


The Alvis range of fast cars represents British engineering in its highest form, all the chassis having high-efficiency push-rod o.h.v. six-cylinder engines, allsilent synchro-mesh gearboxes and independent front suspension. Of outstanding interest is the new 4.3-litre model which develops 123 b.h.p. at 3,600 r.p.m. and in saloon form is priced at 1,995, which its makers hope will be the fastest unsupercharged closed car

on the market. The famous “Speed Twenty” is now the “Speed TwentyFive” with an engine capacity of 3,571 c.c., priced at 000 in open form. An entirely new “Seventeen” has been introduced, priced at £400, as a chassis. The “Crested Eagle ” model is continued and can be had with a 3f-litre engine.

The imposing 4.3-litre is an enlargement of last year’s 8i-litre and some idea of its performance may be gleaned when it is recalled that testing a 1936 3i-litre saloon last February we recorded 10-50 m.p.h. in 13i seconds, reached 90 on the road, and measured the fuel consumption as 14 m.p.g. Anyone who examined the beautiful stripped chassis at the Show will have no qualms about the durability of the Alvis.


The new f’ 20-25″ with six-cylinder push-rod o.h.v. engine of 3.6-litres, is hardly a sports model, but is a very fine fast car, able to exceed 80 In.p.h. with commodious closed body-work, hold a cruising speed of 70, and possessed of

sports-car acceleration. The touring saloon has dignified lines and costs £575.


This Olympia the Aston-Martin has grown up into a 2-litre, while retaining its thoroughbred specification and sporting outline. Richard Seaman’s showing in the early stages of the T.T. made a fine introduction of the new chassis. Rated at 15-95 h.p. the four-cylinder engine has a capacity of 1,945 c.c. and overhead camshaft valve actuation, twin carburetters, magneto ignition and in the case of the sports job the well-established Aston-Martin system of full dry sump lubrication. The chassis is slung low on half-elliptic springs, those at the front having a trtumion axle mounting located by torque-cables, the trunnion being attached by a Silent-bloc pivot and the spring-leaves seating on rubber. The gearbox gives four forward ratios and now has synchro-mesh for all save the lowest, and Girling brake operation is used. The equipment embraces Smith J ackall hydraulic jacks. The sports version will be of primary interest, for which dry-sump lubrication and hydraulic brakes are used, the appearance being distinctly husky and the price {,695 for

the chassis. The other model is quite distinct, a fast touring job costing ,095 in saloon form. The sports two-seatei., on the lines of T.T. ears, is listed at £775.


This 4i-litre straight-eight side-valve chassis is available with a centrifugal

booster, in which form it is a very fast car indeed, possessed of extremely modern lines.

Dual-ratio transmission enables the best use to be made of the power available, which is 150 b.h.p. at 3,500 r.p.m. The supercharged Auburn is priced at £675 in open form and it has achieved a considerable following amongst those who favour the American style of motoring and require immense performance

capabilities. A road-test of this interesting car was published in IVIOTOR SPORT for June 1935, when the very unobtrusive qualities of the engine were favourably remarked.


The front-wheel-drive Audi has a 2,255 c.c. o.h.v. engine giving 50 b.h.p. at 3,200 r.p.m. Suspension front and back is by transverse springing. This highgrade German car costs 1,490 in saloon form.


The big range of Austin cars is of interest to all who put dependability and conservative up-to-dateness high on their list of requirements. The ” Nippy” sports two-seater on the ” Seven” chassis is continued, and while there are excellent latent possibilities therein for hometuners, the makers wisely prefer to limit the maximum speed to something in the neighbourhood of 05 m.p.h., thus combining economy of operation with long-wearing qualities. The crankshaft of this extremely famous little engine now runs in three bearings and all the Austins now have Girling brake operation. The sports seven has down-draught carburetion, a high-compression head, high-lift camshaft, and special valves, so that it develops 21 b.h.p. at 4,400 r.p.m. against 17 b.h.p. at 3,800 r.p.m. for the standard seven. The chassis has bound springs, spring steering-wheel and a special front-axle assembly. The price is L142. The Ripley sports tourer on the “Ten “chassis is priced at 1215 and the 13.9 Kernpton sports saloon at 1295,

or at 305 on the 15.9 h.p. chassis. A new ” Fourteen ” figures in the 1937 programme and the 18 h.p. chassis with Austin-Hayes self-selector transmission, shown at Olympia in the chassis demonstration section, has the low-built appearance one expects to find in sports chassis.

Much impetus was lent to the Austin exhibits by reason of the record-breaking exploits of the racing Austin Seven on the Friday before the opening, when the class H Brooklands lap record was set to over 121 m.p.h. and the class mountain lap record at 77.02 m,p.h.


The two models comprise a six and an eight-cylinder, of which the former, though of only 3,614 c.c. compared with the eight’s capacity of 4,624 c.c., develops 20 more b.h.p., the output being 120 at 3,500 r.p.m. The eight peaks at 3,000 r.p.m. These are fine chassis,

having independent rear sprung wheels, and costing, respectively, 095 and 1975. Only chassis prices are quoted.


