

The Midland A.C. was certainly very unlucky this year, for September 12th must have been one of the wettest days Worcestershire has known for a long time, and apart from the fact that a wet road surface is more detrimental to Shelsley than to any other event, rain at this venue has other bad effects.

The” paddock “in the orchard becomes a morass, the path which spectators have to use to reach the higher vantage points defies footholds and the boy-scouts have the greatest difficulty in standing before their” times ” board. And on September 12th, when this year’s closing meeting was held, rain fell heavily save for a brief respite following a cloudburst, which rendered driving difficult for the later arrivals. Even so, the prediction on the part of a very eminent motoring scribe that another meeting under such conditions will be the end of Shelsley we find difficult to accept.

The crowd on September 12th was quite large and there will, we hope, always be considerable numbers of enthusiasts who will attend this classic hill-climb, enjoying the long run usually involved, the chance of watching high-speed cornering by famous exponents of the art on individual ascents and appreciating the splendid organisation of Secretary Leslie Wilson. To return to the hill, September 12th found lorries bogged in the ” paddock ” and drivers working dismally on streaming cars, slipping in the thick slime that it was impossible to evade. Some people even rigged up improvised shelters, notably E. J. Moor, who covered the “Wasp” with a large umbrella, and Pane, whose Frazer-Nash stood beneath an amateur tent. The Tecalem it-Pn eu gripp a machine was working overtime and tyres were washed down before cars left the line. If you do not know Shelsley, picture yourself seated (if you arrived early enough) before the rails facing the •• 8,” we will hope under an adequate

golfing umbrella. Loud-speakers give you the latest news from the line, so that you hear the cars starting on the “pips/’ leaving the line and getting their time up to the “crossing.” Then the machine roars into view, travelling incredibly fast, copes with the corners, and departs upwards to the finish. Almost at once the time is announced and hung on a board opposite. The programme gives all the information anyone could want. That is Shelsley . . .

The “750s ” came up first, Baumer, the German, doing 47.71 secs., with the Austin and Goodaere’s o.h.v. works Austin showing heaps of power, recording 48.40 secs. in spite of immense wheelspin, which likewise troubled Hadley on the other works Austin. Mrs. Phipps’s M.G. took a little longer than Hadley, D. G. Evans (M.G.) quite a deal longer, while Stephenson took nearly 80 secs., and the Almack-Austin made the slowest run of the day, having trouble. The 1,100 c.c. section was rather a triumph for the ” Shelsley-Specials.” On these first runs Appleton’s AppletonRiley was fastest in 50.95 secs., but Carlmark’s G.N.-J.A.P. got up in 51.03 secs. and Miss Skim’s blown Morris in 51.59 secs. Moor’s popular ” Wasp ” missed its first run, Instone’s G.N. Martyr now Zollerised, suffered bad wheelspin, and Richard Bolster with the M.G. motored G.N. had a very hectic and rapid ride in 52.65 secs. J. Granville Grenfell, wearing an antique motor-cycle crash-hat, was quite fast with the blown special Rapier and Monkhouse with the black

Amilcar-Six beat him. The EvsellJ.A.P. got to the “S “in spite of slinging a driving-chain, where the engine litup,” but the excitement succumbed before a small extinguisher. Mrs. Eccles’s Rapier was not altogether happy and Alan Hess did not get through the ” S ” with the Relay Race M.G. Magna. The AppletonG.N. was sick (it had burned lustily during practice) but the remarkable Puzzi 9 showed promise which it justified later in the day.

