

WE do not profess to know just when the war will terminate. But that motoring sport will be revived in the next spell of peace we are certain. What form it will take is another matter. In some quarters it is believed that trials will enjoy a boom period, very probably under military or semimilitary jurisdiction, as a vital means of training mechanised infantry of future wars. Other people think that racing will early come into its own again, although few can decide quite in what form. Sports car racing, in as near production-car style as possible, is sometimes put forward as the most likely form of contest to appeal to war-equipped factories going back with difficulty to useful productive work. Yet you hear, too, that International Grand Prix racing will not be unduly long in regaining its former glory, because vanquished nations will be policed pretty thoroughly and a potent British G.P. car will be a useful weapon to exhibit, alongside fast fighters and indefatigable bombers. What form the Sport will take when hostilities have ceased is, in fact, a most debatable problem. It is a great pity that those who, in what little relaxation time is now at their disposal, plan and work on cars for future competitive motoring cannot be given some more definite intimation of the possible trend of things. Much must remain a matter for circumstance. But it would be useful to know whether the Midland A.C. , Bugatti Owners’ Club, Kent and Sussex L.(‘ .C. and similar bodies have given any thought to Class I, and whether they arc likely to look kindly on it. It would be helpful to know whether the Vintage S.C.C. and Veteran C.C. propose to hold road events for those excellent prethe-last-war carriages after this war. One would dearly like to know what the R.A.C. thinks is likely to happen and what events it looks forward

to organising ; but as that august body lives so much in the past that it has not so much as noticed that extra pound per annum which was tacked on to tricycle taxation some years ago—vide a recent News Bulletin— that is doubtless too much to expect.

The Sport would certainly benefit on its revival if we knew more now of what forms it is likely to take. It will flourish, of that we are certain, for really it is not a ” sport ” at all, but a necessary adjunct and vital stimulant to a great industry.

And yet, surely we are the people to decide this important question—and by “we. ” is meant the whole motoring community in general and racing motorists in particular. Provided the entries are forthcoming there will certainly be • promoters willing to sponsor any competition, within reason, for which there is a sufficient demand, and even the governing bodies would. hardly oppose themselves to proposals vv hieh, whilst not breaking any of their fundamental principles, were supported by a considerable body of motoring opinion. The most effective action that can be taken at the moment appears to us to be for those with experience and enthusiasm to get together as often as is convenient and to discuss every aspect of post-war motor racing as far as can be visualised at the present time. There would thus be a body of informed opinion ready to take the lead in formulating proposals directing the energies of those whose release from aerial reconnaissance and bombing raids will require something vital to replace the excite ment and speed which have been their daily portion. Not all motor-racing adherents are 11.A.F. pilots—far from it ; but even those enthusiasts whose part in the national effort has kept them in office, factory, or workshop will appreciate a ready-made programme of motor-racing as a relief from the long and

arduous hours of war time.