Although designed primarily as a luxury car, this new British V8 obviously has distinct possibilities from our point of view. The capacity is 2,849 c.c., and the weight of the complete car is 34 cwt. The V8 class of power unit should give excellent acceleration capabilities from very low road speeds and the engine speed should be higher than is normally permissible. The o.h. valves are set at a wide angle in true hemispherical combustion chambers, and operated by push-rods from three camshafts. Carburetion is looked after by twin Zenith down-draught carburetters feeding into hot-spotted manifolds. Sixteen gallons of fuel are accommodated in a rubber suspended rear tank, feed being by means of twin

electric pumps. Each evil a der-1)1ot+ has its own water-pump and the handsome radiator has thermostatically regulated shutters. The crankshaft is balanced and runs in three bearings, and the big-ends are mounted in pairs on Common crankpins. The A utovia engine is of 90″ type, and it develops 99 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m.—which seems an honest estimate—and has high torque figures at 2,500 r.p.m. at which engine speed the car is doing 50 m.p.h. Transmission is via an automatic clutch that cuts out the drive below 300 r.p.m., and a pre-selective epicyclic gearbox to an undershing worm-drive rear axle having an aluminium alloy housing ribbed for cooling and with an ample Oil supply. The propeller shaft is enclosed in a torque tube located by a crutch head mounted with Silent-blocs. Suspension is by half-elliptic spring* underslung at the rear and passing through the axle in front, details of mounting having received very careful attention. Shock-absorption is in the hands of triple-control hydraulicLuvax absorbers, controlled from the steering-column. All the controls work in oil-less bushes throughout the chassis. The chassis is of box-section formation and extremely rigid. Oirling brake operation is used, in conjunction with very large ribbed drums and the tyres are naturally Dunlop —low pressure of 5.50 x 19 in. The Autovia has a wheelbase of 10 ft. 9 in. and, developing over 30 b.h.p. per litre, its performance figures are awaited with more than usual eagerness. The chassis

is priced at 085. A Mulliner saloon is available at ;6975 and a limousine at 095.


Although it is undeniably the dutv of a motor paper to foster appreciation of good cars likely to interest its readers, there is really nothing left to say in respect of the 31–litre and 41-litre Bentley

cars that will further enhance their reputation. Those who have driven the Bentley know that in respect of silence, smoothness, stability and the manner in which every control responds to the driver’s bidding, the printed word can hardly do it justice. Performance figures have been published in plenty to prove that in spite of these refined characteristics the Bentley has capabilities that shame cars in the super sports category. Those who require

detailed information on the manner in which the 41-litre does its work are referred to MOTOR SPURT for last June, in the course of compiling which roadtest report we covered the Brooklands half-mile at 93 m.p.h., accelerated from 10 m.p.h. to 30 m.p.h. in 10 seconds, and to 70 m.p.h. in 20 seconds, stopped in 57 ft. from 40 m.p.h., with 13 m.p.g.

of fuel, in a Park Ward siloon pulling the 4.1 to 1 top-gear ratio and weighing 1 ton 13 cwt. The general features of the Bentley are fairly generally known. The six -cyliwier engine has push-rod 0.11. valves, runs on No, 1 petrol, is mounted on rubber and has a statically and dynamicallV balanced crankshaft running in seven bearings. The four-speed unit gearbox has synchro-mesh on all save the lowest ratio, and right-hand control. The brakes are applied by the Bentley gearbox-driven mechanical servomotor, in which system sonic truly beautiful engineering detail is incor

porated. Suspension is by half-elliptic springs, controlled by hydraulic shockabsorbers automatically adjusted by a gearbox-driven oil-pump to suit roadspeed variations and with additional damping control in charge of the driver. The Bentley is thoroughly typical of the highest category of British automobile engineering, the general design being conservative as distinct from futuristic, the desired results being attained by very close attention to the perfecting of every detail–so that to term the finished product a ” machine” seems to be irreverent. In an age when fashion dictates lavish colour-schemes and ever more startling radiator grilles, the Bentley stand at Olympia was some thing of an oasis to the enthusiast. That they are proud of the Stamina and speed which the 41-litre has already displayed in racing contests was evident by the pr esence on the stand of a Mardi model of Hall’S car in which he finished second in the last. T.T. at Over 80 m.p.h. average. And a commissionaire was appointed to keep small boys away from the cata logues, which are .certainly worth preserving, even though the possession of A Bentley may be just a pleasant day

dream. The 41-litre costs 61,150 as a chassis, and is adaptable to all forms of open and closed coachwork. BRITISH’ SALMSON The four-cylinder 11-litre and the six-cylinder 2X-1itre models are continued, and a new 1,730 c.c. four-cylinder is introduced, the latter a low-priced car intended to give long service in hard usage, yet possessing the up-to-date features that characterise this marque, which is hand-built at Malden alongside the Sahnson aero-engines. All the engines have hemispherical heads with twin o.h. camshaft operation, the camshafts being shaft-driven. The new four-cylinder and the six have independent front suspension and the latter is a massivelooking car with bodywork specially suited to the requirements of trials

driving. The prices are 4345 for the twelve, 075 for the fourteen and 045 for the 90 m.p.h. six-cylinder, these being prices for the cheapest complete cars of each type.


The straight-eight Brough Superior, designed by the manufacturer of our most exclusive motor-cycle, offers transAtlantic motoring in a form to appeal to English requirements and ideals. The chassis is basically Hudson, brought in line with sporting requirements. The bodywork is of very high-class conception

and has excellently blended lines. A supercharged edition is available and the standard saloon is priced at 095.


