


A.C. British. A.G. (A cedes) Cars, Ltd., Thames • Ditton, Surrey. ” ” 6

” Ace ” Special short 2-seater Sports. 6 cyl., 65 x 100, 1,991 c.c., 15.7 h.p. Tax £12. Overhead valves operated by eccentric base camshaft driven by silent chain. Comp. rat io 71 to 1. 5 bearing crankshaft. 80 b.h.p. at 4,250 revs. Centrifugal water pump cooling. 3 S.U. carburetters. 3 point engine mounting, s.d.p..clutch. 4 speed gearbox, central control. Ratios 15.3, 10, 5.7, 4.25 to 1. Road speed at 1,000

r.p.m. 1st 6, 2nd 9.1, 3rd 14.6, 4th 19.7 m.p.h. Maximum speed, let 26, 2nd 42, 3rd 64, 4th 90 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel drive axle. 1-elliptic springs. Andre shock absorbers. Cam steering.

Turning circle 36′. 13endix duo-servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 72 a.h. 20 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels, Tyres 29x 5.00. Wheelbase 8′ 10″. Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 8″. Weight 101 cwt. Price £4 2. “Ace “4-seater Sports. 6 cyl., 65 x 100, 1,991 c.c., 15.7 h.p. Tax £12. Comp. ratio 111 to 1. 5 bearing crankshaft. 72 b.h.p. at 4,250 revs. Centrifugal water pump cooling. 3 S.U. carburetters. 3 point engine mounting, single plate clutch. 4 speed gearbox, central control. Ratios 16.2, 9.5, 6.17, 4.5 to 1. Road speeds at 1,000 r.p.m. 1st 5.1, 2nd 8.8., 3rd 13.5 4th 18.6 m.p.h. Maximum speeds. 1st 18,

2nd ’36, 3rd 60, 4th 85 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel drive axle. 1-elliptic springs. Hartford friction shock absorbers. Worm steering. Turning circle 36′ fr. Duo-servo brakes. Battery 12 v. 72 a.h. 10 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 24125 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 29 x 5.00. Wheelbase 9′ 7 . Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 8″. Weight 20 cwt. Price £445.

Anyone who has watched reliability trials must have noticed the way in which ancient A.C. cars, ten years old or more, have put many modern cars to shame, thanks to their light weight and the ample power from the old six-cylinder engine. The announcement of a short chassis A.C. makes it possible to employ the high power of the present-day three carburetter unit to even better effect, and the claim of the makers that the car will go anywhere that the wheels will grip should be well substantiated. Although specifically designed for trials work, the new 2-seater should prove an equal success on the open road and a speed of go m.p.h. is quoted.

The other models remain unchanged, while some interesting new bodies have been produced. Prices have been greatly reduced all round and particulars of these will be found elsewhere in this issue.

ALTA British. Alta Car and Engineering Co., Ltd., Fullers Way, Kingston By-Pass, Surbiton.

1,074 c.c. 4 cyl., 60 X 95, 9 h.p. Tax £6 15 0. Comp. ratio 7.3 or 7.9 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. B.h.p. at, maximum revs. : unsupercharged 70 at 5,200 r.p.m. supercharged, 140 at 5,800 r.p.m. Pump and radiator cooling. Carburetterst unsupercharged 2 S.U. Supercharged 1 S.U. 3 point engine mounting. E.N.V. Preselect 4 speed gearbox, central change. Maximum speed, 115-120 m.p.h. supercharged racing model. Hardy-Spicer propeller shaft. E.N.V. spiral bevel rear axle, straight bevel racing model. Springs, front 4-elliptic 31″. Rear 4-elliptic 24″. Luvax shock absorbers. Cam and lever steering. Turning circle 38′. 2 shoe cable operated brakes. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. Mechanical pump feed. Consumption unsupercharged 28 m.p.g. Supercharged

15 m.p.g. Rear petrol tank. Tyre size 5x 19 or 5.25 x 19. Wheelbase 8′. Track 4′ 2′. Ground clearance ‘7″. Weight 15 cwt. approx. Prices, 2 seater sports £450. 4 seater sports £465. Racing model (supercharged) £750.