Came the 11-litres, and Raymond Mays’s fine ascent in 44.50 secs. with the E.R.A., which literally bounded forward when the loud pedal was depressed, the front wheels bouncing from the wet road. Scribbans, new to the hill, managed a very splendid 45.74 secs., and Whitehead (E.R.A.) 47.70 secs. Dick Nash showed a deal of his old fire, doing 47.05 with the Frazer-Nash-Union-Special, after a delay at the line, sorting ratios. Other good first runs were those of Mrs. Petre’s blown blue Riley (48.87 secs.), Reggie Tongue’s E.R.A. (47.22 secs.), G. S. Griffith’s • Anzani-Nash (48.95 secs.) while Cormack’s Alta and Barry Goodwin’s Frazer-Nash were not much slower. Miss Skinner suffered from misfiring with Cormack’s Alta, Smith’s elderly Lea-Francis was good for its type, Joan Richmond was neat driving an unfamiliar-looking H.R.G. and the Wolseley-engined Becke-Special was definitely on form. Pane lost a “candle,” which slowed the monopost° Nash, and Symond’s B.H.D. had similar trouble, though the narrow

aluminium cyclecar was an impressive sight. The 2-litre category produced Raymond Mays’s black E.R.A., which in a splendidly judged run established the fastest time of the day in 43.31 secs., E.R.A.s having now made best time at Shelsley for the last five meetings. Jucker’s Alta managed 48.68 secs. and Dobbs’s Riley and Pane’s T.T. Frazer-Nash-B .M.W. both climbed in under 50 secs., the latter carrying sports equipment and establishing the best time of all amongst the T.T. cars. The other B.M.W.s did not run. P. G. Rossiter, a newcomer to Shelsley, went up in an attractive A.C. Special much faster than one expected him to, while the Shipton-Special, which has a blown 2-litre O.M. engine in a G.N. frame and uses an M.G. radiator, took 58.93 secs. Conditions were most im pleasant for the big fellows. Fastest in the 3-litre class was Charlie Martin, wearing his lucky cap and completing a truly spirited climb with his old 2.3-litre G. P. Bugatti, making this one ascent only, and that in 47.01 secs. Cummings slid the mud-soiled Vauxhall-Villiers right round at the ” S ” contriving not to hit anything during the aerie silent skid, reminiscent of Lemon-Burton’s gyrations with the “oversize ” Bug. at the closing meeting last year. Burton was disappointing on his first run with the twincamshaft Bugatti, but T. P. CholmondeleyTapper made a very polished climb on

the Maserati. Newsome’s sports S.S. beat Follett’s Speed Twenty Alvis in a run that won him the urtblown class prize. Oats’s familiar Maserati seemed unwell and was slower than Berg’s fully-equipped Alfa-Romeo. The 5-litre class produced H. Ruesch’s independently sprung 3.8-litre Perarri Alfa-Romeo, which was sanely driven in the wet and filth to the tune of 48.71 sees. P. R. G. Spikins recorded a very creditable 49.26 with a steaming

blown Hudson-Special, and E. R. Hall’s T.T. 44-litre Bentley showed some of the racing jobs up with a time of 50.99 secs., making one run only. Couper’s Talbot managed 51.51 secs., and R. Hughes’s fine old ” 80/98 ” Vauxhall beat five other cars in its class, by clocking 53.92 secs. on its solitary ascent. Tim Carson’s luck seemed out with the Vauxhallmotored Carson-Special, the Morrislooking saloon T.C.S., which has a Hudson motor, brought T. C. Skinner up most impressively and Halcoat beat Whalley

in a Ford V8 duel. We were a trifle disappointed that Marcus Chambers used his long-chassis touring 4-Hitre Bentley and not the Windrum and Garstin competition ” 41,” though he drove in masterly fashion to record 55.02 sees. Mrs. T. W. Carson subsequently brought this car up igain in 54.02 sees.

In the 8-litre class Forrest Lycett ran his 8-litre Bentley, a difficult motor to drive fast up Shelsley, and took only 51.82 secs., a fine effort indeed.