The little front-drive B.S.A. Scout is continued in considerably improved form for 1937. It is a low-priced car, costing 6159 10s. as a sports two-seater with very good lines and 6185 as a coupe, and commanding a tax of 67 10s. The engine is a robust side-valve unit giving 26 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m., the capacity being 1,203 c.c.

An open four-seater is listed at 1109 10s. and there is also a range of de luxe models. Many technical improvements have been effected in the chassis. The gearbox now has silent constant-mesh pinions for the second speed, and the engine rests on rubber. The brake drums now live within the wheel-hubs, are of 8 in.

diameter and cable operated. The steering-column and gear-lever positions have been modified to provide increased leg-room and the bodywork has come in for a good deal of practical improvement. The B.S.A. is an economical little car, able to exceed 60 m.p.h., and -corner very fast, while its acceleration from 0-50 m.p.h. occupies about 25 seconds.


Suell is the reputation that Ettore Bugatti has built up, since his sixteenvalvers that did 63 m.p.h. intrigued British enthusiasts at very early Olympias, that each year Col. Sorel merely has to take two or three of the latest Mal:Au:lin motors and put them on a simple stand, and throughout the period of the Silo* people gather round and worship. On the opening day for instance, we noticed Oliver Bertram apparently so engaged, and so it was until the closing date. The two Bugatti models are the type 57 and the Competition chassis, both with straight-eight twin o.h. camshaft engines Of 3,250 c.c. In these days when often one cannot be sure whether the designer has adopted advanced engineering features to trap extra horses or just to give his sales staff a profitable line, a visit to the Bugatti Stand is mentally stimulating. The engines have a vast backing of racing experience to commend them. The latest

578 Bugatti has a modernistic radiator shape, but in general the old-school ideas are retained and fancy finishes and concealed radiators find no place. On both chassis the front springs pass through the tubular front axles and on the Competition job the rear axle passes through the deep side-members. On the 57 the wonderful De Rham hydraulic shock-absorbers, fully described in this paper early last year, control front-axle movement, and they Are used all round on the 57S. The engines have two valves in each cylinder, shaft-driven camshafts, and six-bearing crankshafts, the external finish being up to previous standards. It is interesting that only one carburetter is used for the 57, with twin” gas-works” and higher-compression ratio for the 57S, which latter is the chassis that this year won the French and Marne sportscar Grand Prix races. With 9 ft. 9/ in. wheelbase and quite futuristic two-seater

body this model is capable of about 110 m.p.h., the engine giving nearly 150 b.h.p.—and it is not supercharged. The Bugatti is still the sang pur motorcar as the engineer looks at these things, yet of recent years it has achieved the silence, refinement and long service now expected of even very fast cars, while its bodywork is futuristic withont being

” Modern ” and consequently complements a fine chassis. The road-holding is something truly exceptional. The 57 chassis is available at ;!;875 ; the 575 chassis at L1,300. COMET

A four-cylinder 1,201 c.c. o.h.v. car with independent front suspension, the Comet should now be in production. The cheapest open car costs L435. CORD The front-drive Cord is a car to appeal to those seeking a futeristirtype of machine. The big Lycorning V8 engine gives 125 b.h.p. at 3,500 r.p.m., and drives to the front wheels, which are sprung independently. The gearbox has a high top with a ratio of 2.75 to 1, and a directdrive third gear, changes being preselective from a miniature gear-lever on

the steering-wheel. Wireless is fitted, the bonnet has louvres extending all round the engine as the radiator element is completely concealed, and the headlamps can be retracted in day-time. For those who like this sort of thing this car is a machine they will like. The price is E850 in closed form.


The Carlton-built sports saloon built to G. E. ‘I’. Eystou’s ideas on the 5.3-litre eight-cylinder Chrysler chassis brings yet another renowned American marque within the standard of requirements imposed by British sportsmen. Independent front suspension and adjustable hydraulic shock-absorbers and hydraulic brakes are important chassis features. The 12-volt electrical system embodies lamps of British make, the steering-wheel is an Ashby minus one spoke the better to enable the driver to read the instruments, and Dunlop tyres grace the disc wheels. The whole

body is of ” streamline ” appearanee and the power-weight ratio is of a high order. Overdrive transmission is used. The price is £825.


This old-established marque will soon be manufactured in this country, which indicates that it has weathered a period which has been none too rosy for Continental makes. The six-cylinder D6.70 model will be the first English-built model. It has an engine of 2.7-litres, of straight-forward push-rod type, and the chassis has independent front suspension and either Cotal electrically controlled epicyclic gearbox or normal

four-speed transmission. The chassis costs /475 and a saloon is listed at L695.

Later the D6.80 six-cylinder and D8 100 eight-cylinder Delage models will be built in this country, together with the super-sports D8.120 chassis.


The Delahaye has sprung into prominence in this country following its appearance in the T.T., when it established a new lap record for the Ards circuit, and in the Donington Grand Prix. Here is a car with something of the ” oldschool ” tradition, inasmuch as it has really high-geared steering and pulls high gear-ratios, yet it is essentially modern, having a six-cylinder push-rod o.h.v. engine with triple downdraught carburetters, which produces a high output in unobtrusive manner, and independently suspended front wheels. The August issue of MOTOR SPORT contained a full description and road-test report of a 1934 Coupe des Alpes model, which accelerated from 10 to 50 m.p.h. in 10 seconds, achieved 94 m.p.h. over the halfmile, and stopped in 58 feet from 40 rn.p h. using a gallon of fuel every 14 miles. The 3i-litre engine develops 110 b.h.p. and the 3i-litre engine 120 b.h.p., and 115 m.p.h. is claimed for the ” Competition ” edition of the latter chassis. Both types pull top-gear ratios of 3 42 to 1. The Selborne foursome coupe on the 3f-litre chassis costs 095. At Olympia a very advanced streamlined body was shown, with the front wheels enclosed in streamlined wings having headlamps

recessed into their leading edges. A special short-chassis 125 m.p.h. Delahaye is also available.

