

The fourth Circuit of Modena was held on September 15„ and attracted an all

I talian entry of drivers. The only ” foreign ” car in the field was Cecchini’s M.G. Magnette, in the 1,100 c.c. class. There were two races. In the first, the 1,100 c.c. and 1,500 c.c. cars battled together, . while the ” bolides ” had a special race afterwards.

The small car race was delayed a little owing to a heated discussion between the officials and, a driver named Sandrolino, whose entry was found to be out of order. Eventually the officials won, and Sandrolino was not allowed to start. There were only ten cars On the line, but they gave a fine display. The lead was taken by Ippolito Berrone, with the red Maserati he drove at Dieppe.

The story of the race consisted in a number of challenges thrown out to Berrone, all of which lie warded off with the assistance of superior reliability on the part of his Maserati. The first to menace his lead was Guido Barbieri, who had made a had start, but soon worked his way into second place. In doing so he put in a very rapid lap at 1 min: 54 secs., which was duly applauded by the crowd. For some time the order had been Berrone, I3ianco, and Barbieri, all on Maseratis, but Bianco dashed off the road at a corner and had to tetire. This put Barbieri into second place, and after 10 laps (the race was 25), the order was Berrone, Barbieri, Tuffanelli, Cecchini (M.G.), Rovere,. Taruffi, Plat, Bergamini and Panzacchi. Barbieri ‘s retirement was caused through mechanical trouble, and now came an interesting tussle between Berrone and

Tuffanelli. The latter was driving a 1,100 c.c. Maserati as against I3errone’s 1,500 c.c. car, but in spite of this the former began to pick up ground steadily. Meanwhile Cecchini retired.

With only five lops to go Tuffanelli was a mere 4 secs. behind Berrone, who was anxious to avoid being passed by a smaller car.


25 Laps of 3 km. 200 Circuit. 80 kilometers. 1.100 c.c.-1, Tuffanelli (Maserati), 49m. 54s. ;

96.:42-1 ; 2, Bergantint (Maserati), 1 lap behind ; 3, Tana (Maserati), 2 law* behind.

1.500 e.e.-1. Berrone (Maserati). 49m. 40s., 96.644 k.pJi. ; 2. Plate (Talbot.), 2 laps behind.

Fastest Laps.

1,100 e.e.-Tutfartelli on his 14th, int. 57.6s. 1,500 c.c.-13arbierl on his 3rd, ita. 54.6s.

Considerable excitement had reigned before the big race at the umour that Varzi was going to drive a V8 Maserati. Nuvolari versus Varzi in the Ferrari home-town would be a scrap worth going miles to see !

As it happened, however, this fight was cancelled owing to the car not being ready, and the eight cars on the starting line consisted of Six Ferrari-owned AlfaRomeos opposed by Farina’s Maserati, and Romano’s Bugatti.

The start was again at 4.5 p.m., and Farina made one of his characteristic lightning getaways, leading at the end of the first lap from Marinoni. Nuvolari seemed to be in no hurry, and was lying sixth.

On the second, lap, however, he devoured Pintacuda, Brivio and Comotti ” just like that,” and was tailing Marinoni. These positions were unchanged on the third lap, when the news came through that Pintacuda had crashed into the post of a big wireless aerial on a corner, and had turned right round. He managed to restart after losing a minute. On the fourth lap Nuvolari passed little Marinoni, the. Ferrari chief-mechanic, and was now only 8 seconds behind Farina. On the fifth lap Nuvolari gained a second, and yet another on the sixth. On the following circuit he gave the crowd a big thrill by passing: Farina on the

straight in front of the stands. Tie cheers died down, however, when it was seen that Farina was pulling into the pits. Thus the only Maserati passed out of the race and Alfa Romeos had the course to themselves. Antonio Brivio was now second to Nuvolari, and behind him in turn came Tadini and Marinoni. Gradually the first three closed up, and on the twentieth lap there was terrific excitement when Nuvolari was passed by both Brivio and

Tadini. Five laps later he was back again in the lead, and Tadini had passed Brivio. Pintacuda was making fine progress .after his accident, and on the thirty-ninth lap he succeeded in wresting fourth place from Marinoni, and soon afterwards third place from Brivio.

RESULT. 60 Laos of 3 km. 200. Total 192 km. 1. Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo), 111. 47m, 575. 106.070

; 2. Tadini (Alfa-lionwo), lh. 48m. 12,4s.; 3. Pintacuda (Alfa-Romeo), lb. 48m. lOtt ; 4. Brislo (Alfa-Romeo), lb. 48m. 22.4s.; 5, Romano (Bugatti), 10 laps behind. Fastest lap by Nuvolari on his 44th, in lm. 4 4