More rain was now falling, Earl Howe had left the broadcasting box by the ” ” where he had been assisting F. J. Findon to entertain the B.B.C.’s public, and with scarcely an interval the timing apparatus—now recording to a hundredth of a second—was asked to register the Second runs. Goodaere with the works o.h.v. Austin got down to 45.18 secs,, to lead his class, which is a terrific effort, and in the same class Hadley and Baumer improved their times, D. G. Evans with the Q-type M.G. was slower, and no one else re-ran. The sensation of the 1,1000 c.c. class was undoubtedly R. A. Waddy’s remarkable ascent with the four-wheel-drive home-brewed Fuzzi, with its twin-500 c.c. engines. Living up to its Lewes reputation the diminutive white cyclecar crackled up in 49.19 sees.; actually faster than Appleton’s Appleton-Riley which did 49.63 secs. to win the blown category. Waddy used one engine through the ” S ” and brought both into play for the final sprint. He deserves all the credit his designing prowess brings him. The Singer Bantam was a non-runner all day, resultant upon having motored on its owner in practice. Richard Bolster’s special motor got within .03 secs. of Appleton’s figure, and Carlmark’s smart G.N.-J.A.P., Miss Skinner’s wonderful Morris, the Monkhouse Amilcar and E.. J. Moor’s Wasp all bettered 51 secs. Instone got the G.N. Martyr up in 51.86 secs. and Hippisley-Cox, making a first appearance with the G.N. Grasshopper,

took 53.31 sees., The Etneryson, like others, was slower on its second try, but K. Firth with Almack’s aluminiumwheeled Ulster Austin materially improved. Stancer-Beaumont had a wild slide with the Ford. In the 14-litre class Ala vs, the Shelsley hero, easily took the class with a climb in 43.01 secs., appreciably faster than the E.R.A.’s former ascent. All the other E.R.A. drivers improved. Incidoitally, twin rear covers were E.R.A. wear and Goodacre’s Austin, Evans’s M.G., Mrs. Petre’s Riley, the Union-Special and the V a llxhall-Villiers were other cars on which increased traction was sought in this way. Nash, steadier than before, was very good, and Pane, now on all his cylinders, got the single-seater FrazerNash up in 48.57 sees., so that Barry Goodwin deserves hearty congratulations for being .19 secs. faster with his unblown car of the same marque ; best unblown time

in the class. Wakefield’s Alta also beat Pane, but Griffiths had a considerable tail slide and took longer with the hardused Anzani-Nash. though the twincylinder B.H.D. was over 3 sees. faster in spite of a hair-raising path of progression.

Miss Richmond’s H.R.G. and Mrs. Petre’s Riley likewise improved the far from shining hour, the latter taking the honour of fastest feminine ascent, in 47.17 secs. This is the blown Riley formerly run by Mays; from which the E.R..A, developed. jucket knocked his time down with the 2-litre Alta, and in this section Dobbs

in contrast to his ill-luck last meeting brought the famous off-set single-place Riley up very effectively, using real speed through the lower bends, to make best time that day of any unsupercharged car-47.10 sees.

Of the large (.sars, the Maserati was appreciably faster, Burton’s B ugatti improved, the Vauxhall-Villiers, obviously a handful in the wet, nevertheless got to the top in 10.61 sees., and Oats and Pollett both clipped something froth their previous times. Then iSpikins won the 5-litre class by grace of splendid driving and his blown Hudson, actually beating Ruesch by .01 sec., and the Alfa was -a good deal more fiery this time. I lillcoat’s V8 was again faster than Whalley ‘s and also just beat the saloon T.C.S. Poor Carson was slower than ever, but the unruffled Chambers brought his lusty Bottle) through in 54.12 secs.. better even than Mrs. Carson, who did not make a second ascent. Finally, Forrest Lycett did a very splendid 50.44 secs. with his Massive 8-litre Bentley. The last driver actually to go up, class orders having become somewhat confused, was :Nits. Mav Millington on J ticker’s gold-hued 2-litre Alta. She had recorded 51.86 secs. on her first run, but now her throttle-foot became wedged down, the car somehow got through the ” 5,” snaked along the final straight, then plunged down the field -beyond, went into a hedge and finished up, not I adly damaged, amongst barbed-wire. Mrs. Millington suffered severe injuries but mercifully the ambulance was able to get away fairly quickly by the blocked paddock return road. Poor Mrs. Millington has had an unlucky racing

career. As Miss Cuneliffe she used to race one of the early flat-radiator 8-litre Bentleys and at Southport some years ago she overturned a Grand Prix Sunbeam, her father, travelling as mechanic, being fatally injured. Since then she has been in a nasty aeroplane accident. The racing game lured her, as it has others, and she pluckily drove the Alta, and drove it fast.

