
FUN FOR A FIVER Sir, Perhaps my experiences of a 1925 Morris Cowley two-seater may be of interest to your readers. I bought this car about three years ago for Li 10s. and covered over 12,000 miles of trouble free motoring during the ensuing twelve months. The only replacements required during this period were a battery, due to my own negligence, and a spare wheel and. tyre, the original spare being stolen. The battery cost 7/6 and the spare wheel

and almost brand new tyre cost £1, and this was the only expenditure required over the whole 12,000 miles running. I used the car every day to go to and from my business, summer and winter, wet or fine, and I never had one involuntary stop. She did around 50 m.p.h., and would cruise at about 40 m.p.h. all day, and oil consumption was practically negligible. She scuttled up hills and went round corners appreciably faster than most of the small “moderns,” and I was genuinely sorry to part with her when the rear axle stripped, due to general hard driving and to towing several Mtge tars over considerable distances. While not mechanically interesting or unique in the strictest sense of the word, she had genuine character, so necessary for real motoring enjoyment, and so deplorably lacking in modern mass produced contraptions.

I think it is rather a pity that you do not occasionally publish articles on the more potent and interesting types of motor-cycle, as for cheap sheer performance a motor-cycle has no equal. I am at present the proud owner of a 1924 model 18 Norton, being my second machine of this age and type, the performance of which is quite astonishing, considering the age and mechanical conditions of the machine. I am, Yews etc.,

J. P. HARvEv.