F/ Al

Apart from the comic little 570 c.c. Type 500 Fiat selling at 1420 with folding head coupe body, the famous Balilla sports model that has achieved success in countless trials, races and rallies, is offered in practically unaltered form for 1937. It has the 995 c.c. push-rod o.h.v. engine and is priced at 2!,238 as a sports two-seater and E,248 as a sports four-seater, the gearbox giving four speeds. At Olympia the 11-litre sixcylinder was shown as a very fully faired

saloon. This chassis costs only 015.

FORD The famous 30 V8 which we

The famous 30 h.p. V8 Ford, which we feel sure Henry introduced as a utility auto, has done truly wonderful things in trials, and has even shone in racing. It needs no introduction whatsoever. The prices are 195 for a chassis and 035 for a saloon. The b.h.p. is 88 at 3,700

r.p.m. The new 22 h.p. V8 is priced at £180 in chassis form, and the popular Ten is available in open guise at D35. Who will be the first to put the 30 h.p. engine into the lighter 22 h.p. chassis ?

FRAzER-N.isii (hie of the few hand-built

(hie of the few genuine hand-built sports models, the Frazer-Nash has kept immune from the influence of such modernities as caged cooling elements and seven dials-within-a-dial instruments. TO enthusiasts it constitutes a car which handles as the thoroughbred should, possesses extreme performance, and has dis tinct individuality. The famous chaintransmission is retained, and say what you can about chains, the fact remains that they provide a light, efficient, silent drive, enable rapid changes to be effected, provide means of easily altering each ratio, and stand up to a remarkable amount of abuse. This year’s new model is the ” Ulster 100 ” two-seater which has a 11-litre four-cylinder double o.h. camshaft engine, with twin carburetters each with two -float-chambers. The body conforms to A.I. regulations and the price is ‘700. The Shelsley job with -single camshaft four-cylinder engine and two positively-driven Centric blowers drawing from low-set S.U. carburetters, which has propelled driver Pane so effectively down the 1936 sprint courses in pursuit of 11.-litre sports-class honours, is listed at ,4850. It has probably the highest road

performance of any car and is also available in Single-Seater racing form. The popular two-three-seater T.T. Replica model is priced at 050 with single camshaft engine. The ” Falcon” costs £425 with six-cylinder push-rod engine Or £450 with four-cylinder 11-litre push-rod engine. All these cars can be offered at lower prices by simplification of equipment or, conversely, can be modified to suit buyer’s individual requirements.


This marque had a rapid ris* . to populaiity in this country when discerning buyers found that the Aldington Brothers were importing extremely refined cars with remarkable steering, road-holding and suspension qualities. That popularity was sealed when the B.M.W. showed that it also had unexpected performance capabilities. as proved by trials results and more latterly by racing successes. The new Type 326-50 model of 1,971 c.c. is the model whib gained the team prize in the T.T. In the sport,; form it coats 1:695 and as a five-seater saloon /475. The sports job is capable of well over 100 m.p.h., and in addition to the independent front suspension that figures on all B.M.W. models, the rear wheels are controlled by torsion-bar ‘springing’. The Type 55 is the triple carburetter 1,911 c.c. -super-sports job, costing „,’475 in two and four-seater forms, and the Type 45 lies two carburetters, the saloon costing L.350. ‘Fla. Type 34 is the utility

model of the range, the capacity being 1 N-litres and the price of the saloon 1208. As the Type 40 it is offered in higherperformance form at ;:-;98 with twoseater, four-seater and saloon bodywork.

All who appreciate supple refinement and silent performance should consider their education incomplete until they have driven a Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.

GRAHAM The 26 ” six ” is

The supercharged 26 h.p. ” six ” is continued for the coining season, but is probably of more interest as the LammasGraham, which has a slightly bigger engine developing 22 b.h.p. more than the

purely American version. It is dealt with below.


A renowned marque, with V12 engine of 9.4-litres, a three-speed gearbox and a top-gear ratio of 2.72 to l. The big

Hispano cannot fail to intrigue those who enjoy really big high performance motorcars.

But the chassis price of 0,750 will disperse many day-dreams, and turn even wealthy enthusiasts minds to the 5-litre six-cylinder chassis, priced at 0,375. It will be recalled that Witney Straight was one of the first purchasers in this country of the V12.


Beautifully finished, and extracting a high performance from what is outwardly a conservative push-rod si engine, the I ‘ otchkiss is definitely one of the better French cars. Of special interest to sporb;mcn is the 3-litre, twocarburetter, high-compression Paris Nice job and the short-chassis Grand Sport

of the same engine size. 120 b.h.p. is developed at 3,800 r.p.m. Prices are not availalk.

