


To beat Nuvolari by 17 seconds in a hill-climb is a feat of which anyone may

justly be proud. By doing so, Mario Tadini has established himself for all time as one of the finest hill-climbing exponents.

The scene of his exploit was the Stelvio Pass, that superb mountain road, in the Italian Alps. Actually, there are 13 corners on the first stretch, which is followed by a straight piece of road, as at Klausen.

Tadi,ni never made a mistake. He has won the Stelvio hill-climb for several years past, but the opposition on those occasions was not as difficult as that last month. However, he succeeded in beating his own record by 45 seconds, and thoroughly deserved his victory. Second place was taken by Tazio Nuvolari, his team-mate driving a similar Alfa-Romeo. Pietro Dusio (Maserati), made the best performance of his short career by making third fastest time, only 4 seconds slower than Nuvolari. Fourth was Hans Ruesch, on another Maserati, and fifth the miserable Achille Varzi, on an Auto-Union. Varzi had a tough job taking .the long German car to the top. The Auto-Union was hopeless on the hairpins, and he had to reverse on five of them. He made up some time on the straight, but he was a weary man when he reached the summit. His discomfiture delighted the Italian spectators, who loudly proclaimed the virtues of the Alfas and Maseratis to the detriment of the German car. So offensive did their demonstration become that the announcer was constrained to broadcast an appeal

for order and sportsmanship. There might have been a different tale to tell had a Mercedes-Benz been on the scene.

Only one British car took part, an M.G. Magnette driven by Cecchini. It acquitted itself handsomely by winning the 1,100 c.c. racing class in 15 minutes 31.97 seconds.

RESULTS. Racing. 1,100 o.e.-1, Cecchini .), 15M. 31.97s. ; 2, Bergamlni (Maserati), 16m. 20.66s. ; 3, Musso (Fiat), 22m. 46.21s. 7

1,500 c.o.-1, Bianco (Maserati), 14m. 46.058.; 2, Tuffauelli (Maserati), 14m. 54.57s.; Berrone (Masora% 14m. 59.40s.; Castelbarco (Maserati), 15in. 25.98s.; 5, Vistnara (C.T.V.), 16m. 53.24s. 2,000 o.e.-1, Furnagalli (Bugatti), 15m. 49.16s. and Querciolo (Maserati), 15m. 49.16s.; 3, Romano (Bugatti), 18m. 4.07s.

Over 2,000 e.o.-1, Tadini (Alfa-Romeo), 14m. 15.54s. ; 2, Nuvolari (Alfa-Romeo), 14m. 32.70s.; 3, Duslo (Maserati), 14m. 30.18s.; 4, Ruesch (Maserati), 14m. 45.69s. ; 5, Varzi (Auto-Union), 14na. 51.61s.


1,100 a.e.-1, Gilera (Fiat), 16m. 1.73s.; 2, Taruffi (Maserati), 16m. 24.35s.; 3, Beccaria (Flat), 16m. 39.12s.: 1, Villoresi (Flat), 17m. 26.84s.; 5, Peron’ (Fiat), 17111. 38.7a.; 6, Monici (Fiat), 20m. 26.05s.

1.500 e.o.-1, Litran1 (Maserati), 14m. 57.63s. 2. Barbieri (B.P.M.) 15m. 10.818.; 3, Carnevall (Butattti), 16m. 19.37s.

2.000 c.c-L, Pertile (Alfa-Romeo-Bugatti), 16m. 27.55s.; 2, Arezzi (Alfa-Romeo), 16m. 45.88a.’ 3, Castellano (Alfa-Romeo), 17m. 11.21s.; 4, Rani (Alfa-Romeo), 17m. 52.66s. ; 5, Gessner (Alfa-Romeo), 18m. 7.60s.; 6, Signorina Rosso (Alfa-Romeo), t8m. 48.52s.

Over 2,000 o.o.-1, Pintactula (Alfa-Romeo), 14m. 39.42s.; 2, Minozzi (Alfa-Romeo), 15m. 21.11s. • 3, lielmondo (Alfa-Rotne,o), 15In. 23.74s.; 4, De Pretz (Alfa-Romeo), 16m. 30.718.; 6, Muss° (Alfa. Romeo), 16m. 59.48s.; 6, Berlioz() (Bugatti), 18m. 21.27s.