

Sir,-It saddens me I ,’annot count l’,11 amongst my ” fans,the known numerical strength of whom therefore still remains at five–with my stocki,rtoker’s office-bov now only lukewarm. In N.our acconnt of the Poole Speed Trials yon represent me as haying been ia-aten by a ” handsome margin ” liv Mr. P. R. G. Spikins, though what this handsenne margin ” really amounted to your readers are in the dark, for only the slowt r Of my two timels is given, whilst Mr. Spikins’s time does not appear it all. Actually the margin was .52 of a second, the refult being : Spikins

86 Lyeett 25.38 secs.

hi the some page reporting the August Lewes meeting yon state tlEit the sportscar classes were ” dominated ” by that deservedly popular driver Mr. A. P. P. Pane, Actually I r, Pane competed in two sports-car classes, the 1.500 c.c. and the tmlimited, winning the former in 21.72 sees. The latter, however, was won by me five-year-old, 2 ton, 11 ft, wheelbase Bentley in 21.89 sees., with

Mr. Pane second in 22.7 1 sees. Altogether a somewhat mild form of domination on the part fi1 Air. Pane. I feel sure you must agree. Being merely ” something in the City ” for at least five dziN,s in the week, having w:athered fifty-three summers (most of them English ones I) and competing as I usually do with a very unsuitable car, I feel the dice are quite sufficiently loaded

against me already. All the same I am still a MOTOR SPoRT fan, though I do like to feel that What read is dependable. I have no objection to your publishing this letter and remain, Yours etc.,

Forrest Lyeett. 15, Knaresborough Place,

South Kensington, S.W.5.