11.1?. G. ” “

H. R. Godfrey, one-time ” G ” of the G.N., has returned to the drawing-board to produce another car for enthusiasts— the 11-litre H.R.G. Already it has been seen in competition, notably in Miss Richmond’s hands. The four-cylinder engine is of the push-rod o.h.v. type, with twin down-draught S.U. carburetters fed from the 15-gallon slab-type rear tank by an S.U. electric pump. The crankshaft runs in three bearings, ignition is by a transversely-mounted Scintilla, normaltype magneto, and 50 b.h.p. is developed at 4,800 r.p.m. The drive passes via a single-plate clutch to a remote control four-speed gearbox having a top ratio of 4 to 1 and a bottom ratio of 14.88 to 1. Final drive is by Hardy-Spicer propeller shaft to a spiral bevel, three quarter floating axle. The suspension is by quarter-ellipties and torque arms for

the tubular front axle and undershnig half-elliptics at the back. The magnesiumalloy brake-drums have iron liners, operation being via Bowden cables. A seventeen-inch Dover steering-wheel operates via a Manes-Weller box. Dunlop tyres on centre lock wire wheels, J aeger instruments and Moseley Float-on-Air upholstery is standard equipment and lamps and wings strip easily. The H.R.G.

weighs about 14 cwt. The two-seater costs pm.


For those who seek a really distinctive -car the Auto-Union-backed Horch will meet the case very fully and it is a chassis of great technical merit. The straighteight 5-litre ten-bearing engine develops 100 b.h.p. at low speed and has double down-draught carburetion and o.h.c. valve actuation. The box-section chassis has one-shot lubrication, independent suspension for all wheels, four-speed synchro-mesh gearbox and hydraulic braking with vacuum servo operation. The saloon is priced at 085.


The Hudson provides a very high performance for a modest outlay. The sixcylinder saloon gives 93 b.h.p. and Costs -960. The famous Terraplarie eight costs 090 in chassis form and is the basis of the Brough-Superior and R ailton


This well-established straight-eight 7,372 c.c. job has remained virtually

unchanged for many years. For 1937 the chassis is priced at 0,050 or at i1,625 with enclosed bodywork.


For a considerable time the Jensen edition of the Ford V8 has been popular amongst those who favoured open sporting bodywork on this remarkable chassis. The new ‘Jensen represents a very distinct breakaway from previous models, for the car is a special job throughout albeit the Ford parts form the foundation. The radiator blends with the English body lines, the front suspension is of Jensen conception and the engine has aluminium cylinder heads, in a glide* ignition, dual silencers, and twin down draught S.U. carburetters. The threespeed gearbox has remote control and the rear axle gives two speeds, the high ratio giving a top-gear of 2.9 to 1, the low.that of 4.1 to 1. Thus fuel consumption and engine wear are conserved on the open road without making the Jensen a “gearbox car ” under more difficult conditions. Vacuum-servo brake operation is used, with steel brake drums. The wire wheels are of centre-lock type, shod with Dunlop tyres. Equipment includes Lucas 12-volt lighting, D.W.S. permanent jacking, Dunlopillo uphol

stery, etc. The maximum speed is around 90 m.p.h. The sports four-seater LS listed at 7E645, a saloon at ‘695, and a Salmsons drop-head coupe at £765.

.1-4 GONDA

Amongst British sports-cars built up to an ideal as distinct from down to a price the 41-litre Lagonda has always been classed very high indeed. For 1937,this line chassis is continued shnost unmodified, since W. 0. Bentley brought it up to date only a short time ago, but a new Rapide is introduced, with external exhaust-system and a maximum of about

100 m.p.h. The six-cylinder push-rod engine gives 140 b.h.p. at 3,800 r.p.m. The chassis is priced at 71.825, the tourer at 4-1,050 and tlie saloon at £1 ,125. The price of the tourer is for the new Rapide edition. Twin Scintilla Vertex magnetos are now used and the gear-lever is now centrally located. The new V12 of 4.4-litres is also W. O• Bentley’s work and it will constitute one of the sensations of the motoring year. The valves are overhead, operated by a chain-driven o.h. camshaft to each block of six cylinders, the blocks being set at 60 . There is a distributor and a dual downdraught carburetter to each block ; the sump holds three gallons, supplied under low pressure to the timing gears, valve gear, etc. and under high pressure to the crankshaft. Light alloy rods run direct on the balanced nitro-hardened crankshaft. The engine is of shortstroke type and is rumoured to developsome 200 b.h.p. so that the new Lagonda should be of direct interest to competition exponents, although designed to compete with luxury cars in the highest priced classes. Front suspension is independent on the torsion-bar system, both axles are controlled automatically by hydraulic shock-absorbers that are also under the drivers’ control, and the gearbox is separate, has Silent pinions, pump lubrication of its plain bearings, external striking mechanism, synchro-mesh on second, third and top gears, and a nonresonant aluminium casing. Final drive is by hypoid bevel and the brakes have Girling operation with conduit-enclosed

terminating cables. The short-chassis has a wheelbase Of 11 ft., and coats 0,050, or 70,450 with Lagonda saloon bodywork, in which -form the V12 weighs about 1 ton 151 cwt.

Arthur Fox has done much to strengthen the reputation of the 41-litre by entering it for sports-car races in which it has shown up notably, while in the last ” 500,” standard but stripped, the Lagonda gained third place at 113 m.p.h. We tested an open example last May and recorded 10 to 50 m.p.h. in 11-1 seconds, 10 to 70 in 20 seconds, covered the half-mile at 95 m.p.h., stopped in 56 feet from 40 M.p.h. and averaged 13 m.p.g.


