


THE annual M.C.C. Members’ Day at Brooklands is not only vast adventure and a foretaste of real racing for competitors, but the detailed results of the High Speed Trials around the outercircuit are worthy of careful study. This year the event provided little of value to manufacturers seeking publicity on the eve of the Show, but it certainly cheered the hearts of members of the

Vintage S.C.C. Additional excitement was lent by the presentation by L. A. Baddeley, chairman of the M.C.C. Committee, of a Trophy for the car exceeding or equalling 100 miles in the hour, and many competitors were known to be after this award—a difficult enough one to lift, on a crowded Brooklands in a fully-equipped standard car. Unfortunately it drizzled or pelted all day, the concrete was soaked, and the “100 in the hour” attempts proved

impossible of realisation. Indeed, Arthur Fox would not allow Hess to take out. the T.T. 44-litre Lagonda, while H. J. Aldington drove a closed 2-litre Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. instead of a Type 328 as expected and Hunter kept the distinctive hood of his Type 328 erect. The drivers of saloons were much envied. In the first event they were Rawlings (S.S.), Goldman (S.S.), Currie (Ford Ten), Tyrer (Rover) and Burrage (V8 Standard), while Fotheringham Parker kept his Ford V8’s hood up. In contrast, Marston and passenger, Dracup, Davis and passenger, Weatherhearl and passenger, Barker, Holliday and Anthony’s passenger were amongst those who braved the elements bare-headed. A glorious bunch left from Vicken’ Shed, led by Leon’s blown B.M.W., Johnson’s B.M.W., Anthony’s 2-litre Aston-Martin and Sir Lionel Phillips’s Leyland-Thomas. After a lap Couper’s Talbot led the Leyland, the A.M., Leon and Don Aldington’s Frazer-Nash. We know this is not a race but, as MorrisGoodall remarked a week earlier, you always regard it as such I Almost in a lap Couper had lapped a Morris Eight, and all eyes were on the Talbot, out for the Baddeley Award. It had track tyres, aero screens and full equipment, a Brooklands exhaust and, like every other car, carried a passenger. It was not to last, for No. 1 plug had to be replaced, and, later. Mobiloil ” R ” added and more plugs changed. Couper was most worried, asking if he had run his required distance, which no one seemed to know, though he had been signalled, race-fashion, for speed. He looked at a programme to see what was required of him and resumed, but the Talbot was not running on six and the average was 94.16 m.p.h. The Leyland, however, was running splendidly, Peter Robertson-Roger an enthusi astic passenger. It rode very steadily, held 97-98 m.p.h. consistently, and was low on the banking, compared to the Talbot. When the latter stopped it increased speed and did one lap at 100.61 m.p.h., covering thirty-five laps in the hour and averaging 97.85 m.p.h. This is truly a remarkable show for a seventeenyear-old design, and a car carrying bodywork and equipment that must add much in wind-drag. Before the event Sir Phillips was made to turn the off headlamp square to the wind, though we saw another car allowed to run with lamps turned sideways, while the Leyland carried hood, and all equipment and ran on normal tyres. We are assured that it is, in fact, a touring Leyland Eight, not one of Parry Thomas’s racing stud, and so was (Fite eligible for the M.C.C. event. That was the beginning of a fine vintage vindication. Third fastest time was made by Anthony’s Aston-Martin, a bored-out 14-litre we believe, at 87.98 m.p.h. Of the others, Barker’s Lambda Lancia began to miss, was held by Gomlcv’s 44 litre Invicta, then lost its silencer and retired, while the Invicta ran two

big-ends. Goldman’s fast S.S. saloon retired and Aldington’s Frazer-Nash sounded unwell and failed to finish. Huxham’s 4/4 Morgan gradually lost ground to Davis’s T-M.G. Midget and Lafone’s Aston-Martin overhauled Dracup’s 1.6-litre Riley, otherwise duels were not prevalent. Manton’s 2.3-Type 43 Bugatti howled round, passenger well stowed away, for sixteen laps at 86, before it fell out, and Leon stopped for a carburation look-see, without losing the B.M.W. its “premier.” The V8 Standard slip-streamed Wills (Ford V8) and Watson, in visor wonderful, was doing well in his oldish12-50 Alvis. The Rover saloon had pronounced front wheel patter, as had another Rover in the second trial. Generally the cars seemed very reliable, an interesting matter after last mouth’s leading article ” On Sports Cars for Racing” • actually only four retired —the Lancia, Invicta, Frazer-Nash and Bugatti. After this we had one and two lap handicaps. mostly in the rain The first two-lap was won by Watson’s Alvis with Wooding’s Talbot third behind Elgood’s

