Sir, I was very interested in your article on Vintage


cars in August issue. It is certainly astonishing how these old warriors last, and when you mention 40 m.p.h.. on third with the A.B.C. one wonders just how much modern cars have improved in performance. Quite a number of elderly cats seem tO find their way into East Suffolk, no doubt on account of lack of long steep bills. The winding and picturesque nature of our roads favours the type of driving that suits a ” Vintagent.” I have within the last few weeks noticed a Rolls-Royce Landaulet, black with yellow artillery wheels, bearing a CF (West Suffolk) registration and in new condition. A Palladium also in good order was seen at speed last week whilst a good Rover ” Eight ” flat-twin, a 14-40 Sunbeam and a 1907 type two-cylinder Swift in a marvellous state of preservation are in the district. The latter is I think stored in Woodbridge. It would be interesting to ‘MoToR SPORT readers if owners of old types would give us their experiences, May I take this opportunity of thanking ” Sunbeam Fan ” for his details of 4-litre V12. Has he similar details of 2-litre ? I am, Yours etc.,

