nothing. If you ask politely at the start, most organisers will show you lire hills on your Ordnance Survey map and by careful planning, and skilful map-reading I etween sections, you can often manage to see two or more hills in the day. Only, for the love of mike, park your car well clear of competitors and where it won’t. trouble farmers and others to whom trials could easily seem a nuisance. You can do a world of good to trials in general by being polite to anyone yrin meet near ” section,” explaining that the thing isn’t a rare, if the opportunity arises I Most of us say we appreciate the

countryside but need an excuse to see more of it. Marshalling or spectating at trials provides that. very thing ! Remember you may be some hours in the cold away Prom your car, mainly in an element of mud and water. Food, hot drinks, shooting sticks and every known form of weather proteetien are important parts of the equipment and GUM BOOTS essential. Go out and watch trials and ENJOY THE WINTER . . .


In connection with the foregoing, here are some trhds due to happen din ring October 7t1,._ _Liverpool Mc. JINUM Hold Cup Trial, North Wales. (See. : J. Dixon, 91, Queen’s Drive; Livertaxil, is.) rith. Ilkley …A. D. M.C. Sporting Trial, Otlay„ (Sec.: W. 1,. T. Winder, 164, Park Rom!, Leeils.[ 7511 M.C. VVrothain Cup Trial, Emit. (See, : R. Biekle, 4, Pelham Court, Staines,

St lescx. 15th. .I.elerla in midi S.C. Trial, Uppingiutni. Dice, : .1. Barrett, 23(u, Lincoln Road, Walton, Northants.)

1501. -Riley M.C. Inter-Centre Tv:1111 Trial, North Yyrk3hire. (See.: A. :Farrar, 21, Poultney [Wad. !tad ford, Coventry.)

‘fallfitaft 7,LC. Allen ‘Trophy Trial (See.: 51′. A., Stone., Sf, Winchester Street, Taunton.) North Midlands M.C. Send-Sporting Tri:ti. (Sr,. : .1. it. 19, Chatsivorth 1.01111Wit II near Nianslield, Net ts.) Plymouth MS”. Alaneurian Tnal, Devon. (Sec.: c. Shepherd, The White liouse, Ohl lairs Hwy!, Plymouth.) spOrting Trial, Itirdon, (See.: J. A. masters, 26; 1[10(»iisbury Way. W.C.1.) Scott 160 tile ethiC C.c. Autumn Trial, Central seotland. (See, : W. I.. B. Callander, 100, West Ii,;! au Street, tilinig0w.) 21a142210.—Iliints A, Becks NI.C, Night Rally. Hampshire. (See.: C. Ibilmer, Earnboro’ Grange Hostel, Vanitiorough, Hants.) 22n41.-Munch]. & Itattanuttir(‘ NJC. Sporting Trial. Bitaton. (See. : .1, D. letter, 7, Evelyn Road, S11011(4(1, 10.) 2[411,-1BI:idol MA:. L.C.C. John Bull Trial, (otswolds. (See, : J. 1). Atkinson,, Pembroke Road, Bristol-, 9.)

29th, •NW. London V. S. Team :prim. Exinom. J, 11. Appletint, 99, Gold hawk Road, SW. IC.) Chin Ii. 4(ile.y M.G. Autumn Trial, Ibillgenortli. (See.: J. II. Appleton, 99, Coldhawk W.12.1


It struck us the other day that each of the better motor cars lots a particular aspedt. that sets it off to the very best advantage. A G. I>, Bugatti. for example, caught breast lug a hill-climb course with the skyline behind it, showing the outline of the riblred base-chamber, that. classic tubular front axle, wheels inclined to give centre-point steering, the body swelling from that so shun radiator that, clearly, Lc Patron knew was just adequal e wit hoot presenting (Me lvasted centimetre of wind drag. On the way to Prescott we espied out of the ” corner of an eye ” a 1)11 II Astim-Martin saloon parked in (me of Cheltenham’s select squares. We caught

this glimpse of the car in three-quarter rear view and its low-built body, recessed by unspatted centre-lock wire wheels, and general air of something different and exciting, was, again, aesthetically extremely pleasing. No &add motoring artists will know what we are trying to convey and winter club gatherings might do worse for a subjeet of discussion.