14-litre. 4 cyl., 68.75x 100, 1,485 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax £9. 2 overhead Camshafts. Comp. ratio 7.3 or 7.9 to 1. :3 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. at 5,200 revs. unsupercharged. 140 b.h.p. at 5,800 supercharged. Pump and radiator cooling. -2 S.1:. car buretters, unsupercharged. 1 S. IT. carburetter supercharged. 3 point engine mounting. 4 speed E.N.V. Preselect gearbox. Central control. : lax imum speed : Supercharged raring model ii I 20

m.p.h. Hardy-Spicer propellor shaft. EN .V. spiral bevel rear axle, (straight bevel racing model). Springs, front Felliptic, rear 1-elliptic. Luvax shock absorbers. Cam and lever steering. Turning circle 38′. Battery 12 v. 6:3 a.h. 2 shoe cable operated brakes. Mechanical pump. Consumption, unsupe rcharged 28 m.p.g. Supercharged 15 m.p.g. Rea r

petrol tank. Tyre size 5x 19 touring, :±.21-1 19. racing. Wheelbase 8′. Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight of complete car 15 cwt. Prices 2 seater sports £450. 4 seater sports 1465. Racing model (supercharged) £750. 2-litre. 4 cyl. 79x 1.00, 1,996 c.c., 15 Tax £11 50. 0.h.c. cyl., ratio 6.9 or 8 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 85 b.h.p. at 5,000 r.p.m. unsuper

charged. 160 b.h.p. at 5,500 r.p.m. supercharged. Pump cooling. 1 8.1]. carburetter supercharged, 2 S.U. carburetters unsupercharged. 3 point rigid engine mounting. Preselector gearbox, central

change. 4 optional ratios. Open prop. shaft.

Straight bevel rear axle. 1-elliptic front springs, 1-elliptic rear. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Cam steering. Turning-circle 38′. Cable operated brakes. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. Rear tank, mechanical pump. Budge wheels. Tyres 17 x 6. Wheelbase 7′. Consumption unsupercharged 24 m.p.g. Supercharged 12 m.p.g. Track 4’2″. Ground clearance 7′. Weight of Complete car 151 cwt. Prices, 2 seater sports £470. 4 seater Sports £485. Supercharged raring model £775.

All three cars of the Alta range are of the same high efficiency type, with doubleoverhead camshaft engines, pre-selective gearboxes and low-slung chassis well adapted for the fitting of racing and supersports coachwork. A supercharger is standard on the r, too c.c. model, and may also be had on the two larger cars. The ri-litre car made its appearance at the end of the present season, and performed well at Brighton and at Shelsley Walsh, while the 1, Too c.c. cars have had several successes at Brooklands,

ALVIS British. The .Alvis Car Engineering Co., Ltd., Coventry.

Firebird. 4 cyl., 73 x 110, 1,842 c.c., 13.22 h.p. Pushrod, o.h.v. 61 b.b.p. at 4,300 r.p.m. 3 bearing crankshaft. Pump cooling. S.d.p. clutch. All synchro-mesh gearbox, central change. Comp. Ratio

5.22 to I. Fully floating spiral bevel rear axle. Springs. 1-elliptic front and rear. Turning circle

40′. Alvis self-emerging brakes. Battery 12 v. 63 a.h. 141 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels. Tyres 5.50>. 19. Wheelbase 9′ 101″. Track 4′ 4″. Ground clearance gr. Weight chassis 181 cwt. 4-seater sports 261 cwt. Price chassis £410. 4-seater sports £490. Silver Eagle. 6 cyl., 67.5 x110, 2,362 c.c., 16.95 h.p. Pushrod o.h.v. 4-elliptic springs front and rear. Turning circle 40′. 141 gallon rear tank. Tyres 5 x 20. Wheelbase 9′ 101″. 3 carburetters. Track 4′ 4″. Ground clearances 61″. Weight saloon