The meeting was now abandoned and wet and tired folk sought their cars, to make for home or a hotel. John Bolster had been a non-runner with ” Mary ” due to indisposition and Glegg failed to record a complete timed ascent with the Dorcas Four-drive, which started life AS a J.A.P.-engined car with B.S.A. front drive and subsequently a complicated form of all-wheel drive, now having been considerably re-built with modern cowling, and streamlined tail complete with head-rest.

Incidentally, neither Mrs. Millington nor Miss Skinner had handled an Alta before the Shelsley practising period. Miss Skinner took 52.71 sees., with a 1 i-litre ; the 2-litre car was making its first appearance at this venue. The specials had much trouble with chains, E. J. Moor motoring sOme ninety miles to get a spare, then climbing in 50.69 secs. on what should have been his second run, while Carlmark’s G.N.J.A.P. made its fast Ascent minus one chain. It is pleasant to record continued enthusiasm for the true Shelsley specials and collectively they seem to be getting more rapid. The best bouquets for the

closing meeting go to the E.R.A., Frazer-Nash-B.M.W., Austin, Appleton, Maserati, Hudson, Fuzzy, Frazer-Nash, S.S. and Bentley marques.

RESULTS CLASS AWARDS Supercharged Cars 750 c.c. : C. L. Goodaere (o.h.v.

750 c.c. : 1, C. L. Goodaere (o.h.v. Austin), 45.48s.; 2, Walter Balmier (s.v. Austin), 46.89s.; 3, H. L. Hadley (8.v. Austin), 46.91s.

1,100 0.0. :1, R. J. W. Appleton (Appleton-Riley), 49.63s.; 2, R. V. C. Bolster (BolSter-Special 1), 49.08s.; 3, Miss Barbara Skinner (Morris Minor), 50.37s. 1,500 ex. : 1, Raymond Mays (E.R.A.), 43.91s.; 241). Scribbans (E.R.A.), 44.3s.s. ; 3, P. N. white

had 45.45a. 2,000 0.0. : 1, Raymond Mays (E.R.A.), 43.31s. ;

2, P. Walker (Alta), 46.698. ; 3. Mrs. M. C. Millington (Alta), 51.86s.

3,000 c.c. : 1, T. P. Cholmondeley-Tapper laserati), 46.40s. ; 2, C. E. C. Martin (Btnratti), 3, H. Berg (Alfa-Romeo), 47.978.

5,000 ex. : I. F. 1_1. G. Spikins (Spikins-HudsonSpecial), 47.05s.; 2. lions Rueseh (Alfa-Romeo). 47.07s.

Unsupercharged Cars 750 ex. Nil runners.

750 ex. Nil runners. 1,100 c.c. : I, it A. Waddy (Fuzzi), 49.19s.:

2. H. 1). Carliiiitat :i0.21s.; 3. K. .1. Moor ikVasp). 1,500 c.c. : I. Kury Goodwin (Frazer-Nash).

2, I voo ers ( Frazer-Nash), ts,97s.

3. A. p. P. ( Nzi,-;11), 50.02S. 2,000 c.c. : I. 11. (4. Hobbs Miley), 17.10s.; 2. A. F. P. lean’ (1,ra,a•r-Nash-B.4.\ .). 19.51s.:

3, I. C. Rossiter 50.40s. 3,000 c.c. :1.5.11 Ne%..zome (ss. ,taitar). .11 2. Charles Follett (Alvis 51we1 Twent?

