"Daily Express" Rally, Nov. 8th-10th


This Rally is being organised by the M.C.C. for the Daily Express. At last we have a real “man’s rally” again, for the 1,000 miles have to be covered at a 26 2/3 m.p.h. average, with the exception of 24 m.p.h. average for the communal stage from Chester to the finish at Torquay. This will take quite a bit of doing, at all events at night, especially if fog is encountered, as these speeds are inclusive of all stops. The starting places will be Plymouth (Car No. 1 leaves here at 10 a.m., Nov. 8th), Norwich, Harrogate, Cardiff, Glasgow, Leamington Spa, London, and Manchester. The first car is due at Torquay on Nov. 10th at 7.30 a.m. There are five capacity classes and a class for “specials,” all sub-divided into “open” or “closed.” Cars will be examined for condition at the finish and there will be a Concours d’Elegance on Nov. 11th.

This Rally is open to the B.A.R.C., Brighton & Hove M.C., Lancashire A.C., S.S.C.C., Sheffield & Hallamshire M.C., S.U.N.B.A.C., Yorkshire S.C.C. and M.C.C. Entries, at £4 a car, close on October 9th. You are advised to make the most of unrationed petrol and enter. Details from M.C.C., 26, Bloomsbury Way, W.C.1. Marshals are required.