284 cwt., 4-seater sports 271 cwt. Price chassis £575. Speed Twenty. 6 cyl., 73-x 110, 2,762 c.c., 19,82 h.p. Tax £15. Pushrod o.h.v. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. 3 &U. carburetters. Special 3 point flexible engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. All synchro-mesh gearbox, central change. Independent front. wheel springing and steering. Hardy ‘Spicer enclosed prop. shaft. Fully floating spiral bevel rear axle. Springs, transverse independent front,

1-elliptic rear. Telecoutrol shock absorbers. Turning circle 40′. Alvis self-energising brakes. Battery 12 v. 75 a.h. 17 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Wire wheels. Tyrea 5.50 x 19. Wheelbase 10′ 4″. Track 4′ 8″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight chassis 2:3 cwt. 4-door saloon 314 cwt., 4-seater sports 294 cwt. Price chassis £600, 4-door saloon £85024-seater sports E700. Price at works in Great Britain.

The big event on the Alvis programme is of course the nay 31-litre model. Full details of this striking car appear elsewhere in this issue.

The Speed Twenty, a handsome and fast car on which one can put up high averages with the minimum of effort is for 1936 only changed in slight details of equipment. The same applies to the Silver Eagle Sixteen on which high speeds and economical operation are well combined. Small but important alterations have been made to the steering and suspension which improve control and riding comfort, while no changes have been found necessary on the Firebird, the descendent of the 4-cylinder which established the reputation of the Alvis make.

ASTON-MARTI N British. Aston-Marlin Ltd., Felt ham, Middlesex.

Mark EL 4 cyl., 60 x 09, 1,495 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax £9. 0.11.e. Comp. ratio 7.5 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. at 4,750 r.p.m. Pump and thermo-syphon cooling. Two S.U. carburetters. Silent-bloc engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed straight tooth gearbox. Central change. Ratios 12.9, 8.1, 5.91, 4.66 to 1. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m. let 6.51, 2nd 10.4, 3rd 14.2, top 18.1 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 32, 2nd 52, 3rd 71, top 90 m.p.h. Spiral bevel rear axle. 1-elliptic springs. Hartford Duplex shock absorbers. Cam type steering. Turning circle 41′ approx., 38′ short chassis. Directly operated brakes through cables and rods. Batter 12 V. 63 a.h. Rear tank, 214 seater, 13 gallons, 4 seater and saloon 11 gallons. 2 electric pumps. Consumption 26 m.p.g. Budge wire wheels. Tyres 5.27) 18. Wheelbase, 2/4 seater 8′ 7″, 4 seater and

s;1I 10′. Track 4′ 4″. Ground clearance 6″. Weight of complete car, 2/4 seater 20 cwt., 4 seater 22 cwt., saloon 24 cwt. Price, 2/4 seater £610, 4 seater £640, saloon £700. Consistent participation in races at ‘home and abroad has failed to reveal any weakness in the Aston-Martin design, and the Mark II chassis is continued without alteration for 1936. The robust single-overh-ead camshaft engine produces 70 h.p. without a trace of vibration and an unfailing So m.p.h. can be achieved on the .2-4-seater Car which is the

standard model. A long-chassis model with a wheelbase of io feet is also produced, and which allows full four-seater or saloon coachwork to be fitted.

The .1,71ster road-racing car is identical in specification with the Mark II except for having a higher compression and. a streamlined racing body. A road-test of this car appears On another page.

AUSTIN British. The Austin „I °for Co-., Longbridge, Birmingham.

