Club News, October 1948


Club News


One of the original 2-litre Lagonda ” 14/60 ” saloons is still in regular use and good order in Weybridge, while an Armstrong-Siddeley Fourteen saloon and a large, late-model Star saloon were encountered in Chichester and a foreignregistration 1928-9 fixed-head coupe Amilcar in Hampshire. In Johannesburg, Hugh Linton has acquired a Rootsblown straight-eight 2.6-litre Maserati two-seater with cowled dumb-irons and radiator, which is said to be the exCampari 1936 Ulster T.T. car, then a four-seater. The owner seeks confirmation of this. Numbers on the engine and spare crankcase are 2516 and 2518. The wheelbase is 9 ft. in., and there is a Scintilla starter and 12-volt 80-watt generator, while the brakes are mechanically operated. The present Reg. No. is CA 4227. In Melbourne Lance Harvey is overhauling his Series 84 four-cylinder ” I3arcelona ” HispanoSuiza, a car that has served well for many years, while over here Bernard Coulter has completed his 2-litre Atalanta-engined Type 40 Bugatti, which he says possesses “considerable stepoff.” For those who like to have every motoring publication that is available, there is an outspoken and decidedly entertaining four-page news-sheet issued weekly in America. It is known as Franson’s Weekly Motor News and is obtainable from Box 254, Eugene, Oregon, if you have a friend in the States able to forward the $3 annual subscription for you. A 1924 Swift Ten ” Chummy ” is owned by a Hampshire garage. A ” 10/23 ” Talbot with Swift back axle and Utility body was running in Kent up to the end of last June.

G. D. Kirk has acquired a 1912 15.9h.p. Scout from a member of the family who built these cars. Having had only one owner and having been stored for much of its life, this car is in good condition. The body also by Scout is a four-five-seater torpedo with a cape-cart hood secured by long straps to the front dumb-irons. The specification includes cork-lined cone clutch, four-speed gearbox, metal-to-metal rear brakes and a sprag. The car came with a catalogue, order form and list of extras and to make matters really complete the new owner craves a suitable gas lighting set or an appropriate pair of early electric headlamps. Bernard Fogarty is having his 1936 ” T.T. Replica” Blackburn Frazer-Nash completely overhauled by the makers, preparatory to taking it to the U.S.A., where he will have to take a driving test on it !

Cecil Burney is rebuilding a very early Werner motor-cycle, having commenced riding on this make, and Daphne Tolson has procured for herself a 1925 D.I. Delage coupe. Another G.N. looks like coming back on to the road, for Bateman, who owns an immaculate sports F.I.A.T. ” Balilla,” has discovered an example with Alvis radiator and engine from a bull-nose Morris, which he intends to restore. There is a four-speed stark-bodied Frazer-Nash with special tubular front axle and brakes from the Anderson racing Austin Seven and a single-port Meadows engine for sale in Hampshire for about £150, while one of the odd little 7-h.p. Peugeot saloons, of 1928 vintage for sale, has

turned up in Herefordshire. If you are buying your car a new set of plugs, most garages and stockists now possess Lodge’s latest recommendation chart, while the Rugby factory will be glad to assist with particular plug problems. A 1919 Douglas cyclecar, original save for brass in place of steel wheel-nuts and the necessary licence-holder, enlivens the roads of the West Country. An air-cooled 1923 Belsize Bradshaw is still operating satisfactorily in Wiltshire, and A. 11. Walter has replaced his

1927 A.C.-Anzani, in wh i( t he covered 51,000 miles in the last three years including two holidays in Switzerland —merely decarbonising three times and changing the oil every 1,000 miles—for a 1925 A.C. Six two-seater, which has been stored since 1932.


The Bugatti Owners’ Club, Prescott apart, has busied itself of late with Concours and social events. Its latest issue of ” Bugantics ” dontains some extremely interesting pictures of early Bugatti ears and episodes in the life of Le Patron, a breezy account of K. W. Bear’s victory in the Castletown Trophy race in his 3.3-litre Bugatti, and a delightful essay by Scott Moncrieff on finding a

good home for his faithful Type 46. Seven new members have been elected recently, numbering amongst them Lancia “Lambda,” 1914 Rolls-Royce, modern 21-litre Riley, Invicta, Austin Seven and two Type 40 Bugatti cars. W./Cmdr. Symondson has enrolled as a life member. Future fixtures embrace the annual dinner and dance at Grosvenor House on December 4th.

