

FASTEST ONE-HOUR AVERAGE BY FRAZER-NASH-B.M.W.—TALBOT HONOURS The M.C.C. High-Speed Trials round the outer-circuit at Brooklands are amongst the most interesting events from the point of view of the ordinary enthusiast and especially are they instructive to prospective purchasers of new sports-cars. There is a vast difference between speed reached momentarily under generous conditions on the road and speed maintained for a full lap of the Brooklands Course. And when one reflects how punishing even a few laps at full bore can prove to quite good motor-cars, obviously a full hour of high-speed running round Brooklands cannot fail to be productive of interesting results. Any sports-car which can average eighty miles per hour for this period may be regarded as a very fine motor, in our opinion. Considering the wet conditions prevailing at the track on September 26th some exceedingly good performances were put up. Fastest time of all was made by H. J. Aldington, driving a T.T. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. in the 2-litre class of the second high-speed trial. Aldington averaged 98.52 miles per hour on the wet track, in spite of slowing for a change of goggles, proving that the popular B.M.W. is quite as fast as the

pukka sports Frazer-Nashes. G. A.

Ford-V8-Batten-Special put in several laps at one hundred miles per hour, very fast for this class of car, but experienced tyre trouble which was attended to in the paddock, dropping the average to 75.37 miles per hour. Second fastest time was made by C. R. Watson’s special ” 105 ” Talbot, which averaged 96.52 miles per hour in the unlimited section of the second hour test. Amongst a mass of figures it is difficult to enumerate every noteworthy performance and we have little doubt that readers will study the detailed results very carefully and draw their own final con clusions. However, one must mention

some of the really fast runs. D. H.

Scribbans, whose driving of an E.R.A. has called forth favourable comment this year, did nearly ninety miles per hour with a 4f-litre Lagonda, and H. Bolton’s SS. Jaguar managed 87.91 miles per hour. Kidner’s Alfa-Romeo bettered eighty, Anthony’s Aston-Martin was not far short of eighty-two miles per hour, and D. N. Leon’s blown special M.G. Midget returned a very remarkable 80.96 miles per hour.

G. A. Wooding’s 3i-litre Talbot saloon was only just short of ninety miles per hour, indicating a maximum of around one hundred miles per hour, and Hunter’s Frazer-Nash Six did over eighty-nine miles per hour, aided by a blower. In the second trial Terry’s 11-litre FrazerNash averaged over eighty-five, Watson’s Aston-Martin over eighty-three, and a T-type M.G. 76.51, while Huxharti’s ” 4-4 ” Morgan interested many people and held over seventy-five miles per hour. Gerrard produced a Brooklands-model Riley which comfortably exceeded eighty and G. E. Abecassis ran an old Chrysler with bumpers in place and hood erect, returning nearly seventy-eight. D. R. Scott drove a Siddeley-Special saloon of very luxurious build Though this fine Coventry production had competed in rallies it had so far not been seen seriously on Brooklands. Its eighty-five miles per hour average was highly satisfactory. Cleland did nearly sixtyeight miles per hour with a saloon Ford Ten, and Barker’s open Ford Ten, linered down to 1,100 c.c. and with Centric supercharger, averaged 60.3 miles per hour, though it is said that the blower belt became detached, handicapping its chances. The special class for unlimited standard touring cars went to a Hillman Minx driven by C. M. Davies (67.71 miles per hour) and the class for standard 1,100 c.c, tourers was won by a Ford Eight, which with C. G. Fitt averaged 61.3 miles per hour, while Robin’s Morris

Eight did fifty-nine miles per hour. The veterans put in some ” he-man ” running. N. H. Buckley’s 8-litre Bentley maintained 82..59 during the first hour, Marston’s twin-cam 3-litre Sunbeam did 74.5 miles per hour, Littleton’s Salmson over sixty, while Plowman’s four-seater ” 30;98 ” Vauxhall achieved 87.22 miles per hour. Of the smaller old-school Bentleys Marcus Chambers’s 4k-litre must be credited with 81.51 miles per hour and W. G. Lockhart’s 43-litre

managed 84.41. The two high-speed trials produced between them seventeen retirements, duly recorded below, after which we must leave you to the figures. Incidentally, G. Wood’s entry was interesting—a 4i-litre Bentley. A series of short races was also held. Aldington won the fastest two-lap handicap with the Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. at nearly ninety-two miles per hour, the Batten-Special-Ford winning another at over ninety miles per hour. Aldington