5.000 c.c.: I, E. iC liii (Bentley). 2, V, M. couper (Talbot), 51:as. ; 3, It. Hughes (3).9s vanxtE111), 53.248.

Over 5,000 e.e. : I, F,,rre,t Lyeett, (7.9-litre Bentley), 50.14s. No other rontwrs.

complete list. of every (lriv-r-s tittles (in seconds). Best class performances :ire indicated by hea vy type and asterisk,: :ire used to denote the hest performances by unsupercharged ears.

CLASS 1. Up to 750 c.c. K. it. EV:IW; (31.(.;. (,),-tylIC 5.), 50.5:2.

K. it. EV:IW; (31.(.;. (,),-tylIC 5.), 50.5:2.

Mrs. D.11. Phipps (.11.11. S.), 55.4 and 56.s.7).

11. L. (747 c.c. Austin. S.), 50.43 and 46.91. Walter Itatimer (747 c.c. Austitt. S.)„1-7,71 and

46.89. C. L. Goodacre (744 c.c. o.h.v. Austin, S.), 48.4

and 45.48.

R. F. Turner (747 c.e. Austin, 5.). 47.93.

J. P. Altiutek (Altuack Austin, 5.), 110.0(1.

P. Stephenson (747 ex. Austin. S.), 79.49.

CLASS 2.-751 c.c. to 1,100 c.c. 53.62.

Roy Eccles (Rapier-Speehtl, S.), 53.62. Miss Barbara Skinner (Morris Minor, S.), 51.59

and 50.’37. R. J. Appleton (Applettm-Itiley, S.), 50.95 and


It. L. Appleton (Appleton-Riley), 72.59. R. C. V. Bolster (Bolster-Special, S.), 52.65 and


H. D. Carlin:Irk 51.03 and 50.21. R. A. Waddy (Fuzzi), 55.56 and 49.19. 1). iippishy-(‘ox (Grasshopper), 53.31. E. J. Moor ( V asp), 50.69.

E. S. Littipus (Emeryson-Special), 58.2 and 60.9. F. Alonkhouse (Amlicar, S.), 52.77 and 50.63. C. It. Instime ((.N. Martyr, S.), 53.49 and 61.86. Kenneth Firth (Abilack-Speeial), 63.08 and 56.25. .1. Granville Granfell (Lagonda-Rapier, 8,), 53.31

and 56.

J. P. Almack (M.G. Magna), 65.75.

Mrs. Roy Bet-des (Rapier-Special, S.), 62.02.

J. W. Stancer-Beaturiont (Ford), 60.83 and 61.34.

CLASS 3.-1,101 c.c. to 1,500 c.c.

Ivo Peters (Frazer-.Nash), 60.76 and 48.97.

It. S. Davies (Riley), 54.82 and 52.25.

A. F. P. Fane (Frazer-Ninth, S.), 60.99 and 48.57. W. Geoffrey Smith (Lea-Francis, S.), 59.18 and


A. J. Cormack (Alta, S.), 59.62 and 47.87.

Miss J. Richmond (H.R.(4.), 54.89 and 52.69.

Raymond Mays (E.R.A. S.), 44.5 and 43.91.

Mrs. K. Petre (Riley, S.), 48.87 and 47.17.

D. H. Seribbans (E.R.A., S.), 45.74 and 44.38.

P. N. Whitehead (FULA., S.) 47.7 and 45.45.

R. E. Tongue (E.R.A., S.), 47.22 and 47.01. It. (4. J. Nash (Frazer-Nash-Union-Special, S.),

47.05 and 46.93.

G. S. Griffiths (Anzani-Nash, S.), 48.95 and 51.65.

G. H. Symonds (B.H.D.-Special), 55.78 and 52.12.

.1. P. Wakefield (Alta. S.), 50.10 and 48,47.