Hon. Sec. : Major G. Dixon-Spain, 0.B.E., M.C., Prescott House, near Cheltenham, Glos.


The Bentley Drivers’ Club really has done itself proud. On September 1 it not only issued another of its beautifullyproduced and ever-enthralling ” Reviews,” but also a 93-page list of members, giving names, addresses and Bentley types, not only alphabetically, but sub-indexed under registration numbers and geographical areas—a stupendous job ably carried out by Arnold Stenhouse and Stanley Sedgwiek. Even registration numbers of old-school Bentleys not on the club roll have been included, where known. We find that the membership is now 715, cars comprising 277 3-litres, 22 3-litres having 41-litre engines, one 8-litre having a 6/-litre engine, one blown 3-litre(!), three 4-litres, a 4-litre with a 41-litre engine and another with a 61-litre engine, 201 4&-litres, 22 blower 41-litres, three 41-1 itres with 3-litre engines, a diesel 41-litre, 71 61-litres, a diesel 61-litre, 27 8-litres, 12 31-litres and 21 41-litres. A wonderful list ! Clearly the Rolls-Bentley types do not realise how much they miss by not joining in numbers, and when they do the membership roll could easily run into four figures—Which is purely our observation, not prompted by the club. Its latest ” Review ‘ runs to 63 closelypacked pages, embracing tales of tours by Bentleys in various parts of the globe, American Bentley news, a wonderful summary of Bentley race achievements and records listing reasons for retirements and drivers, reports of club events, and the last instalment of W. Boddy’s

• ‘ Bentleys at Brooklands,” ending at Forrest Lycett’s masterful s.s. kilometre in Class B with his 8-litre. Fixtures for October include the annual dinner and dance at the Dorchester on the 16th.

Hon. Sec. : Stanley Sedgvvick, “The Cobb,” Stoke Close, Cobham, Surrey.


Quiggin’s ” 12/50 ” Alvis Register is beginning to grow, that for July last listing 36 registrees. Some interesting details of owner’s cars are detailed under the heading “Odd Mods.” A rally is contemplated. Details from P. Quiggin, 6, Grantchester Road, Cambridge.


This will be held over a strictly sporting course on Wool Heath, Bovingdon, on October 17th, and counts for the Trials “Star.” Organised by the W. Hants. & Dorset M.C., the start and finish will be at the Binnegar Hotel, near Wareham. The Bristol, N.W. London, Southsea, M.G., Vintage, Maidstone & Mid-Kent,

Harrow, N.L.E.C.C., and J.C.C. are invited, as the event will also form a combined Team Trial. Details can be had from secretaries of the invited clubs.


The Midland Motoring E.C. holds monthly film shows and talks and is

generally active. The Secretaryship recently changed hands, Mrs. J. E. Southall, 53 Woodlands Road, Birmingham 11, now being in control.


This Club is holding the first road race in the Province on October 30th, sponsored by the Order of St. John, as all proceeds are to go to the building fund for a new Eye Hospital. Scratch races for 250-, 350and 500-c.c. motor-cycles and a series of heats and a 72-mile final for the cars, are contemplated. It is hoped that in 1949 the Durban, East London, Cape Town and other clubs will join in and that foreign drivers will enter, the race to be a Formula event.


A Fund has been opened from which to provide a Memorial Trophy in memory of Richard Stallebrass who was fatally injured during the Spa race, shortly after he had re-formed the A.M.O.C. It is hoped that a really good piece of silver can be put up, to be offerorannually for the best competition achievement by a privately-owned Aston-Martin, possibly with limitations as to the type and age of cars eligible. Donations totalled over i:30 by the end of August and further contributions, and enquiries about the Club, should be addressed to the Hon. Sec., Dudley Comm, 554, Limpsfield Road, Upper Warlingham, Surrey.