Here is the centrifugally-supercharged Graham in a form especially acceptable to English sportsmen. Charles Follett has been associated with the modifications. and making its bow in Lord Avebury’s hands at the B.A.R.C. Autumn Meeting the Lammas-Graham ran remarkably well and achieved a place. The radiator is We-fronted, the body lines essentially modern. The 31-litre six-cylinder sidevalve engine has an aluminium head,

pump and fan cooling controlled by thermostatic shutt s, lull pressure lubrication, jet oiling of the cylinder walls, and a counter-balanced crankshaft carried in four cadmium-silver bearings. At 4,400 r.p.m. 128 b.h.p. is developed, the road speed on the gears being 30, 65 and 95-100 m.p.h. The steering-wheel takes 21 turns, lock to lock. Drivercontrolled Lit Vax shock-absorbers are fitted and the front half-elliptic springs have an anti-kick shackle and anti-roll torsion bar. The brakes are Lockheed and Smith’s Jack-all jacks are standard. The tourer costs ;020, the saloon f.,1160 and the

drop-head Coup6 L695. The future showing of the Lannnas-Graha in will be watched with keen interest by many prospective purchasers of fast cars.


The Lancia is rated very high by experienced drivers who can judge a good engine, and who deem good roadholding and a high degree of comfort essential to pleasant motoring. The new V four-cylinder Aprilia of 1,352 c.c. is an extremely interesting development. It gives 46 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m., having an aluminium cylinder block, hemispherical combustion spaces and an o.h. camshaft operating the valves. Pistons and con-rods are of light alloy. All wheels are sprung independently, at the front by the extremely famous Lancia coil-spring layout, at the back by a transverse spring and torsion bats. At .080 this chassis will surely command a big following. The saloon costs 945, and a convertible body L495, the tax being 15s. The 3-litre Astura V8 and the 4-litre Dilambda V8 chassis are continued, priced at 695 and 095 respec

tively. They are individual cars with ” breeding ” in every line.


Out of a wide range of advanced yet extremely practical cars, the primary interest of enthusiasts goes_ to the Type 540K straight-eight, supercharged with the air-through-the-carburetter, clutch controlled system of Roots supercharge which MeteedeS introduced it 1921. The engine size is now up to 5.4-litres, though the 5-litre is still obtainable. At only 3,600 r.p.m., 180 b.h.p. is given off and in closed form the maximum

speed exceeds 100 m.p.h. The big Mercedes pulls a top gear of 3.08 to 1, and combines all the qualities expected of a 0,000 ” sportswagen ” with that luxury that suggests a gliding crawl in absolute silence through the fashionable streets of Europe’s Capitals. We hastened from the display. of painted grilles and cheap plating at Olympia to the sanctity of the ” ringed star ” and found that the Type 540 is the Mercedes unspoilt worthy successor of the ” 38-250 ” that yet makes rings round many modern sports-cars. The chassis costs £1,395, the sportstourer 0,250, the saloon £1,890.


For 1937 all the M.G. models have push-rod o.h.v. engines, easy to service and devoid of complication.

The new series T Midget has a capacity of 1,292 c.c. and should accordingly have a very fine all-round performance, the tax being a mere 17 10s. The chassis has a widened track but the bodywork retains the lines of previous cars and has features that render it ideal for clubmen. The two-seater costs /222. The new 11-litre four-cylinder M.G. is a very attractive car, having very roomy bodywork with thoroughly modern lines, and a high performance in keeping with the requirements of competition work and fast touring. Two S.U. carburetters are used, with air-cleaner, and the exhaust manifold has three branches. Ignition is by coil with 14 mm. plugs. Cooling is by impeller pun-1p and fan, with thermostat control. The compression ratio is 6.5 to 1 and the engine runs up to 4,500 r.p.m. The gearbox, like that of the Midget, is Of synchrO-niesh pattern, with a top gear of 5.22 to 1, and a bottom gear of 18.91 to 1. Lockheed brakes, Luvax shock-absorbers, Burman-Douglas steering-gear, and Dunlop knock-off wire wheels shod with Fort tyres, are items of the specification which reiffesent something of the value offered, for the chassis costs L215, the extremely roomy tourer L280 and a four-door saloon at 025. The already popular 2-litre six-. Cylinder M.G. now has synchro-mesh gear-change, combined fog and pass light, adjustable steering-column, badge bar and built-in rear number plate. This is a car with a good performance, refined characteristics and an imposing appearance enabling its owners to win prizes at Concours d’ Elegance without recourse to specialised bodywork, as this

season has proved. The tourer costs /385, the saloon and folding head foursome /389 and 097 respectively, and the chassis /260. The M.G. has achieved its position As the most popular British sports-car on racing victories and merit, largely in private owners’ hands.