also recorded by far the fastest win in the series of one-lap handicaps, at nearly eighty-seven miles per hour, making September 26th something of a B.M.W. field-day. Veteran motors were again prominent, J. F. Parker’s shortened Lambda Lancia gaining the first unlimited one-lap race at over seventy-two miles per hour and Elgood’s 3-litre Bentley the second at nearly seventy miles per hour, and Ivo Peters’s Frazer-Nash got the lit-litre race at just above seventy-six miles per hour. Finally, the team-relay race was entirely an old-school Bentley affair, the winning team being composed of Baker-Carr’s 3-litre with 4k-litre engine, E. W. W. Pacey’s short-chassis ” Six ” and Rabagliati’s “Six.” These cars started from scratch and averaged 83.56 miles per hour. The famous

marque has by no means become suppressed by the parssage of time. The full results are detailed below. In studying them remember that cars carry full equipment in these events—and do not forget the rain.


Unlimited : D. H. Scribtans (4,500 c.c. Lagonda) 89.73; H. Bolton (2,663 c.c. SS. Jaguar) 87.01; H. N. Buckley (7,982 c.c. Bentley) 82.59; H. J. Kidner (2,300 c.c. Ails-Borneo, S.) 80.46; G. ‘ E. Abecassis (3,500c.c. Chrysler) 77.69 ; A. G. Orimmond (2,663 c.c. S.& Jaguar) 77.57; F. H. Snell (2,833 c.c. S.S. Jaguar) 77.74.

2,000 c.o. : A. L. Baker (1,645 c.c. Adler) 76.15. 1,500 c.c. : C. M. Anthony (1,498 c.c. AstonMartin) 81.70; E. H. W. Sharp (1,493 c.c. AstonMartin) 77.69,• G. H. C. Goodban (1,493 c.c. Singer, 8.) 70.03; J. H. Lafone (1,495 c.c. Aston-Martin) 73.35; R. S. Davies (1,287 c.c. M.O. Magnette) 73.04; 0. F. Horan (1,493 c.c. Singer) 72.02;

1,100 c.c. : R. M. Sanford (995 c.c. Fiat) 67.33; V. S. A. Biggs (972 c.c. Singer) 08.85 ; J. F. Lambert (972 c.c. Singer) 66.48.

850 ox,: D. N. Leon (847 c.c. M.G. Midget, S.) 80.98.

Nine Silver Medals

Unlimited : R. J. T. Marston (2.920 Cl’. Sunbeam) 74.55 : A. L. Marshall (3,155 e.e. Terraplaue) 73.07.

2,000 c.c. : E. J. Reign. (1,091 e.e. AP.) (7.90 ; W..1, Watson (1.694 c.c. Afris) 65.06.

1,500 e.e. : E. 11. Theobald (1,490 c.c. FrazerNash) 08,82 ; W. fl 1). Hall (1.496 l’.e. Frazer-Nash) 48.45.

1,100 c.c. : I.. A. Temple (972 c.c. Singer) 61.58; H. W. Lit (141,11 iL080 Salmon) (10.32 ; K H. Strati!, (972 p.c. Singer) 59.19.

One Bronze Medal • f

1,100 c c • f Barker (1,100 r.e. Ford, ) 00.30. Five Retired W. Ft awkills (1.250 1..e. M.G. Magna). 3 laps : +; we( leY). laps H. Rawlins

(1.287 ee. M.G. Magnette. S.), 8 laps ; Mortyn (1.406 e.e. Frazer-Nash). 10 laps: E C. Haescnflonck (940 c.e. M.G. Midgo S.). 11 laps.

Nita. mot-starters.

SECOND ONE-HOUR TRIAL Thirty-one Premier Awards : “. H. W I (2.969 c.r. ‘falls

Unlimited : “. H. W I (2.969 c.r. ‘falls ) 90.52.;. G. A, Woodin 3377 wo 9_9 ‘V. ;-; Plowman !4,234 Vauxhall) ti7.22: D. if,

-8edatt 4,5.ta0o j. Sit141cley-Speviall 85,06 : W. G. lAwkhort (1.395 ex, Bout ley) 8;1.41 :M. Chambers

(4,396 itetith,y) 81.51 ;.J. W. Whalley (.3,622 c.c. Ford Vs) 78.31 ; G. M. SYIllullS (2.063 S.S.) 78.00 ; 1 B. Gilbert (2.9(19 c.c. Talbot) 77.81 :

.-14. A. Steilall (3,f,932 C.I. Ford Batten-Special) 75.37.