Nippy. 4 eyi., 56X 76, 747.5 cx., 7.8 h.p. Tax £6. S.v. Comp. ratio 5.8 to 1. 2 bearing crankshaft. 21 b.li.p.’at 4,000 r.p.m. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. One Zenith down-draught carburetter. 4 point insulated engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch, 4 speed gearbox synehro,mesh. 2nd, 3rd and top, central change. Ratios 21.9, 13.3, 8.38, 5.6 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 3.29, 2nd 5.69, 3rd 9.02, top 13.44 m.p.h. / floating rear axle, spiral beret Springs, front semi-elliptic transverse rear 1-elliptic. Friction shock absorbers. Worm and worm wheel steering. Turning circle 33′. Direct

AJpOratpd brakes. Battery 6 v. 51 a.h. 5 gallon rear tank, pilule feed. Magna wheels. ‘Tyres 3.50 x19. Wheelbase 6′ 9. Track 3’ 1″. Oren-rid clearance 5/”. Weight 9/ .cwt. Price : Sports 2-seater 1142. Ripley. 4 cyl., 63.5 89, 1,125 c.c., 9.9 11.p. Tax 17 10 0. S.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 3 bearing

crankshaft. 30 b.h.p. at 3,800 r.p.m. Thermosyphon and fan cooling. One Zenith down-draught. carburetter. 3 point insulated engine mounting. .S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, synehro,mesh 2nd,

3rd and top, central change. Ratios 18.9, 11.39, 7.19 and top 5.25 to I. Road speed at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 4.03, 2nd 6.69, 3rd 10.58, top 14.50 m.p.h. Open prop. shaft. I floating rear aXle, spiral bevel. Semielliptic springs, friction and hydratilie shock absorbers. Worm and worm wheel steering. Turning circle 37′. Direct operated brakes. Battery 12 v. Tin .a.h. 6 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Magna wheels. Tyres 4.50>c 18. Wheelbase 7′ 9″. Track 3′ 9′. Ground clearance • 6i”. Price : Open sports tourer, 1215.

The Austin Seven was the pioneer of the small sports-car, and the modern version, with its low chassis and underSlung front springing, is a stable and attractive little car well suited for fast travel on present-day crowded roads. Not least amongst its attributes is the modest price of j142.

The larger car, the Ripley Sports tourer on the Ten chassis, gives a similar performance, but provides cbmfortable 1-00111 for four people. In saloon form the Standard Ten horse-power car is capable of speeds exceeding 00 m.p.h., so this new model with specially tuned engine should give a good account of itself.

BENTLEY British. Bentley Motors 0934 Ltd., Conduit Street, London., U:. 1.

31.-Iitre. 6 cyl., 31″ ‘.=-; 4I!”, 3,669 re., 25.3 h.p.

,Tax 119 10 o. OIlY. Purim and fan cooling. 2 S.U. special carburet ters. S.d.p. clutch 4 speed gearbox, Synehro-mesii, right I ei tel change. Ratios 11.3, 7.088, 5.104, 4.1 to 1. Open prop. shaft. Fully floating back axle, hypoid gears wit h base differential. Semi-elliptic springs. Hydraulic shock absorbers of Rolls-Royce design. Worm and nut steering. urning circle right. 40′ 11′, left 39′ 7. (Ivo foot bra on four wheels, independent hand

brake on rear only. Battery 12 v. 18 gallon rear tank, electric pump. Wire wheels. Tyres 18″ x Wheelbase 10′ 6″. Track 4′ 8″. Weight of chassis 2,510 Das, Price : chassis i’,1,100. The high ideals of reliabilitv and silence inherent in the name of Rolls-Royce and the delights of dri‘ ing a fast, light, and perfectly balanced motor-car have resulted

in the production of the lit re Bentley, which continues to gain in reputation in England and abroad, and is so well deseribed by the phrase ” The Silent Sports Car.”

By using a powerful yet perfectly smooth engine in a chassis the veight Of which has been reduced by perfected design and the use of the latest high-duty steels and alloy, it has been found possible to produce a` car Which runs easily from a crawl to speeds round 90 m.p.h. with open or closed coachwork. and under these conditions high speed travel is seen at its best by driver and passenger alike. On the latest cars a steering wheel control allows-the resistance of the shockabsorbers to be varied td suit the roadsurface, the load and the speed of the car. The oil pressure which does the regulating is derived from a gearbox-driven pump which increases the damping as the speed of the car rises.