B. Goodwin (Frazer-Nash), 49.54 and 48.38.

S. H. Newsome (Becke-Special, 8.), 51.27 and 40.

I. Monkhouse (Aston-Martin), 64.08.

A. F. P. Fame (Frazer-Nash), 50.02 and 50.25. Miss ilarklra Skinnier (Alta, SO, 52.71.

CLASS 4.-1,501 c.c. to 2,000 c.c.

P. Walker (Alta, S.), 48.68 and 46.60.

G. Rossitcr (At …Special), 50.4 and 50.59.

t Shiptun (tillip0m-Siipcittl, S.), 58.93.

A. F. P. Fatty (Frazer-Nash-B.M.W.). 49.51.

Raymond Mays (E.R.A. S.), 43.31.

*1_1. G. Dobbs (Riley), 49.99 and 47.10.

TI. Stubbs (Paigatti), 59.72.

Mrs. I. Millington (Alta, S.), 51.86 and 53.07.

CLASS 5.-2,001 c.c. to 3,000 c.c.

c.c. c.c.

T. P. Cholmondeley-Tapper (Maserati, S.), 47.85 and 46.4.

II. Berg (Alfa-Romeo, s.), 51 .01 and 17.07.

J. Lemon Burton (Buotti, S.), 50.37 and 48.46.

B. F. Oats (Maserati, S.), 52.59 and 50.0$.

C. -E. C. Martin (Bugatti, S.), 47.01.

S. E. Cummings (Vauxhall-Villiers, S.), 49.61. *S. H. Newsome ($S. Jaguar), 53.09 and 51.62. Charles Follett (Alvis), 54.82 and 54.38.

Miss Eileen Ellison (Maserati, S.), 52.60 and 52.44.

CLASS 6.-3.001 c.o. to 5,000 c.c. M. Chambers 55,02 and 54.12.

M. Chambers (Bentley), 55,02 and 54.12. F. R. G. Spikins (Spiking-Hudson-Special, S.)

49.26 and 47.05.

E. It. Hall (Bentley), 50.99.

Hans Ituesch (Alfa-Romeo, S.), 48.71 and 47.07.

W. M. Couper (Talbot), 51.51 and 51.76.

T. C. Skinner (T.C.S.-Special), 55.64 and 53.84.

H. B. L. Hill (Ford VS), 55.83 and 63.69.

R. Hughes (Vauxhall), 53.92 and 53.24. T. W. Carson (Carson-Special), 66.36 and 71.81 J. W. Whalley (Ford V8), 56.43 and 54.43,

Mrs. F. Carson (Bentley), 54.92.

CLASS 7.-Over 5,000 c.c.

ForresrLyeett (Bentley), 51.82 and150.44.

SPECIAL AWARDS Note.-No car entitled to more than one cash

Note.-No car entitled to more than one cash prize. (This does not apply to the option of a Cup tir cash award in the various (losses.)

Where the faatest ascent of the day is made by a driver eligible for the M.A.C. Challenge Trophy, Ie second fastest, will receive that award.

Shelsley Challenge Trophy and /100 (fastest ascent of the day)-Rayniond Mays (2-litre E.R.A.), 43.31s.

M.A.C. Challenge Trophy and 150 (fastest racingear driver who has not won an award for fastest ascent of the day at, Shelsley since the June Climb, 1932) ; D. H. Seribbans ( Hitre.E.R.A.), 44.38s.

T.T. Challenge Trophy and 125 (fastest T.T.-type ta r Nthiett ran or was entered in the 1936 T.T.); A. F. P. Pane (2-litre Frazer-Nash-11.M.W.), 49.51s.

M.A.C. Challenge Trophy and 125 (fastikst non.

supprehargett car).; H. G. Hobbs (2-lit it 17.10 m.p.h. Shelsley Ladies’ Challenge Cup and 125 (fastest

ascent by a woman driver); Mts. Petre (14,-litre Riley, S.), 47.17a.

Fray Challenge Cup and Replicas (best aggregate by a team of racing-ears) ; Raymond Mays’ team of E.R.A.s; Maya, Whitehead and ScribbanS.