

The speed trials at 1-1-atherop -Park:which were first contested last year, were successfully run off again last month under very pleasant conditions. The event was this year organised by the East Cotswold Motor Club and a varied and interesting assortment of car and motorcycle entries was received. The main course consisted of a combination of road and grass, including several corners and a difficult 8-bend. The heavy rain of the previous day had made parts of the course extremely treacherous and drivers were kept fully occupied in controlling their vehicles on the muddier

sections. However, the final straight wav in excellent condition, and the fastest cars were crossing the finishing line at close on 90 m.p.h.

Fastest car of the day was the Carson Special driven by Mr. Tim Carson of Hartley Row, Hants, who gave a fine display of how to handle a heavy and powerful car under difficult circumstances. This vehicle was largely constructed by the owner himself on the basis of a 30198 Vauxhall chassis. and just succeeded in beating the Delahaye entered by J. A. Driskell and driven by C. Silva by * of a second. These two cars were very closely matched, and both put up impressive performances. Between the series of timed runs on the outer circuit a number of grass

trackraces for motor-cycles were. run off on a closed circuit, the winner of the final heat being W. Harris, riding a Rudge.

When the faster cars had had their second runs on the timed course to determine the class winners, the motor-cyclists set out to show what they could do. By clocking a best time of 1 min. 30 secs. dead, Mr. ” 1. Caesar” put up the fastest tune of the afternoon on his Triumph, beating by nearly ten seconds the Henley ridden by R. Cheshire, who was second best in 1 min. :39* secs. The final event consisted of grasstrack racing for cars and was won by

C. H. Bullock in his Ford Ten saloon. The result showed that a comparatively slow car skilfully handled had the advantage of more powerful but lighter vehicles on such a course.

Competitors then adjourned to Hatherop Castle for tea, where the Challenge Cup winners were announced, also the results of the Concourse d’Elegatice, the winner of the latter being Mrs. R. G. Cookson in her very beautiful streamlined Bttgatti saloon.


Fastest Car of the Day (Morley Cup) : T. Carson,

(41-litre Carson Special), 1m. 36s.

Fastest Time by a Member of the E.C.M.C. (Rees Cup) : C. Silva (31-litre Delabaye), 1111. 36*s.

CLASS RESULTS Group 1. Touring and Saloon Cars

Class (a) : No award.

Class (b) : I. J. E. Orgec (1*-litre M.G.), lm. 4818. 2, C. 1-1. Bullock (Ford Ten), lin. 4Sfs.:

Class (a) : 1, J. E. Orgee (1*-litre 34.0.), lin. 480. GROUP 2 Sports Cars

Class (a) :1, R. J. G. Ellett (M.G. T Series), Ira. 461s. ; 2, A. L. Taylor (Singer) and C. M. Cadogan (Rapier) tie, lm. 53s.

Class (b) :1, 11/0 H. F. Thomson (Frazer-Nardi) 1m. 42s.; 2, Pj0 Leatheart (Frazer-Nash), Dn. 46s.

Class (e) : 1, C. Silva (Delahaye), lm. 36Is.; 2, D. A. j. Gamble (Ford V8 Special), 1m. 42fs.

Class (d) :1, T. Carson (Carson Special), lm. 36s. ; 2, C. Silva (Delahaye), Dn. 36*s. • 8, E. McFarlane (Ford V8 Special), lin. 41s. GROUP 3 Motor-Cycles

1. “I. Caesar” (Triumph), 1m. 30s.

2. G. Cheshire (Henley), Ira. 300. 3. 5. lankier (Brough-Superior combination),

Ira. 40s. GROUP 4 Grass Track Racing Cars :

1. C. H. Bullock (Ford Ten).

2. C. M. Cadogan (M.G. Mark 1).

3. A. L. Taylor (Singer). Motor-Cycles

I. R. Harris (Rudge).

2. C. Martin (Rudge).

3. j. Brown (A.J.S.) and W. Farrell (O.K. Supreme).


I. Mrs. R. G. Cookson (Type 67 Bugatti). 2. Capt. Cockburn (Rolls-Royce). Open Cars

1. J. A. Driskell (Delabaye).

2. 0. Marchand s (Wolseley).