The ” 4-4 ” Morgan is attracting a lot of attention amongst those interested in small sports-cars, particularly if trials work is in view. The Morgan reputation is extremely sound and the four-wheeler has a very light rigid frame, a high-efficiency engine and that form of independent coil-spring front suspension that has been used successfully on the Morgan tri-cars since pre-war times. The 1,122 c.c. four-c? Ender engine has o.h. inlet and side exhaust valves, and is taxed at L7 1(!s. The synchro-mesh gearbox gives four speeds top, 5 to 1, bottom, 17.5 to 1. The rear half-elliptic springs are underslung and Girling brake operation is used. For 1937 the inlet valves are larger and the combustion chambers have been modified, and there are detail improvements including a re-arrangement of the components. The engine now rests on rubber. The front suspension arrangements have come in for a good deal of modification and Burman-Douglas worm-and-nut steering-gear has been adopted. The radiator has been improved in outline. The two-seater has folding screen, very nicely planned instrument board with large cnbby holes, luggage space and mounting: for twin spare wheels. The price is 183 gns. The little Morgan is

a most attractive proposition and though a comparative new-corner it has already done well in the classic M.C.C. trials, with H. F. S. Morgan behind the wheel— which doubtless accounts for the practical modifications incorporated for 1947.


The Railton has earned an enviable reputation as a fast car that is not expensive, possesses tremendous acceleration, yet does its work smoothly and effortlessly like the cars in the four

figure category. The straight-eight engine and chassis are Hudson, with detail work and bodywork in conformity with English ideals. The light sports-tourer, in particular, has a truly sensational performance for a standard unblown motor. The example we tested last December did 0-60 m.p.h. in tile seconds, 10-50 in 5 seconds. 102.$0: m.p.h. over the half mile, and 12 111T:fr. I’or 1927 the short-chas:sis costs 068, or 4.7”.? w;th

touring bod.vwork, and the I ight sp >: trtourer is priced at 675. or at ,1765 with saloon coachwork.


The 1,104 c.c. twin 0.11. camshaft fourcylinder job with pre-selector gearbox is continued. It gives 46 b.h.p. at 4,509 r.p.m. and the chassis costs /270. A blown version has been introduced and it possesses a very high performance, to the order of 0-50 m.p.h. in 9 seconds,

with a maximum of 90 m.p.h. This model also has the E.N.V. gearbox— top ratio 5.57 to 1, bottom 18.9 to and the four-seater is priced at 033.


All the Riley models possess sporting characteristics, as one would expect of a marque with such a first-rate reputation in the biggest racing contests. The famous ” Nine ” has been re-introduced for 1937, and the chassis costs /223 with pre

selector gearbox. The iflitre special series four-cylinder is of particular interest, the engine giving 60 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m., against 45 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. for the single carburetter version. The chassis Costs /302 and the ” Sprite” two-Seater with normal gearbox and streamline radiator cowl, on which the winning T.T. Riley was based, is priced at /425, the equivalent 45 b.h.p. model with et icyclie gearbox costing /345.

The V8 Riley is a particularly fascinating car ; the external appearance of which suggests a ” four,” the b.h.p. being 65 at 4,500 r.p.m. The chassis costs /:;75 and the saloon /450. Riley

coachwork has a modern style of its own.

RO /

Sperd Twenty is a new sports model with 2.”,-litre: f,15 tax engine, costing 013 as a saloon. DIWI,EY-SPF(1 It is itimossil:le cot to enthuse over the 3-litre Siddelev-Si with its straight forward push -7.e d 0. I engine constructed of light alloys in the best acro-engine manner, and its shapely Vee radiator, giving it a trely dignified appearance. The Siddeley -Special is capable of 90 m.p.h. without effort, and proved able to maintain a sustained high cruising speed in this year’s M.C.C. High Speed Trial at Brooklands, yet it offers the highest degree of luxurious travel and is not to be regarded as an expensive car, the saloon costing 0,050. Preselective transmission is a feature


The sports Singers are extremely popular ears and will be continued without change for next season. The o.h.c. ” Nine” is priced at £195 as a sports four-seater, £210 as a sports coupe, and £215 in the Le Mans speed guise, and very high-performance is offered for a very low outlay, this engine being notable for its ” punch,” while chassis and bodywork are admirably suited to the rather unusual requirements imposed by trials work. A new saloon

Twelve” with especially commodious coachwork and the overhead camshaft engine, is a feature of the 1937 range, the price being E,225 and the tax £9.


The 1937 Jaguar range comprises the side-valve 1 Hitre four-cylinder, 2i-litre push-rod o.h.v. six-Cylinder chassis, the latter offered in two forms. The sports ” 100 ” model on the latter chassis has come in for minor modifications and the two-seater is offered at g95. The wheelbase is 8i feet and the engine gives 104 b.h.p. The open four-seater on the long wheelbase 24-1itre chassis has big headlights and folding screen and the saloon now has oversize shock-absorbers, Lucas P100 headlamps, larger brakes, a Tecalemit oil filter and interior bodywork improve ments, the price being £385. The 11 litre closed car is priced at .L295. The

S.S. has proved its abilities in varied competitions, and during show week had a useful outing at Brooklands in Tommy Wisdom’s company.

The popularity of the 2,1-litre Jaguar saloon has been quite a feature of the 1936 traffic flow.


