

THE second ” Enthusiasts’ Rally ” took place with pronounced eclat at the Rembrandt Hotel on Sunday, October 5th. It was again organised by the B.O.(‘,, V.S.C.C. and E.R.A. Mb, and was fully as great a success as their previous entertainment at Cheasiogton in the summer.

This time the programme consisted of luncheon and a film show by George Monkhouse, followed by tea. There was also an exhibition of motoring pictures such as can seldom have been gathered together before, comprising originals of many of Gordon Crosby’s: unsurpassed paintings (mostly the “Meteors of Speed ” series), kindly loaned by the ” Autoear ” ; technical drawings from the ” Motor,” each a masterpiece of draughtsmansliip, combining mechanical exactitude with artistic effect ; and some of George Monkhouse’s best photographs of modern Grand Prix racing, themselves as pre-eminent :as are his motion pictures, of which he also showed a selection, accompanied by his inimitable style in running commentary. At the film show there was also seen a technicoloar film of the making of Prescott and the first meeting, taken by Erie Giles, and a film Of Major Gardner’s record-making run at Frankfurt on the 1,100-c.e. M.G., with commentary by Laurence Pomeroy.

The picture exhibition was much enhanced by a fine descriptive catalogue, kindly produced for the occasion by the Temple Press. All told, exactly 150 tickets were sold and there were very few non-starters. At lunch, Raymond. Mays took the chair, , and other well-known motorists present Included Mr. Armstrong, the Editor of the ” Motor ” ; Mr. Linfield, of the

” Autocar ” ; George Monkhouse ; Peter and Mrs. Monkhouse, Marcus Chambers, John Bolster, Kieniantaski, Stuart Wilton, Anthony and Theodora Heal, Peter and Arid l Clark, Gordon Wilkins, Laurenee and Elsie Pomeroy, Eric Giles, Rivers and Penny Fletcher, Frances Hutton-Stott, Gerald Sumner, Mortimer Morris-Goodall, George Duller, Peter Robertson-Rodger, Bunny Tubbs, Mr. and Mrs. McKenzie, and two ex-C.UA.C. Secretaries, Messrs, Jesty and Pringle. Several of these were in uniform and the Services were well represented throughout the room, some men having obtained leave to come from considerable distances, including Anthony Brook from Salisbury and John Scaif from Blackpool ; enthusiasm indeed !

When it came to the speech-making, Raymond Mays first called on Gordon Wilkins to propose the health of ” Motoring Sport.” Adding emphasis to his characteristically vivid phraseology by a deal of excellent humour, Wilkins stressed the advvntage Germany had had in this war by her appreciation of the national value of motoring and motor sport in the prewar years. Speaking of his own experiences as an Array instructor in the curly days of the war, he gave instances of the pitiful sort of material out of which we had to build a mechanised army at a moment’s notice. Replying to the toast, Raymond Mays picked up VVilkins’s argument and urged the vital need for Grand Prix racing on closed road circuits in this country and the concurrent need for racing here to be taken more seriously. He also stressed the importance of rallies of this kind to keep alive enthusiasm during the war and hoped he would be

asked to the next one—a remark to which he will certainly be held ! Laurence Pomeroy then proposed the health of the “Organising Clubs” in a speech of scintillating wit, to which Cecil Clutton replied on behalf of the three clubs in question, pointing out that the toast should really have been the other way round, because Pomeroy had been the prime mover both here and at Chessington. He thought that after the war these dubs would be glad to remember they had done their Modest bit towards keeping enthusiasm alive during the war, and as this AN as the main reason why they were gt thered together, lie felt it appropriate to mention one person who had perhaps done More than anyone else in that direction. He was speaking of W. noddy, the Editor of MOTOR SPORT. MOTOR SPORT was a paper so exclusively for the enthusiast that it was hardly intelligible to anyone else, and no one imagined that it would survive the outbreak of war by More than a month or two. Yet noddy, working on a full-time war job had, by almost superhuman efforts in his spare time only, not only kept it going, but vastly improved it into the bargain. All trite enthusiasts owed him a profound debt of gratitude and it was a great pity that he had not been able to get away from his job to come to the party. [We have never before known Sam Clutton make a bad mis-statement on a motoring matter I Actually, the work referred to is a selfish hobby and apology should most certainly be extended to those descended upon for NISS. without any warning and often v it bout acknowledgment or thanks.—Ed. j USIA STS’ RA

Clifton also stressed the important part that the sporting clubs could phly in the post-war tight for motoring rights and Urged the formation of a liaison committee to co-ordinate their efforts in stipport of any responsible campaign which might be hillitched. Finally, Mr. Armstrong rose to thank the Chaitman and propose his health

Mr. Armstrong’s pungent writings in support. of the motorist’s lot are well known, and he adeed his Conviction that things would be very different after the war. All the Speeches were followed attentively by the large audience and with considerable applause. ‘VIICTI tlw perty broke up many old Itcquaintonees had been renewed and expressions of appreciation were universal. As the assetithly went. away the streets were tilled with quite an imposing array of sports ears, both ancient and modern, including a

4 Bentley. F. NV. D. A Ivis and an ex-racing l’Ister Austin.

It is hoped that the next Rally will be held in the spring of next year.