This recently-formed Club has 43 full members and has already held two ambitious driving tests. In the more recent Ratcliff’s Allard made best performance, and Mrs. Sheila Hallam’s Alvis led the ladies. The class winners were : Gahagan’s Ulster Austin Seven, Radford.’s Anzani-Austin, and the Allard. The Anzani-Austin was using a S.U. petrol pump and forward-facing floatchamber, following fuel starvation at the Vintage Prescott meeting, and Hallam produced a Riley Six with a Ford V8 $0 engine. Cars in lite Club include Crossley’s Alta, awaiting a new engine, a 4f-litre Invicta, the Radford G.P. Talbot, three 2-litre Lagondas, a 3-litre Lagonda with over 280,0(X) miles to its credit, a beetle-back ” 12/50 ” Alvis and a ” 38/250 ” Mercedes-Benz, etc. The Club has by no means despaired of future motoring at Donington. Chairman : A. G. Holt, 14, Upper College Street, Nottingham.


The Vintage Motor-Cycle Club goes on growing. New members listed in the August Bulletin included owners of a 1921 Scott, two 1926 Scotts, two 1930 Scotts, 1921 A.J.S. twin, three 1927 A.J.S., 1928 Sunbeam, 1027 Rudge, 1920 Sunbeam, 1926 Sunbeam, 1928 Velocette,

1928 Scott, 1926 Norton and 1930 Calthorpe. Full details from : Hon. Sec. : M. F. Walker, 170, Woodcock Hill, Kenton, Middlesex.


The census of cars on British roads that we let creep into these columns last month, not without considerable misgivings, has aroused quite a lot of interest. The young friend to whom we introduced the idea seems to have become definitely infected, as he contributes two more, taken in Brussels and Lugano, respectively, which we publish below. Actually, the Brussels census was taken in two parts and we have kept it thus, because it is instructive to note how closely the findings tally.


A good rumpus need do no one much harm in the end and we were glad that our remarks about certain slacknesses on the part of the Vintage S.C.C. were replied to in their September “Bulletin,” which, as if to make good past mistiming, was in our hands by August 28th. A complete Editorial is devoted to us and we are even paid the very real compliment of being termed a “rival outfit.” We are glad to find ourselves taken to task in this manner, for it is this spirited, entirely individualistic style of writing of’ Cecil Clutton’s that endears these ” Bulletins ” to everyone and why we bemoaned their scarcity this season. One of the items over which we are taken to task is our appearance at the Vintage Prescott meeting in a Vauxhall Ten (how we appreciated it when the storm burst during the homeward run !) but RS the next two pages of this particular ” Bulletin ” are devoted to praise of the Standard Vanguard—vintage cars versus the “Whopping Success” (as one noted journalist recently dubbed this new British car)—we do not feel too badly

about our arrival amidst the vintagents in a post ” 30/98 ” product of old Luton ; especially as Clutton not only discourses about Vanguard and vintage in the same breath, but, indeed, tells us that the best Edwardians come closest to the general characteristics of the Vanguard . . . For once, sir, further words fail us !


At first sight last month’s Quiz appeared to be unduly difficult, but it was as much a test of memory of motoring information imparted to you by the technical press as a test of identification, as the same picture and the solution appeared in MOTOR SPORT thirteen years ago! At all events, the first correct solution this time came from A. N. Acraman of London, W.4, although he wasn’t quite confident that he had the venue correct. Actually he had, the car being a 2-litre Bianchi seen competing in a 1935 Bouley Bay Hill Climb. Other correct solutions came in from W. B. Hatfield of Leytonstone, E. Onions of Kidderminster, L. Tallis of Coventry,V. Barlow of Birmingham, Capt. Brown of Barton, R. Buxton of Enfield Wash, J. de Blaquiere of Bromsgrove (who, however, omitted the venue), and E. Shenton of Longton. Incorrect solutions embraced Stutz at Pike’s Peak,