very rapid 41-litre Bentley. Marston’s Bugatti got away with much spin and Thatcher’s M.G. was noisy and smoky. Hawkins’s M.G. retired. The next two-lap was C. C. D. Miller’s race, his four-seater 11-litre Riley making over 75 m.p.h. Terry’s Frazer-Nash, using Terry valvesprings, was second and a Ford V8 third. In the third two-lap the fine old Leyland came home an easy victor at 96.52 m.p.h. from scratch, beating Leon’s B.M.W. with big blower and Haesendonck’s blown PB. M.G., Parley’s H.R.G. a good fourth. Mills’s Frazer-NashB.M.W. made queer sounds on the line. Then Stapleton’s Aston-Martin won, beating a Wolseley and Anthony’s AstonMartin, Marsh’s Lancia Lambda worried by mis-firing and Inderwick missing a

change-up on his .Batten-Special. The next race went to Cooper’s streamlined Batten-Special, from scratch at over 90 m.p.h., Baker’s 6-litre sleeve-valve Minerva that used to race regularly second, and Tyrer’s limit Rover saloon third. Bobby’s passenger had the task of holding the Lancia’s bonnet on. So to the one-lap races, Wooding (Talbot), Hunter (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.), Lambourne (M.G.), Inderwick (Batten-Special) and Parker (Lambda Lancia) the victors. The Leyland made a grand effort to overcome a re-handicap, finishing fourth in one event, Powell drove his M.G. in a normal squash hat, and Ramsey’s Talbot made a sprint start. Cole’s blown Austin had an interesting cooling cowl on its bonnet top.

So we came to the second One Hour, weather conditions as unpleasant as ever. Notwithstanding, Peter Clark. and Farley, did not carry screens on their H.R.G.s, while Uglow’s H.R.G. had special celluloid aero screens. In contrast, Hunter kept his B.M.W.’s hood erect. J. W. S. Johnson’s PB. M.G. was Marshall-blown. The start was simply colossal, cars everywhere, an unfortunate M.G. driver patiently idling behind the slow-starting Minerva. Elgood’s 44-litre old-school Bentley was first rotmd and it was unquestionably the “star turn.” It went round in a position usually reserved for the NapierRailton, and although Elgood’s goggles flew off and the engine sounded a trifle tired at the end, he averaged 98.0 m.p.h. —best average of the day. Bennett’s Alta, a blown 14-litre, started well, but lacked speed and was held by Haesendonck’s astonishing blown PB. M.G. Croft’s very beautiful open 4-litre Delage went round impressively fast, not so thunderously as the Bentley, to average over 93. Third fastest was Hunter’s steady Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Type 328, at 87.68. Aldington had a comfortable and ” Premier” ride in a closed Frazer Nash-B.M.W. Ching’s Austin Seven seemed overshadowed by its occupants’ bulk and Hawkins’s M.G. Magna popped back. Fred Thatcher’s M.G. made lots of crackle and was notably fast, in clouds of smoke and water. Gerard’s T.T. Riley was most impressive but the need for a change of plugs spoilt its average. J. A. E. Marsh drove an Oldsmobile in place of his Lancia, his smartly overalled girl passenger bravely holding its number on. Harrison and McEvoy kept close company in their ” 22 ” Ford V8s, while Upjohn’s Ford V8 sounded as if it was using a blower. McCann and passenger, in a Morgan 4/4, wore very