Perhaps the range of 9, 10, 12 and 14 h.p. Flying Standards is that of utility cars of sporting abilities, rather than one to appeal to the competition driver, though we acknowledge the Smooth-running qualities that have been cleverly allied to considerable performance capabilities. But the new V8 2,686 c.c. Standard engine, which has aluminium cylinder heads and gives 73 b.h.p. at 4,000 r.p.m., in a saloon weighing 231 cwt., is of direct interest to sportsmen. The saloon is really well finished and equipped, yet sells for L319. Obviously the Standard V8 could form the basis of a quite remarkable lowpriced sports-car, and we await per

formance figures with eagerness. The six-cylinder 2.6-litre Flying Twenty is also verging on the sporting class, and can be had in saloon form for f299.

s M

The famous marque has returned, and while no suggestion has been made that its makers are in the least interested in the sports-car market, yet the new straightseight obviously has very great latent prospects from our point of visw. Georges Boesch has excelled himself, having evolved an engine Of compact size awl extreme technical merit. The Sunbeam Thirty is not advanced in the sense of having double camshafts and all wheels independently sprung, and suchlike items, yet it is at once completely out of the rut, so that no matter what the performance—and it is likely to be

sensational—many motorists could drive about in complete happiness merely because of the character of the machinery beneath the bonnet.

The eight cylinders are in one castiron block. The ten-bearing crankshaft is counter-weighted, and the bi-metal pistons have steel con-rods with special bearing surfaces. The overhead valves are operated by push-rods and the camshaft drives the water-pump which acts as a damper. Cooling is by pump and fan, the fan-hearing being located in the cylinder block, while the outlet pipe is of light alloy. Two down-draught hot-spotted carburetters are placed one each end of a long plain manifold ; the two big air-cleaners are horizontally mounted. The sump is of aluminium, heavily finned, and the oil temperature is controlled by the cooling water. The filler operates the oneshot system of chassis lubrication and the dipper opens the sump drain orifice. Ignition is by coil, the distributor and all the 14 m.m. plugs being. ingeniously enclosed by a bakelite plate, easily detachable. Advance and retard is automatically controlled. A vibration

damper is carried on the nose of the crankshaft, the distribution gear being at the rear. The drive passes via a Borgand-Beek clutch and four-speed synchromesh gearbox, to a spiral-bevel rear axle. The front wheels are sprung independently on the transverse leaf-spring principle. Bendix servo-shoe brakes are used. The short chassis has a wheelbase of 10 ft. 4 in. and as the engine develops 150 b.h.p. at 4,500 r.p.m. enthusiasts are awaiting road-test figures with greater anticipation than usual. The Continental short-chassis is priced at /750, and a saloon at 11,195.

TA 1.1307′ The tine of Talbot cars bears

The tine range of Talbot cars bears only detail modifications for next year. The prices show substantial reduction. The Talbot Ten sports model is dealt with comprehensively elsewhere in this issue. The other models are all of sixcylinder type, with push-rod engines and full automatic lubrication of the chassis parts., Thee’ 75 “gives 75 b.h.p. and costs £303 in chassis form. The ” 105 ” of 3-litres capacity costs ‘495 in closed form and develops 100 b.h.p. and the fast 3ilitre and 24 h.p. models have a capacity of 3,377 c.c. and give off 120 b.b.p. Followers of racing know that the Roesch-designed Talbot engineis one of the most durable and efficient push-rod units ever evolved, and as road cars the Talbots have built up an unassailable reputation for good road-holding, solid build and a high degree of In We tried a 31-litre saloon last March and had 10-30 m.p.h. in 13 seconds, a speed of 88 m.p.h., am! 131 m.p.g. The Talbot cruised effortlessly to 70 m.p.h., which it reached from a standstill in 30 seconds. For 1937 the improved 3.1-litre is priced at :095 as a speed saloon, and at z,(675 with open sporting coachwork, a Wils(ai gearbox costing .);25 extra. At Ls918 the Talbot Ten sports saloon or tourer is extremely good value


The famous Gloria, Vitesse and Dolomite models are retained and the 2-litre 70 b.h.p. Continental saloon is a new model offering fine performance and sound British durability at a price of 9368.

The four-cylinder Vitesse, of Alpine Trial fame, is offered at 1,318 in saloon form, or at 1:348 with longer wheelbase and 2-litre six-cylinder engine. All these cars have been considerably revised. The popular Gloria saloon is priced at E,268, against the 1936 figure of £288. The new Dolomite has the radiator shape that has been the subject of much interest on the part of those who write letters to tilt motor papers about these things. The engine is of push-rod type and is not the twin camshaft straighteight Dolomite which no longer figures in the range. The Southern Cross Gloria two-seater costs 278 and has a wheelbase of 8 feet.


A new Vauxhall Twenty-Five is announced as, in many ways, a modern edition of the historic Vauxhall “30/08.” It has a 3,215 c.c. six-cylinder push-rod engine, giving 80 b.h.p. at 3,600 r.p.m., pulls gear-ratios of 14.2, 9.8, 6.7 and 4.44 to 1., and has a chassis weight of 201cwt. Maximum speed is around 80 m.p.h. The” :30/98 “of 1920, we believe, had a 44-litre side-valve engine giving 98 b.h.p. at about 3,200 r.p.m., pulled gear-ratios of 11, 7, 4.5 and 3.0 to 1, and weighed about 25 cwt.


The Wanderer is a high-grade German car of extremely good design and finish. The sports two-seater has a 2-litre O.h.v. six-cylinder engine with Roots supercharger, a box-section frame, four-speed synchro-mesh gearbox, independent suspension of all four wheels, hydraulic braking and one-shot lubrication of chassis essentials. The speed is given as 90-95 m.p.h., and as the car is said to weigh under a ton, acceleration abilities should be distinctly refreshing. The price in this country is ;035.