MERCEDES-BENZ German. British .1Iercedes Benz Ltd., Grosvenor Road, London, S. W. r.

Type 500. 8 cyl. Supercharged, 86 x 108, 5,018

ex., 37 h.p. Tax 127 15 0. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.5 to 1. 100 b.h.p. without supercharger, 160 b.h.p. wit It supercharger at 3,400 r.p.m. s bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. Two Mercedes carburetters. 4 point elastic engine mounting. S.(1.p. clutch. 4 speed gearbox, with over-top, silent third

and second, central change: 5 gears including over-top, plus reverse. Rear axle ratios, direct top 4.88 to 1, overtop 3.03 to 1. Waging half axles. .11ilferential easing direct on frame with rubber buffers. independent coil springing front and rear. Hydraulic shock absorbers. Worm and nut steering, each wheel individually. Turning circle 40′ 8″. Lockheed brakes, servo assisted. Battery 12 v. 75 a.b. 24 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 10/11 m.p.g. Wire wheels. Tyres 6.50 x 17. Wheelbase 10′ or. Track 4′ II”. Ground clearance 7r.

Weight of complete car 15 cwt. Price, chassis 11,395, with any standard body 11,890. Special shorts roadster 12,200.

Always a name to conjure with in the realm of fast supercharged sports cars, the 5-litre Mercedes-Benz has all the features which make for fast long distance travel. A slow-speed engine, furnished with a supercharger which can be cut in when accelerating up to the cruising speed desired, gives, in conjunction with a special gearbox with a silent running over-top gear, a touring gait without disturbing driver or passengers and an all-out speed of well over too m.p.h. The chassis is outstandingly rigid and is of boxsection throughout and With all four wheels independently sprung the car can be run at high speed over indifferent roads without the car or the occupants suffering,

The sporting driver will probably prefer the striking ” roadster ‘ or 2seater body, but in addition there is a fine range of drop-head coupes which combine full weather protection with the advantages of an open car.

BRITISH SALMSON British. British Sahnson Aero Engines Ltd., 1?aynes Park, London, S. W.20

20/90. 6 cyl. 75 x 98, 2,596 21 h.p. Tax 116. Two overhead camshafts. Comp. ratio 6.1 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft, 90 b.h.p. at maximum revs. Thermo-syphon and fan cooling. Two S.U. car buretters. Engine mounted on rubber blocks. Borg and Beck single plate clutch. British Salmon. 4 speed gearbox, synchro mesh 3rd and 4th, central change. Ratios 15.88, 8.22, 6.38, 4.5 to 1. Road speeds at 1,000 r. p.m. 1st 4.5, 2nd 9, 3rd 12.4, 4th 17.5. Maximum speeds, 1st 23, 2tal 46.5, 3rd 64, 4th 99 m.p.h. Semi-floating rear a x Spriugs, transverse

front, /-elliptie rear. Frict ion shock abSorhers. Turning circle 29′ 6″. 11taiilix hand and ikait brakes. Battery 12 v. 90 a.h. 15 gallon rear tank, pump feed. Consumption 22 m.p.g. PresSed steel wheels. Tyres

150 40 Wheeiblise 9 4i”. Track 4 31′ Ground clearance 7″. Weight of complete car 23 cwt. Prices, chassis 1500. Sports 2 seater 2645. 12/70. 4 cyl., 69 x 98, 1,470 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax 19. Two overhead camshafts. Comp. ratio 6.1 to 1. 3 bearing crankshaft. 70 b.h.p. at. maximum revs. Thermo-syphon cooling. 1 Solex carburetter. Borg and Beck single plate clutch. British Salmson 4 speed gearbox. Synehro mesh on 3rd and 4th. Ratios 15.95, 8.1, 4.75 to 1. Road speed at 1,000

