A Spate of Record Breaking


A Spate of Record Breaking

Before the IYar record-breaking was a recognised undertaking when you Nveren’l rtwing. Recently renewed interest has been shown in it. largely thanks to the ttiI.tIclil ii 111,C banked 10111I11el’y track near Paris. Following news or oll• .1.11S1 iii .‘40.8 SlieeeSSfill hid iii ClaSS F, came news that A. Nlomberger, II. Meier, A. Brinks :11111 K. Seliankle .were at !entitling shorter Class F records in it near-standard aerodynamic tWo-seater Ransa-Iliirg-ward. They drove it at speed for 500 miles, when engine trouble intervened. The car reappeared later, intent on the 2.1-hour record, bill a wheel broke up and the back axle radius anus ‘Were Net”erl r011irttilig !lett records were established

The old records, held bythe EystonMaelure Riley.. were beaten by 5,1,43 tint! “‘sin” i‘el.).• Meanwhile. o‘er in I ‘t alt. evert4rcen Jenkins, who has dime so initelt to popularise record-breaking cot the Salt Flats, raised his irwit ■Vorlils !lour recor(l, that tittielt-covettgl honour, by over 21) M.p.h., driving the 3fornton

AIele(ur. The figure stands at over 197 m.p.h.

.A 1)11 II .‘ stoti-AIart in saloon was taken to Altuttlliery, with an eye to breaking the 2,000 mile. 3,000 kilometres and 24-Itimr Internal natal Class 1) records. Tlw drivers appointed were Thompson, Itratekentairy, Bouchard and Nlitekliti. appear to have planned to do

spells or 200 001,:s mach.

fort oat liar wcat !wt. was unkind Iii this British venture. Torrential rain fell and after the car had covered 5110 miles this changed to fog, rediteing visibility to 25 yards. The 11111411W WRS al/MI(1011rd aIIII Ike records remain the property of Citroen Speeiale A’aeett, which in 193 t set them al Witi. 914.11I and 98.10 m.p.h.. respect iv-ely. Ni.‘ ell lieless, I lie Aston-11;LO in put tip a convincing show, averaging 107 m.p.h. l’or the initial 100 inilt.•st and 10:1.79 m.p.h for the 500 miles, including three eltanges of driver.

Also at Muller, Glockner. VOI1 I ‘Mlle:1611 /1.111I l’OlellSky 100k 0111 all aerodynamie version of Volkswagen and broke eight long-duration Class (; records after reuniting the undertray below the engine in mitre overheating. The engine had the normal single carburetter, consumed pump fuel, and did one lap al over 155 it. pit. tww figures it cc’ „

These records belonged formerly to a Simea-FIAT driven Ity Gantltier and others in 1938.