2.000 c.c. : J. Aldington (1.97(1 it’. FrazerNashB. M.W.) 98.52; H. C. limit er 11.(0 t e.e. FrazerNash. 5)59,41! W, P. 1-gii;w (1.901 c.c..1.( Ace, ti.) -79.17. 1,500 c.c. : N, V, ‘Ferry 11,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash) 85.13 w:11:-.1.11 (1,493 e.C. Aston-Martin) 83.21; E. 0, 1.200 c.c. M.G. ” “) 76.51 0. C. Davie.: (1,287 c.e. M.G. Nfagnette) 76.27 ; E. P. Hinthatil 1.12-2 p.e. Morgan 4-4) 75.01 ; W. 3-aekson (1,49n p.c. F)azer-Nash) 74.49, 1,100 0.0. ; F. R. (;.1ard (1,096 c.c. Riley) 81.56; F. H. L. Searl (995 p.c. Fiat Italilla) 74.64 ; G. F. Stooks (939 e.e. M.O. Midget, 5.) 74.44 ; V. IT. Tuson (995 c.c. Fiat) 73.89 ; R. M. A tulrows (972 e.c. Singer) 73.00; A. Thomas (1,087 e.e. M.G. Magna) 72.87 ;

H. France•Cohen (995 c.c. Fiat) 70.23.

850 c.c. : R. J. Richankott (747 c.c. AusAin, S.) 06.71.

Unlimited Standard Touring Cars : C. M. Davies (Liss e.e. Hillman) 67.71 : E. R. King (1,185 e.e. Talbot) 55,31.

1,100 c.c. Standard Touring Cars : G. Fitt (933 ex. Ford) 61.30; C. I. Robinson (91A 59,01.

Three Silver Medals c.c. : .1. NV. Fox (1.2s6 e.e. M.G. Magliel

1.500 c.c. : .1. NV. Fox (1.2s6 e.e. M.G. Magliel tp) 71.35: .1. (leland (1.172 c.c. Ford) 07.85; I. N. M. .mapdortald (1,271 P.c. 1V,?Isele‘ )61.16.

One Bronze Medal

1,100 c.c. : 1). .1. 11oPiday (1472 1•.e. .;1[1,41,r)

Twelve Retired

.1. A. Mistook (847 M.G. Midget-, S.). I laps I. Peters (1,496 c.c. Frazer-Nash), 4 laps ; .f. Parker (2.120 c.c. Lancia), 7 laps ; B. Burton c.c. Ford Vs). 7 laps ; Sir L. F. Phillips (4,234 Vauxhall), 9 laps: A. C. Westwood (Fiat), 10 laps A. T. K. Dehenham (1.172 (..e. Font), 11 laps J. W. s. Johns’ tri (039 Mji. Midget, tS.), 12 laps

F. E. Efforts’ (2,996 c.c. Bentley), 17 lap.; ; C. D. Buckley (747 c.c. Austin. S.), 17 laps; W. -Roberts 2,603 c.c. SS.), 19 laps ; H. G. Symmons (1.991 e,c-.% Frazer-Nash-1331.W.. S.), 19 laps.

Eight non-starters.

Two-Lap Handicap Winners

H. Bolton (2,664 c.e. 8.S. Jaguar) 22s. 83 m.p.h.

G. A. Stedall (3,622 ex. Ford-Batten-Special) 7s. 90.22 m.p.h.

J. Cleland (1,172 c.(•. Flo:d) 11n. 16s. 68.31 m.p.h. 1T. Aldingtott (1,971) 0.e. Frazi:T-Nash-B.(,i,W.)

? ;,=. 91.89 m.p.h. Biggs (972 c.c. Singer) lin. 41s. 69.08

One-Lap Handicap Winners

Unlimited : .r. F. Parker (2,120 C,r, Lancia) 405. 72.18 m.p.h.

Unlimited : E. Eligood (2.996 (..c. l’olitley) 28s. 6,9.85 m.p.h. 2.000 c.c. : J. Aldingtim (1,979 FrazerNas11-13.M.W.) owes Ss. 56.77 1,500 c.c. : 1. Peters (1.10(1 c.c. Fraz,er-Xash) 14s. 76.41

1,100 c.c. : .1. F. Lturibert 4972 e.e. Singer) 27s. 04.17 m.p.h.

850 c.c. : D. N. Leon (817 eM. M.G. Midget, S.) S. 71.110 m.p.h.

Team Relay Handicap

c. Ilaker-Ceur (1,487 cc. Bentley), H. W. W [‘arty (6.597 e.e. trio). and (‘. N. C. Rabagliat (6.597 0•,.11(14.10.31), frOM scratch. 83.56 tf..p.h