tricar crash-hats. There is insufficient space in which to emphasise all the noteworthy performances, but we commend a prolonged study of the detailed results. This time the retirements were more in keeping with our last month’s doctrine. Baker’s Minerva, Scott’s H.R.G. with apparent oil-leakage, Sharp’s M.G. Magnette, Pane’s Frazer-Nash, McCann’s Morgan 4/4, Slade’s Singer Nine, Chard’s M.G. Midget, Ching’s Austin Seven, and the Oldsmobile, fell by the wayside. Otherwise everyone got a Premier in one or other of the trials, save Fielding’s M.G. Midget, Johnson’s blown M.G. Midget, Thomas’s 4/4 Morgan, Upjohn’s Ford V8, and Jarvis’s Austin (Silvers), Whiddington’s Frazer-Nash Six, Rawlings’s S.S., Hawkins’s M.G. Magna and Gray’s M.G. Midget (Bronze) and Holdsworth’s Austin Seven (no award)—so speeds will probably be stiffer next year certainly competition for the Baddeley Trophy will be very keen. ” Jackie ” Masters deserves the highest praise for

organising, with the J.C.C., one of the most interesting and instructive of Clubman’s competitions. The programme went through absolutely to schedule.


Premier Awards : (Minimum speeds vary according to classes). (LeyLand-Thomas) Sir L. Phillips; (Talbots), G. H. Ramsey, W. M. Couper ; (FrazerNash-I3.M.W.$), L. G. Johnson, D. N. Leon, A. L. Marshall •, (Aston-Martins), C. M. Anthony, J. H. Lafone ; (Riley), G. Dracup ; (Alvis), W. J. Watson ; (Morgan 4/4), E. P. Huxham ; (M.G.$), C. D. Weatherhead, C. M. Davis ; (Singer), D. J. Holliday ; (Austin), T. H. Cole ; (Standard), C. C. W. Burrage ; (Fords), P. Fotberingliam-Parker. A. G. Wills, D. J. H. Currie; (Rover), G. ‘ryrer ; (WoLseley), G. K. Collier; (Morris),

S. Mantle.

First Two-Lap Handicap : 1, W. J. Watson (1,695 c.c. Alvis), lm. 22s., 68.30 m.p.h.

Second Two-Lap Handicap : 1, C. C. D. Miller (1,496 c.c. Riley), 46s., 75.57 m.p.h.

Third Two-Lap Handicap : 1, Sir L. Phillips (7,2(16 c.c. Leyland-Thomas), ger., 06.52 m.p.h.


Premier Awards : (Delage), N. W. Croft ; (Bentley), F. E. Elgood ; (Alta), W. W. S. Bennett ; (H.R.G.$), W. P. Uglow, P. C. T. Clark ; (Frazer-Nash), N. V. Terry ; (M.G.$), B. J. Haesendonck, C. A. N. May, R. M. Andrews, D. Powell, R. G. M. Paul, R. Bayles, F. G. Cornish, F. A. Thatcher, W. A. Jacobs ; (Fiat), V. H. Tuson ; (Lea-Francis), A. L. S. Denyer ; (Fords), I. 1). Struthers, A. D. C. Gordon, J. Harrison, .T. McEvoy, J. W. Whalley, D. G. Silcock, A. W. F. Smith ; (Morris), C. I. Robinson ; (Rileys), C. C. D. Miller, C. S. L. BurleIgh ; (Frazer-Nash-B,M.W.$), H. C. Hunter, H. J. Akiington; (Austin), U. H. R. Chaplin ; (Aston-Martin), A. P. Watson.

Fourth Two-Lap Handicap : 1, E. C. W. Stapleton (1,494 c.c. Aston-Martin), 48s., 71.66 m.p.h.

Fifth Two-Lap Handicap : 1, E. S. C. Cooper (3,622 c.c. Batten Ford Special), ser., 90.06 m.p.h.

First One-Lap Handicap : 1, G. A. Wooding (3,377 c.c. Talbot), 3s., 83.99 m.p.h.

Second One-Lap Handicap : 1, H. C. Hunter (1,071 c.c. Frazer-Nash-I3.M.W.), 7s., 80.85 m.p.h.

Third One-Lap Handicap : 1, R. A. Lambourn (1,087 c.c. M.G.), 30s., 68.69 rn.p.h.

Fourth One-lap Handicap : 1, H. W. Inderwick (3,622 c.c. Batten Ford Special), scr., 80.85 m.p.h.

Fifth One-Lap Handicap : 1, J. F. Parker (2,120 c.c. Lancia), 28s., 67.21 m.p.h.