Raymond Mays (E.R.A) Consolidates His Position at Craigantlet


Raymond Mays (E.R.A.) Consolidates His Position at Craigantlet ‘ Allard’s Allard and Hutchison’s Alfa-Romeo placed second and third, respectively

Driving with all his customary style and precision, Raymond Mays proved unbeatable at Craigantlet. The course this year had been abbreviated by 50

yards and Mays’ time in the E.B.A. represents a new record-1 min. 15.8 sec. During the first half Mays had clocked 1 min. 17.2 sec., against which Sydney Allard’s Steyr-Allard, its engine inelined to misfire, but doubtless aided by its new coil-sprung de Dion rear axle with brake drums mounted on the inboard final-drive shafts, managed 1 min. 20 sec., while Ken Hutchison, third ecintender for the 1948 Chantpionship honours, did 1 min. 19.4 see. in Ills Alfa-Romeo. On his second run Ma?,-s brought his time down to 1 min. 15.8 sec., Allttrd improved to 1 min. 18.4 sec. on a very fine ascent, and Hutchison was also faster, in 1 min. 18.8 sec. This gave Hutchison the Chain pionship lead with 32 marks, from Mays and Poore with 29 marks, hut Prescott was still to come for the latter drivers, 4111?-.1-?


Sir, Having limn oil holiday, I have only now had the opportunity to read your excellent account of the Spa 24-Hour

race. There is, however, one small point on which I would like to correct yen! ; I would not have bothered about it if the report had not stressed the point with considerable emphasis. When the Scaron Veyron Simca came in shortly after mid day with ignition (not plug) trouble— the coil was at fault, I believe—Searon was at the wheel, not Veyron, and it was Veyron who put up such a magnificent show at the end of the race, putting in a lap at 132.487 km.,111., second Only to the Ferrari’s 135.937, and that with a 1,220-e.e. car. I had, Of course, every opportunity to watch both Searon and Veyron at work, and there is no question that Veyron was, by a considerable

margin, the faster of the two men. May I also correct you for the state ment that the M.G. which I drove in company with its owner, J. &Waters, was a ” .12 ” model ? In fact it was a ” PI3 “

and the actual car which was driven into fourth place at Le Mans in 1938 by C. Bonneau and Mine. Rier. In spite of its special body, saving about 1 cwt., and a slightly higher back-axle ratio (N-type Magnette, 5.125 to 1), it is absolutely standard in specification, if one dis regards the broken piston rings wit Ii

which it ran tlwoughout the race ! I am, Yours, ete.,


PAur, FRERE. -4?-•41.–46


Sir, As a great enthusiast for the sport, I looked for nil to readin?-r, with even more than my usual keen interest, the report on the Brighton and hove Motor Club’s hill-climb ‘it m

t Staner Park. After many years of following the sport as an Outsider, 1 now have an interest in the design and construction of . one of the cars, the Jaguette Special. I thought this car did very well to make second fastest time in the club event and the course commentary was quite favourable, yet there was no mention of its per formance in your report. My colleague, the owner-driver, G. I). Parker, drove precisely and took only 1 , 9th second more for the ascent than Leonard in the Stripped M.G. Ma gliet le. Your remark, ” the rest were mainly touring,” has caused me abjection. Surely the Jaguette

gave the best performance in i llis category and was worthy of some mention ? This car was designed primarily to be suitable for day-to-day transport and yet to have a highly competitive per formance. The engine is therefore corn pletely standard but supercharged, and the vehicle can be driven in top gear in town with the facility and tractability

of an ordinary 21-litre Jaguar saloon. You may be interested in details of the

Jaguette, and for your information I enclose Mlle herewith. I am, yours, etc.,

HERBERT W. KINGSBURY. Bexleyheath, Kent. J.1 i,’ f 7 E TTE SPECIAL Chassis.—MIO filed N1,1;. Magnette “N” series,

retaining riAnal wileellase and track. Axkx.–Froot : M.O. MaLoiette, Rear: Ford “Mercury ” modified to accept N1.0. Magnette hubs, with roihT int lifqt .t. kill-races, and reduced

in width to MA;. Ma:tnefte track.

S’eperoi.ioy. Qnarter-ellipt ir front and rear.

W her18.–Iffitilup 6on 16.

Meerilty. Marks wrik,r.

BrykeR.-M .G , rabk-olu-nited on all wheels. To,ii.joie .) I’ c1;11 ‘I ii Borg tit Beek ehttch, timing ii; ti S.8, 1 gearbox. ratios 1, l.375, Ilardy-Spirer open pro Peller shalt to modified Ford ” Nlerenry ” spiral

bevel final drive. r;(tiu 3.5:, to I. Elloine.—S.S. Jaguar : six-cylinder push-rod 0.h.v. Rare : 73 nim. Stroke : 106 nun. capacity :

2,664 c.c. Compression ratio: 7.1. .s,/pereheoisy.-Arnott, Vane blowing ;it 6 lb. per sq. inch. Capacity : 1,875 c.e. Drivva y ” V “

belf at engine speed. Body. Magnct te two-seater lowered 21 in. and

ti(uttiv ini,v(41 4 in. rearward.