r.p.m. 1st 5.2, 2nd 8.25, 3rd 11.5 4th 16.5 m.p.h. Maximum speeds, 1st 25, 2nd 40, 3rd 56, 4th 80 m.p.h. Torque tube drop shaft. Semi-floating rear axle. Springs, 1-elliptic front, 1-elliptic rear. Friction shock absorbers. Mattes steering. Turning circle 37′. Bendix brakes. Battery 12 v. 90 amp. Pump feed. (Amisuniption 28 m.p.g. 10 gallon rear, tank:. Rudge Whitworth wheels. Tyres 4.75x 18. Wheelbase 9′ 24″. Track 4′ 2″. Ground clearance 7″. Weight of complete car 22 cwt. Price, 2 seater sports 1395. Chassis 1305. 12/55. 4 cyl., 69 x 98, 1,470 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax 29 • Comp. ratio 5.6 to!. 3 bearing crankshaft. 55 b.h.p at maximum revs. Thermo-syphon cooling. 1 Solex carburetter. Engine mounted on rubber

blocks. Borg and Beck single plate clutch. 4 speed gearbox synchro-mesh 3rd and 4th, central change.

Ratios, 16.5, 10.4, 7.4, 5.2 to 1. Road speeds at 1,000 r.p.m., 1st 5, 2nd 7.75, 3rd 11, 4th 15.5 m.p.h. Maximum speeds 1st 22.5, 2nd 35, 3rd 50, 4th 70 m.p.h. Semi-floating rear axle. Springs, 4-elliptic front, 4-elliptic rear. Friction type shock absorbers. Mules steering. Turning circle 37′. Bendix brakes. Battery 12 v. 90 amp. Pump feed. Consumption 30 m.p.g. 10 gallon rear tank. Rudge ‘Whitworth wire wheels. Tyres 5 x 18. Wheelbase 9′ 24″. Track 4’ 21. Ground clearance r. Weight of complete car 23 cwt. Prices, chassis £295. Full length saloon £395. Close coupled saloon £395. Foursome coupe £395, 4 seater tourer 9.365.

British Samson cars are built in the same factory and under the same conditions as the equally well-known aero engines, and practically every part of the car is hand-made at the Raynes Park factory. For 1936 there is an important addition to the range of models, the 20-90 h.p. six-cylinder car.

Following the design of the smaller model, the engine has two overhead camshafts, two carburetters, and various other points which make for high power output, while the gearbox is fitted with a perfected form of synchro-mesh mechanism. The independent suspension of the front wheels is carried out very neatly, with a transverse leaf spring beneath the chassis, and pressed-steel links which embody friction shock absorbers acting as parallel arms. A 2-4-seater body with very sporting lines is available on this car.

The four-cylinder models are unchanged, but a novel type of 2-seater with unusual luggage space under the hood will appeal to the sporting motorist who covers large mileages at a distance from his headquarters.

FRA1ZER-N ASH British. A. F. N. Ltd., Falcon Works, London Road, Isleworth, and 32, Grosvenor Street, London, W.I.

“Reply.” 6 cyl., 65x 100, 1,911 c.c., 15.71 h.p. Tax f.12. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.8 to 1. 4 bear ing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. 3 Solex carburetters. S.d.p. clutch. Chain drive, right hand gear change. Ratios optional. Solid rear axle. 4-elliptic springs, front and rear. Harttord duplex shock absorbers. New pattern

F.N. cam steering. Turning circle 34′. 12″ brake drums, mechanically operated. Battery 12 v. 75 a.h. 12 gallon rear tank, electric pump or hand feed. Racing wire wheels. Wheelbase 8′ 6″. Track, front 4′, rear 3′ 6″. Price £425. ” Colmore ” 3-4-seater. 6 cyl., 60 x 97, 1,657 c.c., 14 h.p. Tax 110 100. Twin overhead camshaft. 5 bearing crankshaft. 2 S.U. carburetters. 3 point cushioned engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch, right hand gear change. Chain drive. Solid rear axle, f-elliptic springs, front and rear. Hartford duplex shock absorbers, front and rear. ‘KN. cam steering. 14″ brake drums, cable operated. 12 gallon rear tank,

Racing wire wheels. Track 4′ front, rear 3′ 6″. Price 1050. Alternative with 12 h.p. twin overhead camshaft 6 cyl. engine £625.

