
THE AUSTIN MOTOR CLUB The ” Cavendish Cup ” Trial will be

The ” Cup Trial will be held on Oct. 5th, starting and finishing at the Burford Bridge Hotel, and covering a 25-mile course involving time checks, observed hills, an acceleration test, and a brake-test. Driving tests will be arranged between tea and supper, to be taken at The Burford Bridge Hotel. Details from the Hon. Sec., H. E. Cavendish, 72, Park Hill, London, S.W.4.

B.A.R.C. The last Brooklands Meeting of 1935 will start at 2 p.m. on Oct. 19th. Mountain races will figure prominently, but a few outer-circuit handicaps will also be contested. The big race of the afternoon will be The Mountain Championship, which in 1934 was won by Whitney Straight’s Maserati. Admission will be 3s., 6d., children 2s., and cars may be parked from 2s. 6d. Several new cars are expected to make an initial appearance, including Capt. Shipwright’s 130

m.p.h. Ballot-Shipwright Special ; J.

Lemon-Burton’s 3.1 litre supercharged Grand Prix Bugatti, and R. J. Munday’s 2.7-litre Diesel-engined Thomas Special. Visitors to The Motor Show will find this meeting a pleasant change from Olympian crowds.


Count Trossi’s astounding new racing car, which has a radial engine at the front of the chassis, has been most carefully designed, and is expected to give a good account of itself when properly tuned-up. The unusual form of engine is supercharged with two M.160-type Zoller compressors, which give a swept-volume of 25,000 litres per minute when running at maximum speed. On this basis the engine may be expected to develop considerably more than 300 b.h.p. The compressors were supplied by Messrs. M. A. McEvoy, Ltd., of Derby.

INTERNATIONAL CALENDAR The Automobile Club announces

The Royal Automobile Club announces that the following dates have been allot

May 30. France. French Grand Prix, June 28. Belgium. Belgian Grand Prix, July 12. Germany. German Grand Prix, July 26. Switzerland. Swiss Grand Prix, Aug. 23. Gt. Britain. Tourist Trophy Race, Sept. 5. Italy. Italian Grand Prix, September 13. Spain. Spanish Grand Prix, September 27. In addition the following priority International dates were agreed for 1936 :— South Africa. South African Grand Prix,

January 1.

Swed▪ en. Winter Grand Prix, Feb. 23. Hungary. Hungarian Grand Prix, May 10. Brazil. … … Rio Grand Prix, June 7. Irish Free State. To be nominated Aug. 3. Czecho-Slovakia. Grand Prix Masaryk,

May 17 or October 4. Ruma• nia. Feleac Speed Event, October 4 ted by the International Sporting Commission to the various countries concerned for the principal International Races in 1936 :

Monaco. Grand Prix de Monaco April 13. United States of America. Indianapolis 500 miles …