

Fastest time by Stuck (Auto-Union), but Seaman (E.R.A.) is only one k.p.h. slower

The Freiburg hill-climb is regarded in Germany as a Grand Prix, being the premier mountain race on their national calendar. The hill itself is 12 kilometers in length and is actually situated at Schauinsland, near Freiburg-en-Brisgau. The event was held on Sunday, September 1, which turned out to be a glori

ous day. The sun shone with terrific intensity from a cloudless sky, and the 40,000 spectators who lined the bill were hard put to it to find some shade.

Most of the corners had been re-laid specially for the event, but the binding agent used was not sufficient to prevent the surface from breaking up badly under the sliding wheels of the racing cars. This circumstance greatly favoured the smaller cars, with some surprising results. Fastest time of the day was made according to expectations, by Hans Stuck,

with an Auto-Union. His time was 8 minutes 24.1 seconds, an average speed of 85.6 k.p.h., some 3 k.p.h. slower than his record made last year. He narrowly averted being beaten by Richard Seaman, whose 1,500 c.c. E.R.A. was only one k.p.h. slower ! His performance absolutely astonished the spectators, who could hardly believe their ears when the times were announced. Raymond Mays was 11 seconds slower than Seaman, due to a spectacular skid on one Of the corners. Seaman’s time was the second fastest of the day, and he had the satisfaction of beating such an experienced hill-climber as Renato Balestrero, driving a 3-litre Al fa-Romeo. Equally astonishing was the perform ance of Bobby Kohlrausch, whose 750 c.c. M.G was also faster than Balestrero’s

Alfa-Romeo! Another M.G., driven by Brudes, easily own the 1,100 c.c. sports class, so that altogether British cars won !hree classes out of eight.



1,100 c.c. — 1, Kohlrausch (M.G.), Om. 7.1s. 2, Balmier (Austin), Om. 18.0s.

1,500 e.o.-1, Seaman (E.R.A.), 8m. 25.1s.; 2, Mays (E.B.A.). 8m. 36.8s. ; 3, Kessler (MaseratO, 8m. 52.1s.

3,000 Balestrero (Alfa-Romeo), 9m. 9.9s.; 2, \*homer (Bugatti), Oin. 14.1s.

Over 3.000 c.o.-1, Stuck (Auto-Union) 8m. 24.1s.


1,100 c.c.-1. Brudes (M.G.), Urn. 22.3s.; 2, Briem (Amilcar). Otn. 54.5s.

1,500 c.c.—t, Septa (Bugatti), Om. 40.2s. 2,000 c.c.—l. Kautz (Alfa-Romeo), Om. 41s.

Over 2,000 c.c.-1, Pohl (Bugatti), 9m. 1.0s. 2, P4t1(,st rern (Ails-Romeo), Urn. 8.78.