Letters from Readers, October 1938


Sir, From time to time, in your most excellent publication, there appear articles describing some rather famous or unusual car, aged or otherwise, which

are greatly appreciated. With this in mind, it occurred to me that I know of a rather wonderful collection of machinery which may be of interest to your readers. A few weeks ago, I went into a local garage, and, during the course of conversation with one of the salesmen, the late Parry Thomas cropped up as a topic. It was said that there was an old car of his “round the back.” So mind the back we went. And, after removing a somewhat dusty tarpaulin, he let me have a look-see. I am uncertain as to the exact vintage, but it was a Ford, the like of which I have not seen before. The compression was immense I Anyway, the machinery commenced at the fourth jerk, and it

sounded businesslike. I was informed that the car had, in its hey-day, lapped Brookla.nds at something over 115 m.p.h. Can it be ? I know Henry built one or two specials, but I don’t ever remember hearing that Parry Thomas tried his hand at one. I am, Yours etc.,


Lancs. [If anyone is interested in seeing the car, we shall be pleased to give the address. It is in Lancashire—Ed.]