” Shelsley ” Supercharged. 4 cyl,, 60 x 100, 1,490 c.c., 12 h.p. Tax £9. Single overhead camshaft .

3 bearing crankshaft, water cooled. Twin Centric superchargers with single large 8.11. carburetter, S.d.p. clutch. Chain drive, right hand gear change. Solid rear axle. Hartford duplex shock absorbers. F.N. earn steering. Turning circle 84′. le brake tirunis. Bosch Battery. 17 gallon rear petrol tank, pressure. and 5.11. pinup feed. Racing wire wheels. Tyres Dunlop Fort 90. Wheelbase 9′. Track, front 4′, rear 3′ (1″. Price 1850 with T.T. 1036 Replica body. Frazer-Nash-B.K.W. Type 84, Saloon. 6,cyl. 58x 94, 1,490 c.c., 12.51 h.p. Tax £9 15 0. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.6 to 1. 4 bearing crankshaft. Pump and fan cooling. Twin Soles: carburetters,

4 point cushioned engine mounting. clutch.

4 speed syncro-mesh gearbox. Central change. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. Springs, front independent, rear semi-elliptic. Independent high geared steering. Turning circle 29′ 3″. Internal

expanding cable operated brakes. Consumption 30 m.p.g. Wire or disc wheels. Tires 5.25 x 16. Wheelbase 8′. Track, front 3′ ur, rear 4′. Ground clearance 84″. Weight 164 cwt. Price £298. Frazer-Nash—B.M.W. Type 45 Saloon. 6 cyl.,

65 x 96, 1,911 c.c., 15.71 h.p. Tax £12. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 5.6 to 1. 8 bearing crankshaft.

Impeller pump and fan cooling. 2 Soler( carburetters. 4 peint cushioned engine mounting. S.d.p. clutch. 4 speed synchro-mesh gearbox, central change. Open prop. shaft. Spiral bevel rear axle. Springs, steering etc. as Type 34. Price £350. Frazer-Nash-B.M.W. Type 40, 2-seater sports. 6 cyl., 65 x 96, 1,911 c.c., 15.71 h.p. Tax £.12. Pushrod o.h.v. Comp. ratio 6.5 to 1. 3 bearing crank shaft. 3 Sole.x carburetters. Cooling. Engine =tutting, clutch speeds, gearbox, transmission, rear axle, springs, etc., as Type 34. 10 gallon front

petrol tank, Auto-pulse feed. Weight 144 ewt. Price £398.

Prazer-Nash-B.M.W. Type 55, 2-seater sports. As type 40, with the following exceptions. Comp. ratio 6.8 to 1. Ground clearance 84″. Weight 144 cwt. Price £400.

Racing, reliability trials and years of testing on the road have been responsible for Frazer-Nash design, and for 1936 there will be the same wide range of fast sporting cars, any of which can be modified in specification to suit the requirements of the individual owner.

All models are notable for their high power-weight ratio and the unique chain drive which gives a direct gear on every ratio, any one of which can be quickly changed for the work in hand without disturbing the others. Two types of engine are available, four-cylinder type, a r–litre unit with a single overhead camshaft and the 1,657 c.c. unit, a six with two overhead camshafts. In addition to the models listed above there is the T.T. Replica car which costs with the four-cylinder engine L65o. The supercharged Shelsley model a car which exceeds ioo m.p.h. in touring trim, is another striking production.

The B.M.W. range is of more touring character, with exceptionally good road holding and suspension ; the 2-litre open sports model has a performance quite unexpected in such a sturdily built car.

Owing to pressure on space a number of specifications have unavoidably had to be held over until the November issue.