

J. A. THOMPSON’S T.R.S. WINS IRISH RACE AT 82.24 M.P.H. B RE’Se”.1`110M PS ON Of Mallow won the Irish M.R.C. Phcenix

Park G.P. on Spetember 9th with his T.R.S. The car has a low frame with independent front Suspension, De Dion rear axle and a self-changing gearbox. The engine has a capacity of 1,100 c.c. and is variously reported as of Riley or Ford origin.

Ireland has staged some of our finest road races, and now the last race until Peace conies, was that staged at Phomix Park. Eire, you see, is a neutral country. Even so, the II-litre scratch race, which had attracted six E.R.A.s, and two sixteenvalve Maseratis, had to be abandoned. Thompson won the 100 Mile Handicap contest from fourteen rivals, at 82.24 m.p.h. P. M. Cahill’s M.G. led until lap 18 after getting into that position on its ninth lap. Thereafter, Thompson led to the finish, the M.G., an ” N “-type Magnette, suffering from clutch slip. Macarthur drove the ex-E. R. Hall M.G. Magnette from scratch and came right through to second place, at the highest average speed of the race—-namely, 91.85

m.p.h. He also smashed the 1,100 c.c. lap record three times, finally setting it to 94.1 m.p.h. Cahill’s M.G. came home in third place and David Yule’s now (mite

famous, supercharged C.M.Y. Morris Eight, driven by G. A. Mangin, was fourth, the average speeds being 76.23 m.p.h. and 78,45 m.p.h. respectively. Fifth was Stanley Woods, with the Morgan 4/4 intended for our T.T. He averaged 76.32 m.p.h. Le Farm’s E.R.A.-like 11-litre L.E.R.A. was sixth at 76,37 m.p.h. and McCree brought his Aston Martin home in seventh place, at 61.62


The winning car was extremely well turned out, bore the racing number 5, and looked somewhat like an Alta. About 15,000 people spectated.