The car concerned was shown being handled by G. R. Goldsmith who owned it at the time, having purchased it from a Mrs. Hanson, who arrived in Jersey to stage an air pageant and left the car behind. The specification embraced twin o.h.c., dual ignition, two big Zenith carburetters, and a fine built-up crankshaft with 72 mm. dia. double-roller big-ends. Every hearing in the engine was either ball or roller and the gearbox gave forward four speeds, the car having been built as one of a team, for the Italian Grand Prix, probably in 1922 or 3. No. 4 big-end gave Mr. Goldsmith continual trouble, so that, tiring of making new cages on a foot-treadle 4f-in. Drummond lathe, eventually he made a white-metal bearing for No. 4 rod, taking a special oil-feed to it and re-balancing the engine. Alas, a rod broke on test and rent the crankcase. The Bianchi was then sold to a Mr. Wiley, as Mr. Goldsmith had acquired the ex-Oliver Brooklands Morgan. It is probable that this was the Bianchi with which Capt. Miller took short-distance Brooldands records in 1923 at nearly 98} m.p.h.


Another of those extremely friendly driving-skill contests between the Metropolitan Police Driving School and the Bentley D.C. was held at Hendon on September 5th. The B.D.C. put in Radford, Evan-Cook, Tate, Kramer, Dunn, Stout, Gregory, Collins, Fane, Teirney, Monkhouse, Kemp-Place, Pitts, Mountfoot, Sedgwick, im Thurm and Mareehal as their men, but the police won each of the five tests. They won by 767 marks to 646, using an open 4f-litre Lagonda as one of their cars. Isn’t it time people like Imhof, Newton, Allard, Wharton, Parker and Potter tried their skill, in trials-type cars, against these sporting (and skilled) policemen ?

Ferrari Wins at Montlhery

t ing the promise it had

shown in earlier sports-car races this season, and as a single-seater in the recent Italian Grand Prix, the V12 Ferrari won convincingly the 12-Hour Sports-Car Race at Montlh,ery on September 12th. After Cabantous’ Talbot had retired with a broken valve and the Pozzi-Chauboud Delahaye had been caught, the ‘2-litre Ferrari ran on to an untroubled victory. Chinetti, who drove it the entire. duration, stopped twice to refill, once to free a fingernail from the horn-push(!), once for tyres, and again to have a tyre changed with a wheel in place, as it refused removal during the previous stop. His car gave no trouble and he averaged 72.96 m.p.h. Second was the 8-litre Delage of Louveau and Brunet, and third the grand old 1937 2-litre “Speed Model” Aston-Martin handled so ably by Folland and Connell. Britain didn’t do so well as at Spa, but she did win the match contest against the French. The class winners were Molinari and Prat (Simca-750-c.c.), de Montremy and Dussous (Monopole1,100-c.c.), Lachaize and Debille (D.B.— 1,500-c.c.), Chinetti (Ferrari-2-litre), Louveau and Brunet (Delage-8-litre), and Brault and Marechal (Delahayeover 8-litres). Retirements and non-starters included : Metcalfe, whose vintage 8-litre ex-racing Bentley overturned in practice ; Cabantons (Talbot), broken valve ; Deutsch and Schell (D.B.), front suspension failure; Heath and Rolt (Alta), sheared wheel nuts ; Haines and Johnson (Healey saloon), engine trouble ; Gerard (Delage), fire ; Black and Wisdom (Healey roadster), transmission failure. British placings included the Aston-Martin’s second in the 2-litre class ; Clark and Marechal (H.R.G.) third and Phillipps and Oscar Moore (M.G.) fourth in the

if category, and Richards and Thomson (H.R.G.) fourth in the 1,100-c.c. class.

conclusion. This programme of short races offers excellent value to all concerned. Please, lir. Morgan, let us have a repeat just as early as possible in 1949. It is significant that this keenlycontested racing on a new circuit cost, in casualties, only a cut thumb, whereas in ” Battle of Britain” Air Displays on the same day fifteen people lost their lives and thirteen were injured. One hesitates to make this unfortunate comparison, but just visualise the fuss that would have arisen had a car gone into the crowd at Goodwood. The Sunday Graphic gave a centre-page illustrated report by Mrs. Petre, in which she described the meeting as the J.C.C.’s first post-war meeting (forgetting Jersey, etc.), and Lowrey, delightfully, as a veteran-driver. The main thing, however, is that Goodwood was a great success –we want more !—W. B.